DOpus (54/132)

From:Dr Greg Perry
Date:14 Aug 2001 at 02:07:15
Subject:Re: [D5] Re: help thanks

On 14-Aug-01 08:24:00 Jonathan Hart wrote:

>Hi Tony,

>On 13-Aug-01, you wrote:

>>> It's not really a problem, Richard. We know you 'poms' have a very
>>> strange sense of humour from looking at your cricket team!
>> You should see our athletics team! :-(

>It was bad, but it was good to see that the Aussies were just as bad- they
>only beat us alphabetically! ;)

Careful. Careful. Impuning the lexicogical abilites of our Athletes may not
go down well in Australia. Next you'll be saying that our football players
are illnumerate!

(btw: One TV program had an expose on literacy rates amongst the population.
So, they went out to shopping centres and asked people if they could tell them
what ten percent of 324 was!)

Regards, Dr Greg Perry
GPSoftware, PO Box 570, Ashgrove, Qld Australia 4060 Ph/fax +61 7 33661402
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