Blitz (21/218)

From:David McMinn
Date:3 Aug 2001 at 22:38:39
Subject:Re: Testing and a question..

On 3 Aug 01, at 14:03, MadGun68 broke out long enough to write:

> Weird Science doesn't have it. When you go to the product page, it says
> discontinued. (No way to order.) The other just has the 2.1 on cd (Unless it
> has more than it implies, it seems like a waste of time/money imo.) I'll

AFAIK there was only ever one CD made with Blitz and that was the Ultimate
Blitz Basic CD with all the other stuff. I'm sure if you got them to get
the correct name of the package you'd know for sure (but it sounds like
they might need a while to read the name ;).

> In the mean time, anything going on with Free Blitz? If they're going to
> release the full sources, why not just release blitz2 itself as public
> domain? (I've tried looking over past blitzlist archives to see if it's been
> discussed.. Think lha will work properly on a pc? HA!)

Well, the FreeBlitz stuff has nothing to do with Blitz - only the BSS.
Which I already have permission for and is one my site, but I think the
HTML might be missing the links.

Releasing Blitz has been discussed with Simon Armstrong and Mark Sibly, and
while they are semi-keen on the idea, they'd rathe rnot release it open
source, but have someone or a group I guess, to look after the code, update
it and fix bugs if needed. I was going to get in contact with them again
after the big update of the Blitz2000 site thats going on just now.

Oh, and for LHA on Windows, get the bog standard lha (you should be able to
find it on the net somewhere) and then use it to extract this version of
lha from Aminet:

lhant.lha util/arc 38K 128 Windows LHA with LONG FILE NAMES

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