Blitz (65/218)

From:David McMinn
Date:14 Aug 2001 at 12:21:02
Subject:Re: Re[4]: Need help launching external programs!

Hi David

> Okeh, i'm still not clear on this: the Blitz manual [& the
> example above,] list 2 arguments for this command {0,0}. The manual
> doesn't offer any further details as to which arg does what. The

The manual sucks, and it doesn't explain any of the OS commands. You need
to get the RKRMs and the OS Autodocs (well, Includes & Autodocs) for the
full set of documentation.

> RKRM lists these as {input, output}, both BPTR. What possible use
> are these?

They're the input and output file handles for the program. For example,
you could open up a new shell window for the program you are going to
execute, you would then pass the file handle for that shell window to the
Execute_ command.

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