Blitz (44/218)

From:David McMinn
Date:7 Aug 2001 at 10:30:29
Subject:Re: Crashing - Help Needed

Hi Bablos

> The installer for BSS isn't nice - it gets up to creating acidlibs and
> then completely crashes - multi coloured interference on screen. When
> I check what's going on in SnoopDOS, it's doing the rounds of my Blitz2:
> subdirectories at the time, for some reason.
> Any ideas what's up with it this time?

Not sure. I just copied all the BSS stuff off the CD, the install script
worked for me OK. And I had checked it by using the files in the archive,
and that was OK too.

* You have already got a working Blitz setup with Blitz2: and Blitzlibs:
* Before you ran the installer script for BSS did you assign BSS1, BSS2
and BSS3 to the three BSS directories?
* And when asked to insert the BlitzCD you cancelled each time (should
only appear 3 times at the start of the script)?

What options did you choose as you were installing it?

Does it crash after it tells you that it is installing the REDBlitzLibs?

Or is it after the debugger is installed, and it runs makedfelibs? If you
have mildred installed, then it could be that and you should copy the
makedeflibs from the Mildred archive (it should be on the b2k site
separately) over the BSS makedeflibs.

I just tried it again on my system here and it all went OK. If you can
answer some of the questions above, we might be able to narrow it down a
bit more.

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