AmigaActive (644/1286)

From:Kevin Twyman
Date:16 Aug 2001 at 18:42:34
Subject:Re: Upgrading Amiga

Hello Daniel,

On 15-Aug-01, you wrote:

> I'm not in a financial position for pointless brand loyalty these
> days.

Brand loyalty? I would suggest that's about the last reason
people still own and use Amigas these days.

It's more about making a statement that MicroSoft isn't the Be All and
End All of the computer world. That and the fact that it's still an
enjoyable machine to use....


Kevin - Est. 1949
A man with an Amiga A4000T CyberStormPPC 604e/233

Every so often, I like to stick my head out the window,
look up, and smile for a satellite picture.

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