Directory Opus Magellan II ARexx Guide.

Directory Opus Magellan II ARexx Guide 
©1998 GPSoftware, All Rights Reserved.

  Introduction                       Guide Credits 
  The ARexx Port                     Guide History 
  Results From Commands 
  ARexx Commands                     Purchasing Opus Magellan 
 -  dopus 
 -  lister                           Index 
 -  command 
  Error Codes 
  Custom Handlers 
 -  The Basics 
 -  For Listers  (events list)
 -  For AppIcons 
  ARexx Modules 

This guide is best viewed with the OS3.0 (V39) or higher AmigaGuide
datatype as it makes extensive use of coloured text. Things will be
much less readable with earlier versions of AmigaGuide -- Upgrade! 

This Amigaguide document was originally developed for Opus 5.5 by Leo Davidson
and has been updated to support features in Opus Magellan 5.66 as of
29/Oct/1997 by Andrew Dunbar, GPSoftware Brisbane, Australia.

Updated again to support features of DOpus Magellan II as of 12.9.1998
by Dave Clarke, Melbourne Australia.

DOpus Magellan II ARexx Guide History

v50.0 -- 21/May/1995
Initial version based on the Directory Opus 5.0 Manual.
Never publicly released or properly polished off.

v55.0 -- 21/Sep/1996 (What is it about the 21st?) 
Completely re-done. Based on the Directory Opus 5.5 Manual with numerous
additions and several corrections.

v55.1 -- 22/Sep/1996
 Lister events   snapshot  and  unsnapshot  were missing.
Fixed a small spelling error (I'm sure there are more :-) ).
Rearranged the main  contents page  slightly.

v55.2 -- 2/Oct/1996
Second returned argument of  lister query position  now documented.
Improved  lister clear flags  section (description of flags).
Added a special note about  dropfrom's  to the main Opus window.

v56.1 -- 29/Oct/1997
Guide document updated to support features in Opus Magellan 5.66 as of
29/Oct/1997 by Andrew Dunbar, GPSoftware Brisbane, Australia.

v57.0 -- 29/Jul/1998
Guide document updated to support features in Opus Magellan II as of
Dave Clarke, Beta-tester Melbourne, Australia.

v57.1 -- 1/Sep/1998
Found a few typo's, added the FTP ARexx commands, added 'lister2 popups' to
Custom Handler section, found a few missing index links.
Dave Clarke, Beta-tester Melbourne, Australia.

v57.2 -- 1/Sep/1998
Removed the FTP ARexx commands, it doesn't have any.
Stupid me :-/
Dave Clarke, Beta-tester Melbourne, Australia.

v57.3 -- 12/Sep/1998
Found a few typos, I was missing from the credits for some reason :-/
Updated the distributors list.
Dave Clarke, Beta-tester Melbourne, Australia.

v57.4 -- 12/Sep/1998
Added 'lister query/set commentlength', fixed 'dopus/lister request'.
Dave Clarke, Beta-tester Melbourne, Australia.

v57.5 -- 16/Oct/1998
Typos in 'lister set/clear value' fixed.  Typo in 'dopus set sound' fixed.
Dave Clarke, Beta-tester Melbourne, Australia.

DOpus Magellan II ARexx Guide Credits

--------------------------------- -- -  -
Directory Opus and this guide are © Copyright Jonathan Potter and
GPSoftware, Brisbane, 1998. All Rights Reserved. The Directory Opus
software was written by Jonathan Potter and designed by Jonathan Potter and
Greg Perry. OpusFTP and AFC modules were programmed by Andrew Dunbar and
Greg Perry. The manual which this guide was based on was written by
Greg Perry and Jonathan Potter. AmigaGuide conversion, corrections and
additional material by Leo Davidson.  Lot's more additions and
corrections done by Dave Clarke and his merry band of ELFs, (ELectronic

As well as being much more user-friendly than the ARexx section of the
printed manual, this guide contains everything in the manual and more. 

Jonathan Potter:

Dr Greg Perry / GPSoftware:

Leo 'Nudel' Davidson / Gods'Gift Utilities:

Dave Clarke:
wwweb: Waste of bandwidth, who needs it :)

There are also several mailing lists for the discussion of Directory Opus 5
related issues. Mail Greg Perry for more information (you will need to
quote your serial number). 

Software used in Guide Creation
--------------------------------- -- -  -
Guide checked using CheckGuide v1.0 (C)1994 Eddy Carroll.
Guide edited in CygnusEd Professional v3.5 (C)1987-1996 Cygnus Software.
Guide edited in TurboText v2.0 (C)1990-1994 Martin Taillefer
Guide index created by a CEd macro & Commodore's "sort" command. :-)
v30 Multiview/AmigaGuide datatype used for viewing.
Everything tied together and launched from Directory Opus 5, what else?

No "AmigaGuide editors" were used. IMO they're as much use as HTML editors.

And the idiot who invented TAB characters should be shot, hung, drawn and
quartered...and then he should be really hurt.

Recent musical support (in alphabetical)
--------------------------------- -- -  -
(GP Note: This was Leo's taste at the time this guide was originally created.
No doubt thay have changed by now;-)
Bjork                        (Debut/Post),
BT                           (Ima)   This is amazing!,
Corrosion Of Conformity      (Wiseblood),
Flotsam & Jetsam             (Drift),
Fugees                       (The Score)   "I'll be right out...",
Jamiroquai                   (Travelling Without Moving),
Metallica                    (Load),
Nine Inch Nails              (Pretty Hate Machine/Quake),
Nirvana                      (In Utero/Unplugged),
Rage Against The Machine     (Evil Empire),
The Prodigy                  (Experience/Music For The Gilted Generation),
Tool                         (Opiate/Undertow).

Additional musical support (required by Dave :)
Allanah Miles                (Allanah Miles),
NoiseWorks                   (Touch),
Alanis Morisette             (Jagged Little Pill),
Pink Floyd                   (Momentary Lapse of Reason)

Purchasing Directory Opus Magellan

Purchasing Directory Opus Magellan
--------------------------------- -- -  -
Directory Opus Magellan can be ordered direct from GPSoftware, or from one of
the distributors listed below.

If you already own a previous version of Directory Opus you may be able
to upgrade to the current version for a reduced fee.

For further information about Directory Opus 5 Magellan and purchasing,
please mail  Greg Perry .

The Amiga is in a perilous state right now, and, apart from the ageing OS,
all that we have left are devoted devlopers and their innovative programs,
and a whole lot of hopes and dreams. Developers like GPSoftware keep this
platform alive by keeping it at the cutting edge with software like
Directory Opus 5.5. If you are using a pirate version of Directory Opus,
send a signal that you want there to be further versions by purchasing it.
Don't let the bridge to our dreams die. The only way you can support the
Amiga is by supporting Amiga Developers.

Please note that France-Festival-Distribution (FFD) no longer distribute
any GPSoftware products. Read this  press release  for further details.

 Dr Greg Perry               Ph/fax:       +61 7 33661402
 GPSoftware                  WWW:
 PO Box 570
 Australia 4060

 Wizard Developments         Phone:        +44 (0)181 303 1800
 PO BOX 123                  Fax:          +44 (0)181 303 1861
 Sidcup                      WWW:
 Kent DA15 9ZY

 Schatztruhe                 Phone:        +49 201 788 778
 Veronikastr 33              Fax:          +49 201 798 447
 45131 Essen                 WWW:

 Software Hut                Phone:        +1 610 586 5701
 313 Henderson Drive         Fax:          +1 610 586 5706
 Sharon Hill                 WWW:
 PA 19079

Official Notice From GPSoftware: FFD

GPSoftware French Distribution - France-Festival-Distribution
--------------------------------- -- -  -
After recent actions by FFD, we have officially withdrawn all of our
products and licences from FFD and refuse to let them ever be associated
with any of our products again. I have advised all of my other distributors
that they may not supply FFD with any of our products. Further, being the
copyright holder of trademarks, product names and other copyrights for
our products, we officially withdraw permission for FFD or any associated
company to use the name Directory Opus, GPFax, or GPSoftware in any
advertising or related activities.

Because of unreconciled differences, FFD is no longer a distributor or
reseller of GPSoftware products and GPSoftware will no longer honour
warranty or support for any of our products purchased from FDD after
30th June 1996.

Dr Greg Perry, GPSoftware 11th September 1996 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: The Port.

The DOpus5 ARexx Port.
--------------------------------- -- -  -
The Directory Opus 5 ARexx port name is  DOPUS.x , where  x  is the
invocation count of the program (the first and most often used one is
 DOPUS.1 ). Since ARexx scripts launched from Directory Opus do not
automatically inherit the command address, you may want to use the  {Qp} 
command sequence in Opus functions (this is described elsewhere in the
printed manual).

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: Results from commands.

Results from commands.
--------------------------------- -- -  -
If a command returns a value or information, the data will generally be
returned in the  RESULT  variable. The only exceptions to this are the
 dopus getdesktop ,  dopus getstring  and  lister getstring  commands
which return information in the special  DOPUSRC  variable.

 Error  codes are returned in the  RC  variable.

