AmigaActive (649/1286)

From:Alan Buxey
Date:16 Aug 2001 at 19:15:30
Subject:Re: Modem cable


> > different causes for different "it doesn't work"s.
> miami says " no dial tone

do you have an 'offhook' button on the modem? If so, when you activate, do
you hear the dial tone? have you tried a phone in that phone socket?

download TERM and try issuing commands such as ATZ and AT&I6
to the modem - see what results you get

do you get any activity lights when Miami tries to access the modem?

I, for one, would blame either 1) the cable going from modem to socket,
not the serial cable or 2)the modem. a lightning strike or surgespike down
the phone line can take out the Modulator circuitary


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