AmigaActive (611/1286)

From:Alan Buxey
Date:16 Aug 2001 at 10:57:44
Subject:Re: Mediator Drivers (was Re: 40 Years. LordHawHaw-Guy Fox-Lundy)


> When I boot into Linux all I have is 1 hd and the CDRom available, and at the
> sloooow speed of the standard IDE i/f.
> But they dont seem to want to help anyone else but themselves.
> I dont know how many times that subject has come up on the linux-apus m/l?

53 times ;-)

its a big pity. someday someone will just reverse engineer the AmigaOS
driver system to get around Elbox's strange behaviour :-|

oh, and dont expect the MediatorPCI BUS to have any LinuxAPUS support
until they DO change their modus operandi


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