You must include the line  "OPTIONS RESULTS"  near the top of your script
to enable the  RESULT  variable. See an ARexx manual for more information. 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: Introduction.

Introduction to ARexx support in Directory Opus 5.
--------------------------------- -- -  -
The ARexx command set is very comprehensive and flexible. Almost complete
control of listers in name mode is offered, along with the ability to
launch functions and commands. You can add your own commands to Opus via
ARexx scripts which are loaded automatically - the commands appear
identical to the built-in functions. You can even replace the default
commands with your own.

There is also a powerful custom handler ability. This allows your ARexx
program to receive messages from Opus for a variety of user actions,
including lister and icon events. See the section on  Custom Handlers 
for more information.

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: Commands.

ARexx Commands
--------------------------------- -- -  -
For simplicity, the Directory Opus 5 command set is arranged in a
hierarchical structure, with only three main (or base) commands:-


The first base command is  dopus . This is a general purpose command, and
allows you to perform functions not falling into the other categories.


The next base command,  lister , allows you to control listers and entries
within listers.


The third base command is  command . This allows you to call the internal
commands of Directory Opus 5 from an ARexx script. The commands execute
exactly as if they had been run from a custom button or menu.

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'dopus' commands.

'dopus' commands. (Alphabetical listing)
--------------------------------- -- -  -
These are a general purpose commands, allowing you to perform functions
not falling into the other categories.

  dopus addappicon 
  dopus addtrap 
  dopus back 
  dopus checkdesktop 
  dopus clear 
  dopus command 
  dopus desktoppopup 
  dopus error 
  dopus front 
  dopus getdesktop 
  dopus getfiletype 
  dopus getstring 
  dopus matchdesktop 
  dopus progress 
  dopus query 
   --->  background        font              palette           pens             sound 
  dopus read 
  dopus refresh 
   --->  all               background        icons             lister 
  dopus remappicon 
  dopus remtrap 
  dopus request 
  dopus script 
  dopus screen 
  dopus send 
  dopus set 
   --->  background        font              palette           pens             sound 
  dopus setappicon 
  dopus version 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister' commands.

'lister' commands. (Alphabetical listing)
--------------------------------- -- -  -
These commands allow you to control listers and entries within listers.

  lister add 
  lister addstem 
  lister copy 
  lister clear 
  lister clearcaches 
  lister close 
  lister empty 
  lister findcache 
  lister getstring 
  lister iconify 
  lister new 
  lister query 
   --->  active             all              dest            source 
   --->  abort              busy             case            commentlength 
         dirs               display          entries         entry 
         files              firstsel         flags           handler 
         header             hide             label           lock 
         mode               namelength       numdirs         numentries 
         numfiles           numseldirs       numselentries   numselfiles 
         path               proc             position        seldirs 
         selentries         selfiles         separate        show 
         sort               title            toolbar         value 
         visible            window 
  lister read 
  lister refresh 
  lister reload 
  lister remove 
  lister request 
  lister set 
   --->  busy               case             commentlength   dest 
         display            field            flags           handler 
         header             hide             label           lock 
         mode               namelength       newprogress     off 
         path               position         progress        separate 
         show               sort             source          title 
         toolbar            value            visible 
  lister select 
  lister wait 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'dopus addappicon'.

dopus addappicon <port> <label> <id> [pos <x> <y>] [icon <filename>]
                 [quotes] [info] [snap] [close] [local] [locked]
                 [menu <stem>] [base <base>]

This command allows you to add your own AppIcons to the Opus (and
optionally the Workbench) screen from ARexx. You can specify an icon image
to use, the label of the icon and the position on the screen, as well as
several other parameters. You can also specify the items for the pop-up
menu for the new icon. Opus sends messages to the message port you specify
- see the example scripts provided for more information on how to receive
and process these messages.

The parameters for  addappicon  are:-

        port   -       the name of the port messages are sent to
        label  -       the icon label (text displayed under the icon)
        id     -       your own ID for the icon; this is returned in
        pos    -       position for the icon (xy coordinates)
        icon   -       optional pathname of icon file to use
                        (without the .info suffix) 
        quotes -       specify this keyword if you want filenames
                        quoted when sent to the message port
        info   -       if you want "Information" to work on this icon
        snap   -       if you want "Snapshot" to work on this icon
        close  -       if you want "Close" instead of "Open" in
                        the pop-up menu
        local  -       if you want the icon to be local to Opus
                        (and not appear on Workbench)
        locked -       the icon will start out locked in position,
                        unable to be moved
        menu   -       name of a stem variable containing
                        your own menu items
        base   -       allows you to specify the base ID of
                        messages sent from the pop-up menu

The  menu  parameter allows you to specify your own items for the icon's
pop-up menu. The stem variable must be in the following format:

        stem.COUNT     - number of items
        stem.0         - item 1
        stem.1         - item 2

If you specify "---" as an item, a separator bar will appear.

When you receive a message that the user has selected one of these menu
items, the message will contain the  ID  of the item. This is the value
corresponding to the item's position in the stem array (eg 0 for item 1, 1
for item 2, etc). If the base field is specified, the value given for the
base will be added to this ID.

This command returns an  appicon handle  in  RESULT  if it is successful.
This same handle can be passed to  dopus setappicon  to modify the icon,
and must be passed to  dopus remappicon  to remove the appicon when you
are finished.

If you do not specify an icon file to use then the system's default "tool"
icon will be used for the image.

Messages from the appicon are sent to the port you specified. The messages
are structured in much the same way as messages sent from listers, so
there's no reason you shouldn't be able to use the same code for both. For
more information, see the  Custom Handlers  section.

See also:

 dopus setappicon 
 dopus remappicon 
 AppIcon Handlers 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'dopus addtrap'.

dopus addtrap (abort|<command>) <handler> [port <portname>]

This command allows your script to trap the progress bar's abort button or
any Opus internal command.

Specify the  abort  keyword to trap the abort message, or the name of the
internal command you wish to trap.

 handler  is the name of your  custom handler  message port. If you pass
the name of a message port with the optional  port  keyword, the message
will be sent to that port instead of your usual handler port. This can be
very useful when used with  abort  if your handler is busy doing something
synchronously when the abort is pressed. If the abort port is on a separate
process, it may be able to interrupt the main handler process using signals
for instance.

You can also add a trap for all internal commands using an asterisk as a
wildcard, for example:  dopus addtrap * myhandler

The  dopus remtrap  command is used to remove trapped functions.

See the  Custom Handlers  section for more information on the messages

See also:

 dopus remtrap 
 Trapped Commands 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'dopus back'.

dopus back

This command moves the Directory Opus 5 window (and screen) to the rear of
the display.

See also:

 dopus front 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'dopus checkdesktop'.

dopus checkdesktop

This command is used when your script has just copied one or more files to
a directory. You pass it the destination path that you copied the files to,
and Opus compares this path with the location of the Desktop folder. If
they are the same, Opus will then scan the Desktop folder and update the
icons on-screen if necessary.

See also:

 dopus getdesktop 
 dopus matchdesktop 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'dopus clear'.

dopus clear <item>

This command allows you to clear a setting, it the equivalent of doing a
 dopus set  with a null string.

For example,
        + dopus clear sound Startup
        + dopus clear background desktop

See also:

 dopus set 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'dopus command'.

dopus command <name> program <scriptname> [desc <description>]
              [template <template>] [source] [dest] [private]
              [help <help file>] [handler] [temp]
              [ext <menu name> type <filetype>] [remove]

This command provides the ability to add new internal commands to Directory
Opus, or to replace existing commands. It is generally called from within
the init function of an Opus ARexx module and the  program  parameter will
be the name of that module, without the ".dopus5" extension.
The  program  field is mandatory, and Opus will run the script name you
provide here whenever this function is invoked.

Use the  name  parameter to specify what the command should be called,
and, optionally, use the  desc  parameter to define a description of
the command which will appear in command lists.

Using the  handler  parameter will allow  the item to be displayed
only if a custom handler matching the  program  parameter is present
for the lister.

The  remove  flag allows you to remove any command specified with  name .

 temp  will allow you to add a 'temporary' command, which does not have
an external command file.  This command will then do nothing unless it is
trapped with the  dopus addtrap  command.  Use the  remove  flag
of the  dopus command  to remove it when you are done.
Using the  private  flag will stop the temporary command from being
seen in the internal command list.

The  template  is not parsed for you in any way -- it is simply shown to the
user when they request a template for your command. It is up to your script
to handle the argument string sent to it.

If you give the  source  or  dest  keyword (or both), your command will not
run unless there is a lister of the given type. When run, the lister will
automatically go busy, and the "source" or "dest" argument given to your
script will contain the lister's handle. (Each argument still exists when
the relevant keyword is not given, but is always "0").

Note that the standard ARexx module example code parses the source lister
handle into a variable called source and the destination handle into
dest. Be careful that when you specify the  source  keyword for
dopus command that you put it in quotes ("source"), otherwise the contents
of the source variable may be used in place of the actual word "source".
Take similar precautions with the "dest" word. 

