Blitz (4/218)

From:David McMinn
Date:2 Aug 2001 at 23:37:57
Subject:Re: Drawing a sample

On 2 Aug 01, at 23:14, amorel broke out long enough to write:

> C=Have you tried this with small sample files? I don't think Blitz has a
> C=limit to the size of arrays (it would be 32k if there was a limit), but
> C=you never know :)
> Yeah smaller sizes do work, like 40 kb. The error occurs at 90 kb. But it
> did occur a lower size too, with some other things changed. Kinda weird.

Perhaps the limit is 64k, although this seems like a bit of a strange size
for the way I am thinking the arrays could be accessed in ASM.

I remember seeing an email to do with problems with Dim List in my Blitz
folder at university, I'll check it tomorrow to see if it is relevant to

Hmm, I'm really stumped about this :(

[) /\ \/ ][ [) |\/| c |\/| ][ |\| |\| | | ICQ=16827694

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