Blitz (18/218)

Date:3 Aug 2001 at 20:10:15
Subject:Re: Testing and a question..

> Hehe, that`s good to see you got an interest in blitz(and Amiga?) again.
> a good occasion to ask something about the xbsoundsystem.library. I never
> a sid soing to play. The docs are so brief I couldn`t make head nor tales
> of it ;-)

Yeah.. hehe.. I kind of threw that library together quickly.. I used to use
my own mod player, and I wanted it to play a few other formats.

> Maybe you have some example copde, that`d be very helpful.

Hmm. I *might* have some somewhere, but my Amiga won't be here for probably
another two weeks. (I do still have an old WinUAE setup from the old CME
project.) Best I can do is check the library with library master and see how
it should work for now.)

SSLoadModule (0,"filename")
status=SSInitSidLibrary (Returns true if successful)

That really should be all there is to it.

How big (in bytes) is the version of the library you have?


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