Blitz (132/218)

From:Steve Hargreaves
Date:22 Aug 2001 at 02:05:16
Subject:Re: EndSelect/Case/Default without Select

On 22-Aug-01, Thilo K�hler said -

>TK>> How can this error be produced at all !?
>TK>> I searched lots of hours but cant find a bug.
>TK> Try checking for nested select/end selects eg. a select block within
>TK> another select block
>TK The bug must be in the same function right ?

Yes and no. If you have an "If" without an "EndIf", or the "EndIf" outside the
function (same with While-Wend,Repeat-Until,Select-Case-End Select etc.) then an
error will be produced of the type you are getting. Make sure that your "End
Select" occurs /before/ your "End Function"

This can also happen if you have something like:-

If /condition/

/ /Select /variable/
Case 1

Case 2

End Select

(EndIf and End Select reversed).

Check for any similar abnormalities in your code.


//Amiga 1200, '060/50, OS3.9, EZ-Tower, Dopus,
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