Blitz (17/218)

From:David McMinn
Date:3 Aug 2001 at 20:02:54
Subject:Re: Testing and a question..

On 3 Aug 01, at 11:43, MadGun68 broke out long enough to write:

> > Where can you buy it from?
> Apparently no where.. Software Hut had it listed, but informed me after I
> placed my order that it is no longer in stock. I've seen a few places that
> seem to still have Blitz 2.1 on CD, but I'll try my floppies first.

Nick mentioned Weird Science and somewhere else that you could try. There's
also been a couple of guys on Amibench ( trying to
sell the CDs for a while. There's a list of suppliers on the blitz-2000
site, but I guess this is horribly out of date. You can get the Blitz
Support Suite from the blitz-2000 site, but not Blitz.

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