Blitz (20/218)

Date:3 Aug 2001 at 22:03:36
Subject:Re: Testing and a question..

Hi David,

> Nick mentioned Weird Science and somewhere else that you could try.
> also been a couple of guys on Amibench ( trying to
> sell the CDs for a while. There's a list of suppliers on the blitz-2000
> site, but I guess this is horribly out of date. You can get the Blitz
> Support Suite from the blitz-2000 site, but not Blitz.

Weird Science doesn't have it. When you go to the product page, it says
discontinued. (No way to order.) The other just has the 2.1 on cd (Unless it
has more than it implies, it seems like a waste of time/money imo.) I'll
scan ebay and amibench from time to time.. I think I'll eventually run
across one.

In the mean time, anything going on with Free Blitz? If they're going to
release the full sources, why not just release blitz2 itself as public
domain? (I've tried looking over past blitzlist archives to see if it's been
discussed.. Think lha will work properly on a pc? HA!)


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