Blitz (207/218)

From:Frederic Laboureur
Date:31 Aug 2001 at 22:44:01
Subject:Re: Sorting

Hello Steve,

> Beware, though. I was using the Sort command in a program of mine which
> crashed on some systems. I wound up writing my own (faster) routine.

Better use the NCS sort routine (they don't crash) and are very fast.. I
guess you even can't beat them :). Event original ACID sort routines are
fast (Quicksort based I guess). The only way to beat NCS one is to use
another algorythm (I think than using the RADIX sort algo will be even
faster for small arrays (less than 256 elements)).

Good bye,



/\/\/\/\/\ Frederic 'AlphaSND' Laboureur
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