You can specify a help file for the new command with the  help  parameter.


You can add a command to the pop-up menu of icons of a given type, or to
the lister itself, by specifying a filetype name or ID for the  type 
parameter and the string to appear as the menu item for the  ext  parameter.

To match more than one filetype you can specify the  type  parameter
multiple times (but you can only have one  ext ). You can also specify
one of the following keywords for the  type  parameter:

  all, disk, drawer, tool, project, trash, baddisk, leftout, lister, lister2.

Specifying lister for the  type  parameter will add items to the lister
pop-up menu rather than the icon pop-up menu.

Specifying lister2 for the  type  parameter will add items to
the pop-up menu available from the SRCE/DEST display in the lister status bar.

If you add menus to a filetype at priority -124, they will only be shown
if no other filetype matched. This allows you to have a "default filetype"
with menus that will only be shown if no other filetype menus are

Commands which are intended for pop-up menus are unlikely to be of general
use. You can use the  private  keyword to hide the command (it will not
appear in any list shown to the user). (This is not restricted to

See  ARexx modules  and the example scripts for more information.

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'dopus desktoppopup'.

dopus desktoppopup [flags]

This command triggers the Desktop popup menu at the current mouse position,
and returns a value in  RC  indicating the user's selection.

 flags  specifies what options will be disabled, by default all options
are available.  Add the flag values as appropriate.

        Add to disable     Item           Result Code
              2        Create Left-Out        1
              4        Copy to Desktop        2
              8        Move to Desktop        3

If the user cancels the operation,  RC  will have the value 0.

For example,
        + dopus desktoppopup 6
        > 2

See also:

 dopus getdesktop 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'dopus error'.

dopus error <code>

This command is used to retrieve meaningful error messages when passed an
Opus ARexx error code.

For example,
        + dopus error 1
        > File rejected by filters 

        + dopus error 10
        > Invalid lister handle 

See also:


DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'dopus front'.

dopus front

This command moves the Directory Opus 5 window (and screen) to the front of
the display.

See also:

 dopus back 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'dopus getdesktop'.

dopus getdesktop

This command allows you to find the path of the desktop folder. It returns
the path in  RESULT , and returns a value in  DOPUSRC  that indicates the
user's desktop settings:

      0    desktop popup disabled
      1    no default action
      2    default : create leftout
      3    default : move
      4    default : copy

For example,
        + dopus getdesktop
        > HD0:Opus5/Desktop/

See also:

 dopus checkdesktop 
 dopus matchdesktop 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'dopus getfiletype'.

dopus getfiletype <filename> [id]

This command allows you to query a file to see if it is recognised by
Directory Opus 5.  filename  is the name of the file, including the full
path. By default, if the file is recognised the Filetype description string
will be returned in  RESULT . If you specify the  ID  keyword, the
Filetype ID will be returned instead.

For example,
        + dopus getfiletype ram:testfile.lha
        > LHA Archive 
        + dopus getfiletype ram:picture.jpg id
        > JPEG 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'dopus getstring'.

dopus getstring <text> [secure] [<length>] [<default>] [<buttons>]

This command allows you to prompt the user to input a text string.

 text  is a string of text to be displayed in the requester, and should be
surrounded by quotes if it contains spaces.

The  secure  keyword causes the string to be displayed as asterisks ("*"),
which can be useful for passwords.

 length  is the maximum length of string to accept and defaults to 80 if
not specified.

 default  is the default value of the string; that is, the text you wish to
initially appear in the field.

 buttons  are the buttons you wish the requester to have; each button
should be separated by a vertical bar character ("|"). If the buttons
parameter is omitted the requester will have a single button marked "OK".

For example,
        > dopus getstring '"Please enter some text" 40 "" Okay|Cancel'

Note the quotes around the entire argument string. 

You can have multiple lines in the requester text by putting the "return"
character at the end of lines. 

This would display a requester with the string "Please enter some text", a
maximum input length of 40 characters, an empty default sting, and buttons
labelled "Okay" and "Cancel".

The string (if any) is returned in  RESULT . The cardinal number of the
selected button is returned in the special variable  DOPUSRC , but the
last (rightmost) gadget is always number 0. In the above example, if the
user clicked "Okay",  DOPUSRC  would contain 1, and if the user clicked
"Cancel" it would contain 0.  If the RETURN key is used in the string gadget
to accept the text, then the  DOPUSRC  variable will contain the value -1.

This command and the  lister getstring  command are the only ones that use
the  DOPUSRC  variable currently, but this may change in the future.

Please note that previous versions of Opus 5 did not clear  RESULT  if an
empty string was entered. Make sure that this change does not affect your
scripts. Also note that the  DOPUSRC  variable did not exist in the
original version of Opus 5. 

See also:

 dopus request 
 lister getstring 
 lister request 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'dopus matchdesktop'.

dopus matchdesktop <path>

This command allows you to match a supplied  path  against the desktop
folder.   RC  will be set according to whether a match was made.

For example,
        + dopus matchdesktop 'dopus5:desktop/'
        > 1

See also:

 dopus getdesktop 
 dopus checkdesktop 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'dopus progress'.

dopus progress [name] [file] [info] [info2] [info3] [bar] [abort]

This opens a progress indicator centred on the Opus screen. It is similar
to the  lister set newprogress  command which you should use if you want
the indicator centred on a lister window instead.

        name   - allocates space for filename display
        file   - allocates space for file progress display
        info   - allocates space for information line 1
        info2  - allocates space for information line 2
        info3  - allocates space for information line 3
        bar    - allocates space for progress bar
        abort  - adds "Abort" gadget

Progress windows that show both the bar graph and the file progress will
have the graph and file displays swapped around. This means that instead of
the graph showing the percentage of files copied, and a 'xx%' display
showing the progress of that file, the graph shows the file progress and a
'xxx of yyy' display gives overall information.

A handle is returned in  RESULT  which you should use to control the
indicator with the commands below.

For example,
        + dopus progress name file info bar abort
        > 137025148 

 The following commands are for use once your progress window is open. 

dopus progress <handle> abort

 handle  is the handle of the progress indicator in question, obtained
when you first open it.

This is similar to  lister query abort  command for lister-based progress
indicators. It returns 1 if the user has clicked the "Abort" gadget of the
indicator, and 0 otherwise.

For example,
        + dopus progress 137025148 abort
        > 0 

dopus progress <handle> off

 handle  is the handle of the progress indicator in question, obtained
when you first open it.

This is similar to  lister clear progress  for lister-based indicators. It
closes the progress indicator window.

For example,
        + dopus progress 137025148 off

dopus progress <handle> name <filename>

 handle  is the handle of the progress indicator in question, obtained
when you first open it.

If the progress bar was opened with the name parameter, this will set the
current filename to  filename .

For example,
        + dopus progress 137025148 name 'myfile.txt'

dopus progress <handle> file <total> <count>

 handle  is the handle of the progress indicator in question, obtained
when you first open it.

If the progress indicator was opened with the file but not the bar
parameter, this will set the total number of files and the number of the
current file. This is shown as 'xx%' in the top right of the requester.

If the progress indicator was opened with both the file and bar parameters,
this will set the total number of bytes and the current byte count. This is
shown in the bar graph part of the requester.

        + dopus progress 137025148 file 12 4

dopus progress <handle> <info|info2|info3> <text>

 handle  is the handle of the progress indicator in question, obtained
when you first open it.

 text  is a text string to be displayed between the filename and the bar
graph of the progress indicator. You can only use this if you allocated
this space when you created the progress bar.

For example,
        + dopus progress 137025148 info "From 'T' to 'Ram:'"

dopus progress <handle> bar <total> <count>

 handle  is the handle of the progress indicator in question, obtained
when you first open it.

If the progress indicator was opened with the bar but not the file
parameter, this will set the  total  number of bytes and the current byte
 count . This is shown in the bar graph part of the requester.

If the progress indicator was opened with both the file and bar parameters,
this will set the  total  number of files and the the current file  count .
This is shown as 'xxx of yyy' in the top right of the requester.

For example,
        + dopus progress 137025148 bar 1024 100

dopus progress <handle> title <text>

 handle  is the handle of the progress indicator in question, obtained
when you first open it.

 text  is a text string to be displayed in the title bar of the progress

For example,
        + dopus progress 137025148 title 'Copying...'

See also:

 lister set newprogress 
 lister set progress 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'dopus query'.

dopus query <item>

This command allows you to get information about the current Opus settings
and complements the  dopus set  command.

See also:

 dopus query background 
 dopus query font 
 dopus query palette 
 dopus query pens 
 dopus query sound 
 dopus set 
 dopus set background 
 dopus set font 
 dopus set palette 
 dopus set pens 
 dopus set sound 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'dopus query background'.

dopus query background <desktop|lister|req>

This command allows you to query the current background picture for
either the Desktop, Listers, or Requesters.  The path and filename will
be returned in  RESULT .

