AmigaActive (477/1286)

From:Jason Monk
Date:12 Aug 2001 at 11:37:58
Subject:Re: Turboprint Upgrade?

Hello Tony

On 11-Aug-01, you wrote:

> On 12-Aug-01 Jason wrote about [amigactive] Re: Turboprint Upgrade?
> JM:-> Have you tried
> JM:->
> JM:-> Till next time.
> JM:-> Dom...
> JM:- Yep, tried there thanks Dom. Upgrades from 7.10 to 7.16 and
> 7.18 as JM:- far as I could see. I think v7.10 was the last full
> version...or JM:- something. Looks like £40.00 is on it`s way out of
> the bank again...
> JM:- Regards
> You are after the 7.1 upgrade. Once you have that you can use the
> website upgrades to the latest version.
> Email IrseeSoft direct. I bought the upgrade from 7.06 to 7.1 from
> them directly and it was really inexpensive.
> Cheers :-)

Cheers Tony, I`ll look into it.



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