Blitz (110/218)

From:David McMinn
Date:18 Aug 2001 at 01:59:48
Subject:Re: GTScroller resolution

On 18 Aug 01, at 2:53, Thilo broke out long enough to write:

> > I will have a look at making the values for top, total and visible into
> > longwords - it should be OK, as I think the OS uses tham as longwords.

> You are the author of th GTGadget - fix, right ?


> Did you use words instead of longords for the GTScroller values ?

Not that I know of. I didn't change the GTScroller command at all (well, I
hope not).

> Is it possible to fix this ?

No, it is not possible. I just checked the gadtools autodocs, and the top,
total and visible are all used as WORD's, so it is the gadtools.library
which is limiting you to the range -32768 to +32767 (or maybe even only 0
to +32767??).

> > It's because you have visible set to 1. I just tried it using nothing but
> > the OS directly and it does the same thing, so that is not a bug in the
> > Blitz library.

> So what will be the correct values if I have 8 items, only 1 visible at each
> time and the scroller should be on top ?

I don't know. It doesn't seem to want to work by showing only 1 visible at
each time. I'll write another test program in C and make sure it is not
some problem with Blitz - I do not see why there should be any restriction
like that.

[) /\ \/ ][ [) |\/| c |\/| ][ |\| |\| | | ICQ=16827694

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