For example,
        + dopus query background desktop
        > DOpus5:Backgrounds/Stonewash.iff

See also:

 dopus query 
 dopus refresh background 
 dopus set 
 dopus set background 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'dopus query font'.

dopus query font <type>

Returns information about the current Opus fonts in use.

 type  can be one of the following:

    screen  - The font Opus uses when on it's own screen.
    listers - Current font used for the listers file display.
    iconsd  - Font used for the Desktop icon display.
    iconsw  - Font used for icon display in windows.

For example,
        + dopus query font screen
        > "XHelvetica.font" 11

See also:

 dopus query 
 dopus refresh 
 dopus set 
 dopus set font 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'dopus query palette'.

dopus query palette

Returns the current Opus palette information as a group of 16 hex numbers.
The last 8 represent the Opus colours, the first 8 represent the system
colours when Opus is on it's own screen.

For example,
        + dopus query palette
        > 0x909090 0x000000 0xF0F0F0 0x606DA0 0x808080 0xA0A0A0 0xA09070 0xF0A090
          0xB4E494 0xC8FC00 0x004C94 0xFCFCD4 0xD8D8D8 0x183454 0xE8E8E8 0x505050

See also:

 dopus query 
 dopus refresh 
 dopus set 
 dopus set palette 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'dopus query pens'.

dopus query pens <type>

Returns information about the current Opus pen colours used for the various
display components.

      type          Returned values 

    icons          <dfg> <dbg> <dstyle> <wfg> <wbg> <wstyle>
    files          <fg> <bg>
    dirs           <fg> <bg>
    selfiles       <fg> <bg>
    seldirs        <fg> <bg>
    devices        <fg> <bg>
    assigns        <fg> <bg>
    source         <fg> <bg>
    dest           <fg> <bg>
    gauge          <normal> <full>
    user           <count>

The pen number is mapped in the following way:

  1-4    bottom four system colours
  5-8    top four system colours
 9-16    Opus user pens

For example,
        + dopus query pens icons
        > 8 1 3 1 12 2
        + dopus query pens gauge
        > 11 13

See also:

 dopus query 
 dopus refresh 
 dopus set 
 dopus set pens 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'dopus query sound'.

dopus query sound <event>

This command allows you to query the current sound for the specified
 event .  The path and filename will be returned in  RESULT .

For example,
        + dopus query sound Startup
        > DOpus5:Sounds/Danger.8svx

See also:

 dopus query 
 dopus set 
 dopus set sound 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'dopus read'.

dopus read [delete] [pos <x/y/w/h>] [<handle>] [hex|ansi|smart] <filename>
dopus read <handle> quit

The  read  command is provided to allow you greater control over the Opus
text viewer. It basically allows you to open a viewer and view multiple
files in it one by one before closing it again.

The  pos  keyword will allow you to open the viewer at a specific
position on the screen.

When you do not specify a  handle  a new viewer is opened and its viewer
handle is returned in  RESULT . You use the viewer handle in much the same
way as you would a lister handle, you can either get it to load new files or
 quit .

Normally the viewer will default to ASCII mode to view files, you can specify
another mode to use by using one of the keywords:  hex ,  ansi 
or  smart .

If you give the  delete  keyword the file will be deleted once the viewer
has been closed. This is useful for displaying temporary files.

For example,
        + dopus read ram:file1.txt
        > 121839492 
        + "dopus read pos 10/10/400/200 ram:file2.txt"
        > 121839492 
        + dopus read 121839492 ram:file2.txt
        > 121839492 
        + dopus read hex C:Info
        > 121839492 
        + dopus read 121839492 quit
        > 0 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'dopus refresh'.

dopus refresh <item> [options]

This command lets you refresh the relevant  item  in the Directory Opus

The various refresh commands are needed after modifying some settings
with the  dopus set  command.

See also:

 dopus refresh all 
 dopus refresh background 
 dopus refresh icons 
 dopus refresh lister 
 dopus set 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'dopus refresh all'.

dopus refresh all

Refreshes the entire Directory Opus display.

For example,
        + dopus refresh all

See also:

 dopus refresh 
 dopus refresh background 
 dopus refresh icons 
 dopus refresh lister 
 dopus set 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'dopus refresh background'.

dopus refresh background [custom]

This command causes the Opus display backgrounds to be updated after
the execution of a  dopus set background  command.

If you used the  custom  keyword on the  dopus set background  then you
must use it here, if you don't the pictures will revert back to the
environment settings.

For example,
        + dopus refresh background
        + dopus refresh background custom

See also:

 dopus query background 
 dopus refresh 
 dopus refresh all 
 dopus refresh icons 
 dopus refresh lister 
 dopus set background 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'dopus refresh icons'.

dopus refresh icons

This command refreshes the icon display in all listers and the Opus Desktop.

For example,
        + dopus refresh icons

See also:

 dopus refresh 
 dopus refresh all 
 dopus refresh background 
 dopus refresh lister 
 dopus set 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'dopus refresh lister'.

dopus refresh lister [full]

This command refreshes the lister displays.

The  full  flag causes everything in the listers to be
refreshed, instead of just the lister itself.

For example,
        + dopus refresh lister
        + dopus refresh lister full

See also:

 dopus refresh 
 dopus refresh all 
 dopus refresh background 
 dopus refresh icons 
 dopus set 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'dopus remappicon'.

dopus remappicon <handle>

Removes an appicon that was added previously with the  dopus addappicon 

 handle  is the value returned by  dopus addappicon .

See also:

 dopus addappicon 
 dopus setappicon 
 AppIcon Handlers 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'dopus remtrap'.

dopus remtrap (abort|<command>) <handler>

Disables the trapping of the progress bar's abort button or the specified
Opus internal command as initiated with the  dopus addtrap  command.

If you specify "*" as the command, all traps added for this handler will be

 handler  is the name of the message port as specified in the
 dopus addtrap  command.

See also:

 dopus addtrap 
 Trapped Commands 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'dopus request'.

dopus request <text> <buttons>

This command allows you to request a choice from the user.

 text  is a string of text to be displayed in the requester.

 buttons  are the buttons you wish the requester to have; each button
should be separated by a vertical bar character ("|").

For example,
 + dopus request '"Please choose an option" Option 1|Option 2|Option 3'

Note the quotes around the entire argument string. 

You can have multiple lines in the requester text by putting the "return"
character at the end of lines. 

This would display a requester with the string "Please choose an option",
and three buttons labelled "Option 1", "Option 2" and "Option 3".

The cardinal number of the selected button is returned in  RC . The last
button supplied ("Option 3" in this case) is designated a Cancel button,
and so returns the value 0. Therefore, the values returned by this example
are 1, 2 and 0 respectively.

See also:

 dopus getstring 
 lister request 
 lister getstring 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'dopus screen'.

dopus screen

This command returns information about the Opus screen in  RESULT  in the
following format:-

        <name> <width> <height> <depth> <barheight> <lister width> <lister height>

If Opus is iconified it does not have a screen. In this case  RC  will be
set to 5. You can use this to find out whether or not Opus is currently

For example,
        + dopus screen
        > DOPUS.1 640 512 2 10 308 341

The barheight value is useful if you intend to open listers or other
windows just below the screen title bar.

Any screen depth of more than 8 bits, (256 colours), will be reported as 8.

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'dopus script'.

dopus script <name> [data]

This command allows you to trigger both internal and custom scripts.

 name  is the name of the script, (case insensitive).

 data  is an optional string that is passed to the script in the
{Qa} parameter.

For example,
        + dopus script 'DOpus5:ARexx/ArcDir.dopus5' 'RAM:foo.lha'

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'dopus send'.

dopus send <port name> <string>

This command does nothing to Opus itself, but instead makes it easy for
you to send a string (of any length) to another ARexx task (via a message).
The string is supplied in Arg0 of the message sent to the named port.

See the  Custom Handlers  section.

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'dopus set'.

dopus set <background|font|palette|pens|sound> <options>

This command allows you to change the various Directory Opus settings, it is
used extensively by the Themes system.

See also:

 dopus query 
 dopus query background 
 dopus query font 
 dopus query palette 
 dopus query pens 
 dopus query sound 
 dopus set background 
 dopus set font 
 dopus set palette 
 dopus set pens 
 dopus set sound 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'dopus set background'.

dopus set background <file> [desktop|lister|req] [centre|tile] [precision <precision>] [custom]
dopus set background on

This command allows you to set the background picture for either the Desktop,
Listers, or Requesters.

The display will not be updated until a  refresh  is executed.

 file  specifies the path and filename of the background
picture to use.

If you do not specify either  desktop ,  lister  or  req , then desktop will
be assumed.

 precision  can be one of none, gui, icon, image, or exact.

The  custom  keyword allows you to change the backgrounds without
modifying the actual environment settings.

You must specify  custom  on both  dopus set background 
and  dopus refresh background  for it to work.

 on  enables backgrounds for DOpus.

For example,
        + dopus set background on
        + dopus set background 'DOpus5:Backgrounds/StoneWash.iff' desktop center precision exact
        + dopus set background 'DOpus5:Backgrounds/Marble.iff' desktop center custom

See also:

 dopus query 
 dopus query background 
 dopus refresh 
 dopus refresh background 
 dopus set 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'dopus set font'.

dopus set font <screen|listers|iconsd|iconsw> <name size>

This command allows you to set the font for Directory Opus' display.

 screen   - specifies that this is the font to use when Opus is on it's
            own screen.
 listers  - use this font for the listers' file display.
 iconsd   - use this font for icons on the Desktop.
 iconsw   - use this font for icons in windows.

 name size  is the name of the font, followed by it's size.

