Blitz (214/218)

From:Steve Hargreaves
Date:1 Sep 2001 at 22:12:11
Subject:Re: Blitz & Picasso96 problem

On 01-Sep-01, Nick Clover said -

>NC One hint for CV64 users, try to avoid using VWait or WaitTOF_ commands
>NC unless really needed, use Delay_ instead. P96 has to poll CV64 cards to get
>NC the 'top of frame' info.

Something I've started doing since you first mentioned this to me, Nick, and you
haven't complained about my beta stuff being too slow since :o)


//Amiga 1200, '060/50, OS3.9, EZ-Tower, Dopus,
// PC Keyboard W EZ-Key, 56K modem, 2+32 Meg,
\\ // NEC 2A Multisync, Logic 3 SpeedMouse, HPDJ610C,
\\/ Sega Controller, & no hair.

What happens to the hole when the cheese is gone?
-- Bertolt Brecht

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