AmigaActive (543/1286)

From:Sam Thomas
Date:14 Aug 2001 at 21:23:29
Subject:Re: Mediator Drivers (was Re: 40 Years. Lord Haw Haw-Guy Fox-Lundy)

Hello Gareth

On 14-Aug-01, you wrote:

> But SoundBlaster cards? Surely in order for these to be of any use AHI
> drivers will also have to be written for them? Or do I misunderstand, and
> the drivers that Elbox are producing are for AHI?

As far as I know they are. I had a email from them ages ago and I *think* it
said that in it although I can not check back now as I lost that mail :-/ I
could ask them again but I dont honestly see much point in doing so since
they will be out shortly.

Besides, it would be just a tad bit daft to release a driver which isnt AHI
compatable. I'm sure Elbox have got the stuff correct :-)

> Cheers,
> GazChap.


Sam 'Stom' Thomas

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