Blitz (125/218)

From:David McMinn
Date:20 Aug 2001 at 09:15:39
Subject:Re: GTShape

Hi Thilo

> What do I have to do when I want a GTShape
> Gadget to be a toggle gadget (changing between
> two states instead of press-and-release).
> Cant find something in the autodocs. It must
> be a flag or a tag.

*g.Gadget = GTGadPtr(gtlist,id)
*g\Activation = *g\Activation | #GACT_TOGGLESELECT

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This is your father's lightsaber. When you absolutely, positively, have to
kill every motherf**kin' stormtrooper in the room... accept no substitutes.
- Samuel L. Jackson, Jedi

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