For example,
        + dopus set font screen courier.font 13

See also:

 dopus query 
 dopus query font 
 dopus set 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'dopus set palette'.

dopus set palette <values>

This command allows you to configure the Opus palette.  It accepts a string
of up to 16 hex values; the last 8 represent the Opus colours, the first 8
represent the system colours when Opus is on it's own screen.

For example,
        + dopus set palette 0xffaabc 0x00aa55

See also:

 dopus query 
 dopus query palette 
 dopus set 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'dopus set pens'.

dopus set pens <type>

This command allows you to configure the pen numbers used for various Opus
display items.

Where  type  is a string signifying the pen set to alter, and is
followed by a number of values which represent which of the pens to use.

 type  can be any one of the following:


The pen number is mapped in the following way:

 1-4     bottom four system colours
 5-8     top four system colours
 9-16    Opus user pens

For example,
        + dopus set pens icons 1 2 2 5 7 2
        + dopus set pens gauge 3 6
        + dopus set pens source 9 15

See also:

 dopus query 
 dopus query pens 
 dopus set 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'dopus set sound'.

dopus set sound <event> <file> <volume>

This command allows you to set the sound for the specified  event .

 volume  is the playback volume, allowable values are from
0 (minimum) to 64 (maximum).

For example,
        + dopus set sound Startup 'DOpus5:Sounds/Danger.8svx' 64

See also:

 dopus query 
 dopus query sound 
 dopus set 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'dopus setappicon'.

dopus setappicon <handle> <item>

This allows you to do things to AppIcons added with the  dopus addappicon 

Valid item fields are:-

        text <text>  -       Change the icon label.
        busy (on|off)  -       Make icon busy or non-busy.
        locked (on|off)        -       Make icon locked or unlocked.

If an icon is busy, it is unselectable by the user. It will not respond to
double-clicks, pop-up menu events, drag'n'drops, etc. The icon image is
ghosted when it is busy.

When an icon is locked, its position can not be changed and it can not be
moved manually by the user, nor will a CleanUp will not affect it.

You can remove the icon's label by setting it to "" (the empty string).

See also:

 dopus addappicon 
 dopus remappicon 
 AppIcon Handlers 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'dopus version'.

dopus version

The version command returns in  RESULT  a string in the format

        <version> <revision>

and is useful in ARexx scripts for determining if certain features exist.

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister add'.

lister add <handle> <name> <size> <type> <seconds> <protect> <comment>

This command adds an entry to the specified lister ( handle ).

 name  is the full name of the entry (no path);
 size  is the size of the entry (bytes);
 type  is the type of the entry (less than 0 for a file, greater then 0
       for a directory);
 seconds  is the datestamp of the entry in seconds from 1/1/78;
 protect  is the protection bits of the file (in ASCII format, eg "rwed");
 comment  is the comment of the entry (if any).

Valid entry types are:-
                 0     device
                 1     plain directory
                -1     plain file
                 2     directory in assign colour
                -2     file in device colour
                 3     directory in bold (link)
                -3     file in bold (link)
                 4     directory in assign colour and bold
                -4     file in device colour and bold

After a  lister add  command, the display is not updated until you execute
a  lister refresh  command. 

For example,
    + lister add 121132636 '"My file!"' 12839 -1 540093905 prwed my comment

The ARexx calender/date functions provide routines perfect for converting
various time formats to the datestamp entry and back again. 

See also:

 lister addstem 
 lister remove 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister addstem'.

lister addstem <handle> <stem>

This command adds files to a lister via a stem variable. It is more
powerful than the  lister add  command and should be used in preference.

The fields of the stem variable are very similar to those returned by a
 lister query  entry stem  command (in fact, you could pass the
result the query directly to an  addstem  to add an identical entry to
another lister.)

The fields that are used are :-

        name           - name of entry (no path)
        size           - file size (bytes)
        type           - type of entry
        protstring     - protection bits (ASCII string, eg "rwed")
        protect        - protection value (number, used if
                         protstring is not given)
        comment        - file comment
        datestring     - creation date and time (ASCII string)
        date           - number of seconds since 1/1/78 (used
                         if datestring is not given)
                         Can be set to 0 for today's date.
        filetype       - ascii string for file type display
        selected       - 0 (not selected) or 1 (selected)
        version        - version number
        revision       - revision number
        verdate        - version date string
        userdata       - user data (value, not a string)
        display        - custom display string
        menu           - custom pop-up menu
        base           - base ID for pop-up menu

Valid entry types are:-
                 0     device
                 1     plain directory
                -1     plain file
                 2     directory in assign colour
                -2     file in device colour
                 3     directory in bold (link)
                -3     file in bold (link)
                 4     directory in assign colour and bold
                -4     file in device colour and bold

Not all of these fields are required. As a bare minimum you should specify
either the  name  or the  display  field.

For example (as a sequence of commands),
        + mynewentry.COMMENT = "This is my comment"
        + mynewentry.NAME = "anewfile.test"
        + mynewentry.TYPE = -1
        + lister addstem 121132636 mynewentry.

The  display  string allows you to specify a completely custom string to
display for the entry. None of the other information will be displayed if
this string is supplied. The maximum length is 256 characters.

The  userdata  field allows you to specify your own ID value (or any other
value) to be associated with this entry. Its main usage is with the custom
pop-up menu and  custom handlers .

The  menu  field allows you to specify a stem variable containing custom
items for the pop-up menu that appears when the user presses the right
button on this entry. Its format is the same as for AppIcon pop-up menus:

        stem.COUNT     - number of entries
        stem.BASE      - base ID
        stem.0         - entry 1
        stem.1         - entry 2

If  count  is set to 0, right-button pop-ups will be disabled for this file.
If this field is not specified, the default pop-up menu will be displayed.
If you specify "---" as an item, a separator bar will appear. When you
receive a message that the user has selected one of these menu items, the
message will contain the ID of the item. This is the value corresponding to
the item's position in the stem array (eg 0 for item 1, 1 for item 2, etc).
If the  base  field is specified, the value given for the base will be added
to this ID.

For example (as a sequence of commands),
        + mymenu.0 = "Edit"
        + mymenu.1 = "---"
        + mymenu.2 = "View"
        + mymenu.3 = "Play"
        + mymenu.COUNT = 4
        + mynewentry.COMMENT = "This is my comment"
        + mynewentry.NAME = "anewfile.test"
        + mynewentry.TYPE = -1
        + mynewentry.MENU = mymenu.
        + lister addstem 121132636 mynewentry.

See the  Custom Handlers  section for more information on the messages

See also:

 lister add 
 lister remove 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister clear'.

lister clear <handle>

This command clears the contents of the specified lister ( handle ). The
display will not be updated until you execute a  lister refresh  command.

In previous versions of Opus 5, this command also cleared the
 custom handler  name. This is no longer the case. 

lister clear <handle> <item> <value>

This command clears a particular item of information in the specified

 handle  is the handle of the lister in question;

 item  can be one of the following keywords:-
                This clears the abort flag in the specified lister.
                For example, + lister clear 121132636 abort
        flags <flags>
                Clears sort/display flags for this lister. The display is
                not updated unless you execute a  lister refresh  command.
                These flags are:-
                        reverse        - sort in reverse order
                        noicons        - filter icons
                        hidden - filter hidden bit
                For example, + lister clear 121132636 flags reverse
                This turns the progress indicator off in the specified
                For example, + lister clear 121132636 progress

See also:

 lister copy 
 lister empty 

 lister query abort 
 lister set newprogress 
 lister set progress 
 lister query flags 
 lister set flags 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister clear value'.

lister clear <handle> value <name>

This command lets you clear a name/value association that you previously made with
 lister set value .

 handle  is the handle of the lister to take the entries from while
 name  is required to clear the name/value pair.

For example,
        + lister clear 121132636 value MyName

See also:

 lister query value 
 lister set value 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister copy'.

lister copy <handle> <destination>

This command copies the contents of one lister to another lister. Unlike
most commands, the display of the destination lister is refreshed

 handle  is the handle of the lister to take the entries from while
 destination  is the handle of the lister to copy the entries to.

For example,
        + lister copy 121132636 121963868

Note that what gets copied is only the entry data. No files are physically
copied. The entries may not even represent files at all. 

See also:

 lister clear 
 lister empty 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister clearcaches'.

lister clearcaches <handle>

This command will flush any caches that were created by your lister, using
your custom handler.  No other caches will be affected.

 handle  is the handle of the lister in question.

See also:

 lister findcache 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister close'.

lister close (all|<handle>)

This command closes the specified lister or all listers if the  all 
keyword is supplied in place of a lister handle. Any function that is
currently taking place will be aborted.

 handle  is the handle of the lister to close.

