AmigaActive (656/1286)

From:Matthew Allatt
Date:16 Aug 2001 at 20:38:59
Subject:Re: Mediator Drivers (was Re: 40 Years. LordHawHaw-Guy Fox-Lundy)

Hello Alan

On 16-Aug-01, you wrote:

> its a big pity. someday someone will just reverse engineer the AmigaOS
> driver system to get around Elbox's strange behaviour :-|

> oh, and dont expect the MediatorPCI BUS to have any LinuxAPUS support
> until they DO change their modus operandi
Not in the short-term future, I don't think. They're very interested in
protecting their intellectual property. I had to sign a NDA to get the
Mediator SDK. I don't think there's one for the Flyer. I have one of those
as well.

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