Blitz (144/218)

From:Steve Hargreaves
Date:22 Aug 2001 at 02:34:49
Subject:Re: EndSelect/Case/Default without Select

On 22-Aug-01, Thilo K�hler said -

>TK I replaced the Select with If (because I use only 1 case yet)
>TK and the error did not occure.
>TK Now I tracked the error down to the call of the Statement
>TK (it is not a function in the Blitz manner).

>TK The Statement does nothing, it is the calculation of the
>TK parameters which confuses Blitz. Must be an internal error
>TK in blitz. Very strange...

If it's a blitz statement, there is a bug when passing 3 parameters. There's a
fix on the Blitz-2000 site.


//Amiga 1200, '060/50, OS3.9, EZ-Tower, Dopus,
// PC Keyboard W EZ-Key, 56K modem, 2+32 Meg,
\\ // NEC 2A Multisync, Logic 3 SpeedMouse, HPDJ610C,
\\/ Sega Controller, & no hair.

You ask for "documentary evidences" of my having been at the Marquesas -- in Typee. -- Dear Sir, how indescribably vexatious, when one really feels in his very bones that he has been there, to have a parcel of blockheads question it! -- Not (let me hurry to tell you) that Mr John Murray comes under that category -- Oh no -- Mr Murray I am ready to swear stands fast by the faith, believing "Typee" from Preface to Sequel -- He only wants something to stop the mouths of the senseless sceptics -- men who go st
raight from their cradles to their graves & never dream of the queer things going on at the antipodes. -- I know not how to set about getting the evidence -- How under Heaven am I to subpoena the skipper of the Dolly who by this time is the Lord only knows where, or Kory-Kory who I'll be bound is this blessed day taking his noon nap somewhere in the flowery vale of Typee, some leagues too from the Monument. Seriously on the receipt of your welcome favour, Dear Sir, I addressed a note to the owners of the s
hip, asking if they could procure for me, a copy of that part of the ship's log which makes mention of two rascals running away at Nukaheva -- to wit Herman Melville and Richard T. Greene. As yet I have nothing in reply -- If I think of any other kind of evidence I will send it, if it can be had & dispatched.
-- Herman Melville, on Typee

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