Blitz (71/218)

From:David McMinn
Date:14 Aug 2001 at 18:23:05
Subject:Re: MUI info?

Hi Demon

> AFAIK, MUI doesnt do screens or menus. All the examples I`ve seen in
> Blitz/MUI using menus uses the RIGTMenu lib.

You sure it doesn't do screens? Wouldn't that break the whole point of
being able to select public screens in the MUI settings for programs? I
guess it could just be that you don't get to choose a screen in your
code, but MUI handles it internally. Or the Blitz lib sucks :)

> MUI does have the gubbins to allow arexx and commodities, but I hurt my head
> trying to understand the docs for these..they seem a lot longer winded to
> code for compared to Blitz`s arexx and commoditity stuff.

OK, thanks for the info.

> But on the plus side, doing an MUI interface is a damn sight quicker and
> more flexible than the horrible gadtools way.

Only if your gadtools coding skills suck - I've got it down to a fine art
and it probably only took me 5 years to master ;)



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