For example,
        + lister close 121132636

See also:

 lister iconify 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister empty'.

lister empty <handle>

This command will display an empty cache for the specified lister  handle 
(unlike  lister clear  which clears the contents of the current cache).
If no empty caches are available (and a new one can not be created), the
existing cache will be cleared. If the lister has a  custom handler 
attached, it will receive an inactive message.

Note that previous versions of Opus 5 did not send the 'inactive' message
to the  custom handler  when this command was used. 

See also:

 lister copy 
 lister clear 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister findcache'.

lister findcache <handle> <path>

This command allows you to find a cached directory and display it in the
lister.  When it returns,  RESULT  is set to 0 if the path was not found,
or 1 if it was found.  If the path is found, it will be automatically
displayed in the lister and you don't need to do any more.  If it is not
found, you'll have to read the directory as normal.

 handle  is the handle of the lister in question.

 path  is the path of the cache to find.

For example,
        + lister findcache 137025148 Ram:testfile
        > 1

See also:

 lister clearcaches 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister getstring'.

lister getstring <handle> <text> [secure] [<length>] [<default>]

This command allows you to prompt the user to input a text string. It is
identical to the  dopus getstring  command except that it takes a
lister  handle  as an additional parameter and the requester will be
centred over that lister.

 text  is a string of text to be displayed in the requester, and should be
surrounded by quotes if it contains spaces.

The  secure  keyword causes the string to be displayed as asterisks ("*"),
which can be useful for passwords.

 length  is the maximum length of string to accept and defaults to 80 if
not specified.

 default  is the default value of the string; that is, the text you wish to
initially appear in the field.

 buttons  are the buttons you wish the requester to have; each button
should be separated by a vertical bar character ("|"). If the buttons
parameter is omitted the requester will have a single button marked "OK".

For example,
 + lister getstring 121132636 '"Please enter some text" 40 "" Okay|Cancel'

Note the quotes around the entire argument string. 

You can have multiple lines in the requester text by putting the "return"
character at the end of lines. 

This would display a requester with the string "Please enter some text", a
maximum input length of 40 characters, an empty default sting, and buttons
labelled "Okay" and "Cancel".

The string (if any) is returned in  RESULT . The cardinal number of the
selected button is returned in the special variable  DOPUSRC , but the
last (rightmost) gadget is always number 0. In the above example, if the
user clicked "Okay",  DOPUSRC  would contain 1, and if the user clicked
"Cancel" it would contain 0.  If the RETURN key is used in the string gadget
to accept the text, then the  DOPUSRC  variable will contain the value -1.

This command and the  dopus getstring  command are the only ones that use
the  DOPUSRC  variable currently, but this may change in the future.

See also:

 lister request 
 dopus getstring 
 dopus request 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister iconify'.

lister iconify (all|<handle>) [<state>]

This command causes either all listers or the specified lister to become
iconified if state is 1, "on", or omitted altogether, and to deiconify if
state is 0 or "off".

Specify all listers with the  all  parameter, or specify the handle of
a lister with the  handle  parameter.

For example,
        + lister iconify 121132636
        + lister iconify all off

See also:

 lister new iconify 
 lister close 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister new'.

lister new [<x/y/w/h>] [toolbar <toolbar>] [inactive] [invisible]
           [iconify] [mode <name|icon|action|showall>] [fromicon <path>] [<path>]

This command creates a new lister.

You may optionally specify the position and size of the new lister. The
default position of -1/-1 causes the lister to open under the mouse
pointer with the default width and height as specified by the environment.

The position is specified by the [<x/y/w/h>] parameter:

        x      - x-coordinate for top-left of lister window, or -1;
        y      - y-coordinate for top-left of lister window, or -1;
        w      - width of the lister window;
        h      - height of the lister window.

A custom toolbar for the lister can be specified with the  toolbar 
keyword; toolbar files are expected to be found in the DOpus5:Buttons 
directory if the full path is not given.

You may also specify a  path  to read when the lister opens.

Any  path  specified must occur at the end of the command line.

The initial state of a lister can be set by providing one or more of these
additional keywords:

 inactive  prevents the newly opened lister from being the active window.
 invisible  causes the lister to be invisible initially.
        See  lister set visible , and  lister query visible 
 iconify  causes the lister to start iconified.
        See  lister iconify 
 fromicon  will open the new lister using the size and position information
        from the specified directory's icon (only if a path is specified and an icon
        exists).  Eg, lister new fromicon sys:tools
 mode  lets you specify the initial mode of the new lister.
        ie. name, icon, icon action and showall

For example,
        + lister new
        + lister new 100/50/400/300
        + lister new ram:
        + lister new 80/30/200/200 dh0:work
        + lister new toolbar custom_toolbar work:
        + lister new fromicon SYS:Devs work:
        + lister new mode icon work:
        > 121132636   (Typical return from any one of the above).

If the lister opens successfully, its handle is returned in the  RESULT 
variable. You must save the value of this handle if you wish to do anything
further with this lister. In the above example, a handle of 121132636 was
returned. This is used in many of the examples.

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister query'.

lister query <type>

This command returns the handles of all listers matching  type  in
 RESULT , unless an  error  occurs (for example there are no listers
of the given type).

 type  can be one of the following keywords:-


You can also return the result in a variable of your choosing instead
of  RESULT , or return the result in a stem variable. Select one of
the types above for more information.

lister query <handle> <item>

This command returns a particular item of information from the specified
lister.  handle  is the handle of the lister in question. All information
is returned in the  RESULT  variable, unless an  error  occurs.

 item  can be one of the following keywords:-


Several of the keywords allow you to return the result in a variable of
your choosing instead of  RESULT , or return the result in a stem
variable. Additionally, some of the keywords take futher arguments.
Select one of the items above for more information.

See also:

 lister set 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister query active'.

lister query active

This command returns the the handle of the current active lister, ie. the
lister window that is active, the lister may or may not be in state source or

The handle will be returned in  RESULT , unless an
 error  occurs (for example there are no listers).

For example,
        + lister query active
        > 121132636

If no listers are available the result will be empty and  RC  will
contain the relevant  error code .

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister query all'.

lister query all

This command returns the handles of all non-busy listers (that is, any
listers that are not performing a function at the time).

For example,
        + lister query all
        > 121132636 121963868 

If no matching listers are available the result will be empty and  RC  will
contain the relevant  error code .

You can use the Word() function in ARexx to traverse the list.

lister query all var <varname>

This is exactly the same as  lister query all , except that the result
is stored in the variable called  varname  instead of  RESULT .

For example,
        + lister query all var all_handles
would return
        all_handles    = "121132636 121963868"

lister query all stem <stemname>

This is exactly the same as  lister query all , except that the result
is stored in a stem variable whose base-name is  stemname .

For example,
        + lister query all stem all_handles
would return
        all_handles.count      = 2
        all_handles.0          = 121132636
        all_handles.1          = 121963868

Note that the stem count will correctly return 0 if there are no
matching listers.

See also:

 lister query dest 
 lister query source 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister query dest'.

lister query dest

This command returns the handles of all destination listers.

For example,
        + lister query dest
        > 121963868 

If no matching listers are available the result will be empty and  RC  will
contain the relevant  error code .

You can use the Word() function in ARexx to traverse the list.

lister query dest var <varname>

This is exactly the same as  lister query dest , except that the result
is stored in the variable called  varname  instead of  RESULT .

For example,
        + lister query dest var dest_handles
would return
        dest_handles   = 121963868

lister query dest stem <stemname>

This is exactly the same as  lister query dest , except that the result
is stored in a stem variable whose base-name is  stemname .

For example,
        + lister query dest stem dest_handles
would return
        dest_handles.count     = 1
        dest_handles.0         = 121963868

Note that the stem count will correctly return 0 if there are no
matching listers.

See also:

 lister query all 
 lister query source 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister query source'.

lister query source

This command returns the handles of all source listers.

For example,
        + lister query source
        > 121132636 128765412 

If no matching listers are available the result will be empty and  RC  will
contain the relevant  error code .

You can use the Word() function in ARexx to traverse the list.

lister query source var <varname>

This is exactly the same as  lister query source , except that the result
is stored in the variable called  varname  instead of  RESULT .

For example,
        + lister query source var source_handles
would return
        source_handles = "121132636 128765412"

lister query source stem <stemname>

This is exactly the same as  lister query source , except that the result
is stored in a stem variable whose base-name is  stemname .

For example,
        + lister query source stem source_handles
would return
        source_handles.count   = 2
        source_handles.0       = 121132636
        source_handles.1       = 128765412

Note that the stem count will correctly return 0 if there are no
matching listers.

See also:

 lister query all 
 lister query dest 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister query abort'.

lister query <handle> abort

This returns a boolean (0 or 1) value indicating the status of the lister's
abort flag. This query command is only valid if the lister has a progress
indicator open (as this is the only way the user can abort a function
anyway). This will return 1 if the user has clicked the abort gadget, 0 if
she has not.

 handle  is the handle of the lister to query.

