DOpus (70/132)

From:Benny Pedersen
Date:18 Aug 2001 at 17:50:11
Subject:Re: [D5] Multiple Renaming

--- Reply to a message ---
By: Steve & Ulli Bowman
->: a Mail
:>: [D5] Multiple Renaming

> I have a whole lot of files in various directories all over the place
> whose name ends with ".1" that I want to rename ie. "name.1" -> "name"
> to remove the ".1" part.
> I'm sure this is possible with DOpus, but not sure how. Throwing in
> something extra, some files are named eg. "readme3.1.1" but I only need
> to remove the final ".1" not ".1.1". Is there an easy way to do this
> recursively into subdirectories with DOpus, if at all?

multiren on aminet can do this and more :-)

if anyone have a rexx let me know !

Benny Pedersen icq:36248146

...An optimist believes that we live in the best of all possible worlds,
the pessimist FEARS it's true.

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