Blitz (124/218)

From:Steve Hargreaves
Date:20 Aug 2001 at 07:45:23
Subject:Re: Read Protection

On 20-Aug-01, Paul Bray said -

>PB It seems ReadFile returns true even if the file is
>PB read protected but then commands like Inkey$ causes
>PB a debugger error or crash if debugger is off,
>PB so is there a way to tell if a file is read protected?

I don't know about checking the protection bits of a file, but you could set the
protection bit before opening the file.

cmd$="C:Protect "+file$+" -r ADD"
Execute_ &cmd$,0,0
If ReadFile (1,file$)
The rest of your code....


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\\/ Sega Controller, & no hair.

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