For example,
        + lister query 121132636 abort
        > 0 

Note that in Opus 4, querying the abort flag would also reset it. This is
not the case in Opus 5; if you wish to reset the state of the abort flag
you must use the  lister clear  command. 

See also:

 lister clear abort 
 lister set newprogress 
 lister set progress 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister query busy'.

lister query <handle> busy

Returns a boolean value (0 or 1) indicating the lister busy status. That
is, if the lister is currently busy, it will return 1, otherwise it will
return 0.

 handle  is the handle of the lister to query.

For example,
        + lister query 121132636 busy
        > 1 

See also:

 lister set busy 
 lister wait 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister query case'.

lister query <handle> case

This command turns tells you whether the lister is case sensitive or not.

 handle  is the handle of the lister in question.

Returns 1 if the lister is case sensitive and 0 otherwise.

Since Amiga filenames are not case sensitive this setting defaults to off.
It may be useful for some  custom handlers  to turn case sensitivity on,
however. OpusFTP is one such handler, and it needs case sensitivity when
displaying UNIX directories because there could be entries called
"RECENT", "recent", "Recent", and "ReCeNt" which are all different.

For example,
        + lister query 121132636 case
        > 0 

See also:

 lister set case 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister query commentlength'.

lister query <handle> commentlength

Returns the maximum number of characters that can currently be displayed in
the comment field of the lister.

 handle  is the handle of the lister in question.

For example,
        + lister query 121132636 commentlength
        > 79 

See also:

 lister set commentlength 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister query dirs'.

lister query <handle> dirs [<separator>]

Returns the names of all directories in the lister ( handle ), surrounded
by quotes. If you specify a  separator  character it will be placed
between the quotes, otherwise space is used.

For example, (The quotes are included in the strings)
        + lister query 121132636 dirs
        > "Clipboards" "ENV" "T" 
        + lister query 121132636 dirs ,
        > "Clipboards","ENV","T" 

You should not rely on the ARexx Word() function to traverse the list
because it does not support quotes and any directory with a space in its
name will cause your script to malfunction. Use a stem variable instead
(see below). 

Note that the empty string will be returned if there are no directories in
the lister. In previous versions of Opus 5, however, this was not the case. 

lister query <handle> dirs var <varname>

This is exactly the same as  lister query dirs , except that the result
is stored in the variable called  varname  instead of  RESULT .

For example,
        + lister query 121132636 dirs var dirs
would return
        dirs   = '"Clipboards" "ENV" "T"'

lister query <handle> dirs stem <stemname>

This is exactly the same as  lister query dirs , except that the result
is stored in a stem variable whose base-name is  stemname .

For example,
        + lister query 121132636 dirs stem dirs
would return
        dirs.count     = 1
        dirs.0         = "Clipboards"
        dirs.1         = "ENV"
        dirs.2         = "T"

Note that the stem count will correctly return 0 if there are no

See also:

 lister query entry 
 lister query entries 
 lister query files 
 lister query numdirs 
 lister query numseldirs 
 lister query seldirs 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister query display'.

lister query <handle> display

This returns a string indicating the current display items. The string will
consist of the same keywords as for  lister query sort , in the order
that they appear in the lister (if they appear at all).

Valid keywords are:-
        name           - filename
        size           - file size
        protect        - protection bits
        date           - datestamp
        comment        - comment
        filetype       - file type
        version        - file version

For example,
        + lister query 121132636 display
        > name size date protect comment 

See also:

 lister set display 
 lister query separate 
 lister set separate 
 lister query sort 
 lister set sort 
 lister query lock 
 lister set lock 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister query entries'.

lister query <handle> entries [<separator>]

Returns the names of all entries (that is, both files and directories) in
the lister ( handle ), surrounded by quotes. If you specify a  separator 
character it will be placed between the quotes, otherwise space is used.

For example, (The quotes are included in the strings)
        + lister query 121132636 entries
        > "Clipboards" "ENV" "T" "abc" "" 
        + lister query 121132636 entries ,
        > "Clipboards","ENV","T","abc","" 

You should not rely on the ARexx Word() function to traverse the list
because it does not support quotes and any entry with a space in its name
will cause your script to malfunction. Use a stem variable instead (see

Note that the empty string will be returned if there are no entries in
the lister. In previous versions of Opus 5, however, this was not the case. 

lister query <handle> entries var <varname>

This is exactly the same as  lister query entries , except that the result
is stored in the variable called  varname  instead of  RESULT .

For example,
        + lister query 121132636 entries var ents
would return
        ents   = '"Clipboards" "ENV" "T" "abc" ""'

lister query <handle> entries stem <stemname>

This is exactly the same as  lister query entries , except that the result
is stored in a stem variable whose base-name is  stemname .

For example,
        + lister query 121132636 entries stem ents
would return
        ents.count     = 5
        ents.0         = Clipboards
        ents.1         = ENV
        ents.2         = T
        ents.3         = abc
        ents.4         =

Note that the stem count will correctly return 0 if there are no

See also:

 lister query entry 
 lister query dirs 
 lister query files 
 lister query numentries 
 lister query numselentries 
 lister query selentries 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister query entry'.

lister query <handle> entry <name>

Returns information about the specified entry.

 name  is the actual name of the entry to return information about. You can
supply #xxx for the name (where xxx is a number), to specify the cardinal
number of the desired entry.

Note that you do not include the path in the name. 

The information returned is in the format

        <name> <size> <type> <selection> <seconds> <protect> <comment>

where   name is the full name of the entry (no path),
        size is the size of the entry (bytes),
        type is the type of the entry (<0 means a file,
                                       >0 means a directory),
        selection indicates the selection status of the entry
                  (1 if the entry is selected, 0 if it is not selected),
        seconds is the datestamp of the entry in seconds from 1/1/78,
        protect is the protection bits of the file
                (in ASCII format, eg "h---rwed"),
        comment is the comment of the entry (if any).

The ARexx calender/date functions provide routines perfect for converting
various time formats to the datestamp entry and back again. 

For example,
        + lister query 121132636 entry ENV
        > ENV -1 2 0 543401724 ----rwed 

lister query <handle> entry <name> var <varname>

This is exactly the same as  lister query entry , except that the result
is stored in the variable called  varname  instead of  RESULT .

For example,
        + lister query 121132636 entry "" var myvar
would return
        myvar  = " 828 -1 0 590488349 ----rw-d"

lister query <handle> entry <name> stem <stemname>

This is exactly the same as  lister query entry , except that the result
is stored in a stem variable whose base-name is  stemname .

The specified stem variable will have several fields, each containing
information about the entry in question. These fields are as follows:-

        name           - entry name (no path)
        size           - file size (bytes)
        type           - type (<0 = file, >0 = dir)
        selected       - 0 (selected) or 1 (not selected)
        date           - seconds since 1/1/78
        protect        - protection bits (long value)
        datestring     - datestamp in ASCII form
        protstring     - protection bits in ASCII form, eg "----rwed"
        comment        - file comment (if any)
        filetype       - file type (if any)
        version        - version number
        revision       - revision number
        verdate        - version date in numerical format
        datenum        - file date in numerical format
        time           - file time in hh:mm:ss 24 hour format
        userdata       - userdata value (see  lister addstem )
        display        - display line (if any) (see  lister addstem )

For example,
        > lister query 121132636 entry "" stem fileinfo.
would return,          = ""
        fileinfo.size          = 828
        fileinfo.type          = -1
        fileinfo.selected      = 0          = 590488349
        fileinfo.protect       = 2
        fileinfo.datestring    = "17-Sep-96 08:32:29"
        fileinfo.protstring    = "----rw-d"
        fileinfo.comment       = ""    (There comment is empty)
        fileinfo.filetype      = ""    (Filetypes not shown in the lister)
        fileinfo.version       = ""    (Versions not shown in the lister,
        fileinfo.revision      = ""     and the file has no version string
        fileinfo.verdate       = ""     inside it anyway).
        fileinfo.datenum       = "17-09-96"
        fileinfo.time          = "08:32:29"
        fileinfo.userdata      = 0     (This is the default userdata value)
        fileinfo.display       = ""

See also:

 lister add 
 lister addstem 
 lister query dirs 
 lister query entries 
 lister query files 
 lister query firstsel 
 lister query numdirs 
 lister query numentries 
 lister query numfiles 
 lister query numseldirs 
 lister query numselentries 
 lister query numselfiles 
 lister query seldirs 
 lister query selentries 
 lister query selfiles 
 lister select 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister query files'.

lister query <handle> files [<separator>]

Returns the names of all files in the lister ( handle ), surrounded by
quotes. If you specify a  separator  character it will be placed between
the quotes, otherwise space is used.

For example, (The quotes are included in the strings)
        + lister query 121132636 files
        > "abc" "" 
        + lister query 121132636 files ,
        > "abc","" 

You should not rely on the ARexx Word() function to traverse the list
because it does not support quotes and any file with a space in its name
will cause your script to malfunction. Use a stem variable instead (see

Note that the empty string will be returned if there are no files in
the lister. In previous versions of Opus 5, however, this was not the case. 

lister query <handle> files var <varname>

This is exactly the same as  lister query files , except that the result
is stored in the variable called  varname  instead of  RESULT .

