AmigaActive (451/1286)

From:Lewis Brunton
Date:11 Aug 2001 at 12:43:04
Subject:Simm stuff!

Hi all,

After days worth of exhausting testing I have found out that the problems I
was having with my cdrw and abackup were caused by the RAM in my Apollo

The simm in question is a 32Mb EDO. Yesterday I also tried a FPM 32Mb simm,
this would crash when setpatch was run, although other programs would run
fine when booting with no Startup-sequence!

I am at a loss as to what to do next. All programs that have a small/medium
memory footprint run fine. anything which allocates a large chunk of memory
has problems - i.e. MakeCD, abackup, shapeshifter. The strange thing is
that using a 4Mb and an 8Mb that I also have things are okay.

As ever any ideas?



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