AmigaActive (582/1286)

From:Sean Courtney
Date:15 Aug 2001 at 21:51:43
Subject:Re: Prelude to a MpegA problem?

JM> So, off I go, edit my script that I use to run MpegA to use the
JM> Prelude running through AHI (mode ID C0002, 16bit stereo ++ i think),
JM> save script. Run script, select mp3 file - Mpega window opens, file
JM> starts playing, no sound. File stops.

Try issuing the "preludereset" command. If that doesn't work, then it's
conceivable that your Prelude is overheating. I encountered similar
problems before, and on that suspicion, I put a CPU fan [and some silicon
grease] over the main chip on the Prelude board....forgot what it's called,
but Thomas Wenzel makes a big deal out of singing the praises of that chip.
:) I haven't experienced a single problem since putting the fan on.

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