AmigaActive (680/1286)

From:Nicholaus Darley-Jones
Date:17 Aug 2001 at 00:49:59
Subject:Re: Upgrading Amiga

Hello Antony

On 15-Aug-01, you wrote:

> My main deciding point is that I can get an A600 for free (and then
> pay for a CPU upgrade), or I can search and buy an A1200 (and probably
> in the end pay for a CPU upgrade for this too). My problem is that it
> is easy to put the A600 in a tower case, where as the A1200
> motherboard is as tall as the case is! I suppose on AGA you can run
> Quake and Payback and the rest of it, which would be nice (I'm sure my
> mates wouldn't pay out the Amiga if they saw it run something more
> than Test Drive II).

Definately get an A1200, I wouldn't entertain an A600. An A1200 can be
upgraded as much as you like, all the software (other than old games)
work, there is OS3.9 and accelerator cards that can be bought cheapish.....

You can pick up an A1200 from about £20, Analogic sell accelerators from
about £50, harddrives can be picked up for nothing. If you just want to
play old games that don't use AGA than get the A600, but otherwise get the
A1200. You'll be quite happy with just a harddrive and 16Meg of Fastram.



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