Blitz (111/218)

From:Thilo K�hler
Date:18 Aug 2001 at 14:29:43
Subject:Re: GTScroller resolution

Hello David

>> Is it possible to fix this ?
> No, it is not possible. I just checked the gadtools autodocs, and the top,
> total and visible are all used as WORD's, so it is the gadtools.library
> which is limiting you to the range -32768 to +32767 (or maybe even only 0
> to +32767??).
Damn ! I need the full longword range. I think I have to be creative then.

> I don't know. It doesn't seem to want to work by showing only 1 visible at
> each time. I'll write another test program in C and make sure it is not
> some problem with Blitz - I do not see why there should be any restriction
> like that.
Yes, thats strange.
But if I have the elements

0 - 1 - 2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7

Valid values would be

total = 8
visible = 1...8
top = 0...7

right ? Or would it be

top = 1...8



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