For example,
        + lister query 121132636 files var fillies
would return
        fillies        = '"abc" ""'

lister query <handle> files stem <stemname>

This is exactly the same as  lister query files , except that the result
is stored in a stem variable whose base-name is  stemname .

For example,
        + lister query 121132636 files stem fyels
would return
        fyels.count    = 2
        fyels.0        = abc
        fyels.1        =

Note that the stem count will correctly return 0 if there are no

See also:

 lister query entry 
 lister query dirs 
 lister query entries 
 lister query firstsel 
 lister query numfiles 
 lister query numselfiles 
 lister query selfiles 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister query firstsel'.

lister query <handle> firstsel

Returns the name (without path) of the first selected entry in the lister.

 handle  is the handle of the lister in question.

The entry is not deselected, so if you don't deselect it yourself this
command will only ever return the one name.

For example,
        + lister query 121132636 firstsel 
        > "ENV" 

See also:

 lister query entry 
 lister query dirs 
 lister query entries 
 lister query files 
 lister query numseldirs 
 lister query numselentries 
 lister query numselfiles 
 lister query seldirs 
 lister query selentries 
 lister query selfiles 
 lister select 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister query flags'.

lister query <handle> flags

This returns a string indicating any sort or display flags that are active
for the lister.

These flags are:-
        reverse        - sort in reverse order
        noicons        - filter icons
        hidden         - filter hidden bit

 handle  is the handle of the lister in question.

For example,
        + lister query 121132636 flags 
        > noicons 

See also:

 lister set flags 
 lister clear flags 
 lister query show 
 lister set show 
 lister query hide 
 lister set hide 
 lister query display 
 lister set display 
 lister query separate 
 lister set separate 
 lister query sort 
 lister set sort 
 lister query lock 
 lister set lock 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister query handler'.

lister query <handle> handler

Returns the name of the current custom handler port for a lister

 handle  is the handle of the lister in question.

For example,
        + lister query 121132636 handler 
        > ArcDir121132636 

See also:

 lister set handler 
 Custom Handlers 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister query header'.

lister query <handle>  header

This command returns the current header string of a lister.

 handle  is the handle of the lister in question.

The header will be returned in  RESULT , unless an  error 
occurs (for example there are no listers matching the handle given).

If the header is the default, then  RESULT  will be empty.

For example,
        + lister query 121132636 header
        > Delete files?

If no matching listers are available the result will be empty and  RC  will
contain the relevant  error code .

See also:

 lister query label 
 lister query title 
 lister set header 
 lister set label 
 lister set title 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister query hide'.

lister query <handle> hide

This returns the current hide filter for a lister.
Usually this will be empty to indicate that nothing is being hidden.

 handle  is the handle of the lister in question.

For example,
        + lister query 121132636 hide 
        > #?.o 

See also:

 lister set hide 
 lister query show 
 lister set show 
 lister query flags 
 lister set flags 
 lister clear flags 
 lister query display 
 lister set display 
 lister query separate 
 lister set separate 
 lister query sort 
 lister set sort 
 lister query lock 
 lister set lock 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister query label'.

lister query <handle> label

This command returns the label that appears beneath this lister when it is
iconified. By default, the label will be the name of the current directory.
This label can, however, be changed by calling the  lister set label 

 handle  is the handle of the lister in question.

For example,
        + lister query 121132636 label
        > Ram Disk 

 lister set label 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister query lock'.

lister query <handle> lock [state|format]

This command returns the current lock status of either the lister's
state or format.

 handle  is the handle of the lister in question.

Returns 0 to indicate "unlocked", and 1 to indicate "locked".

For example,
        + lister query 121132636 lock state
        > 0 

A lister state and/or format can be locked and unlocked by the
 lister set lock  command. While a lister's state (source/dest/off/etc.)
is locked the user cannot change it. Similarly, while a lister's format is
locked the user cannot change it (currently this just disables
the Format Edit Requester and it is still possible to change the format
with the field gadgets, if enabled -- hopefully this will be fixed
in the future).

Note that "locked" in this sense is nothing to do with the "locked source"
and "locked destination" states which you can put listers in to have
multiple source or destination listers, nor is it anything to do with
when a lister is "locked" in position. 

See also:

 lister set lock 
 lister query display 
 lister set display 
 lister set separate 
 lister query sort 
 lister set sort 
 lister query separate 
 lister query show 
 lister set show 
 lister query hide 
 lister set hide 
 lister query flags 
 lister set flags 
 lister clear flags 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister query mode'.

lister query <handle> mode

This returns the current mode of the lister and also the word showall if
the lister is in an icon mode and displaying files without icons.

 handle  is the handle of the lister in question.

The lister modes are:-
        name           - name mode
        icon           - workbench style icon mode
        icon action    - icon action mode

For example,
        + lister query 121132636 mode
        > icon action showall 

See also:

 lister set mode 
 lister set source 
 lister set dest 
 lister set off 
 lister query lock 
 lister set lock 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister query namelength'.

lister query <handle> namelength

This command gets the maximum length allowed for filenames in the lister.

 handle  is the handle of the lister in question.

The absolute minimum length is 30 characters which is also the default
length (and the current filename length limit of AmigaDOS).

Changing the length (with  lister set namelength ) will only be useful to
writers of  custom handlers . Note that the internal Opus commands, for
the most part, do not currently support filenames longer than 30

For example,
        + lister query 121132636 namelength
        > 30 

See also:

 lister set namelength 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister query numdirs'.

lister query <handle> numdirs

Returns the number of directories in the lister.

 handle  is the handle of the lister in question.

For example,
        + lister query 121132636 numdirs
        > 3 

See also:

 lister query dirs 
 lister query numentries 
 lister query numfiles 
 lister query numseldirs 
 lister query numselentries 
 lister query numselfiles 
 lister query seldirs 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister query numentries'.

lister query <handle> numentries

Returns the total number of entries in the lister (files + dirs).

 handle  is the handle of the lister in question.

For example,
        + lister query 121132636 numentries
        > 7 

See also:

 lister query entry 
 lister query entries 
 lister query numdirs 
 lister query numfiles 
 lister query numselentries 
 lister query selentries 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister query numfiles'.

lister query <handle> numfiles

Returns the number of files in the lister.

 handle  is the handle of the lister in question.

For example,
        + lister query 121132636 numfiles 
        > 4 

See also:

 lister query files 
 lister query numdirs 
 lister query numentries 
 lister query numselfiles 
 lister query selfiles 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister query numseldirs'.

lister query <handle> numseldirs

Returns the number of selected directories in the lister.

 handle  is the handle of the lister in question.

For example,
        + lister query 121132636 numseldirs
        > 1 

See also:

 lister query dirs 
 lister query firstsel 
 lister query numdirs 
 lister query numselentries 
 lister query numselfiles 
 lister query seldirs 
 lister select 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister query numselentries'.

lister query <handle> numselentries

Returns the number of selected entries (files + dirs) in the lister.

 handle  is the handle of the lister in question.

For example,
        + lister query 121132636 numselentries
        > 2 

See also:

 lister query entry 
 lister query entries 
 lister query firstsel 
 lister query numentries 
 lister query numseldirs 
 lister query numselfiles 
 lister query selentries 
 lister select 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister query numselfiles'.

lister query <handle> numselfiles

Returns the number of selected files in the lister.

 handle  is the handle of the lister in question.

For example,
        + lister query 121132636 numselfiles
        > 1 

See also:

 lister query files 
 lister query firstsel 
 lister query numfiles 
 lister query numseldirs 
 lister query numselentries 
 lister query selfiles 
 lister select 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister query path'.

lister query <handle> path

Returns a string indicating the current path visible in the lister.

 handle  is the handle of the lister in question.

For example,
        + lister query 121132636 path
        > ram: 

See also:

 lister set path 
 lister read 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister query position'.

lister query <handle> position

Returns the current position and size of the lister. The word locked will
also be returned if the lister is locked in position.

 handle  is the handle of the lister in question.

The position returned is in the following format:

        <x/y/w/h> [locked] <L/C/c/l>

        x      - x-coordinate for top-left of lister window;
        y      - y-coordinate for top-left of lister window;
        w      - width of the lister window;
        h      - height of the lister window;
        L      - total number of lines in the lister;
        C      - total number of columns in the lister;
        c      - number of visible columns in the lister;
        l      - number of visible lines in the lister.

Note that the lines/columns data was not returned before Opus 5.5. 

For example,
        + lister query 121132636 position
        > 360/47/360/151 27/82/42/14 

        + lister query 121132636 position
        > 360/47/360/151 locked 27/82/42/14 

See also:

 lister set position 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister query proc'.

lister query <handle> proc

This command returns the process address of the lister.

 handle  is the handle of the lister in question.

The process address will be returned in  RESULT , unless an
error occurs, then  RC  will contain the relevant  error code .

For example,
        + lister query 121132636 proc
        > 122132648

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister query seldirs'.

lister query <handle> seldirs [<separator>]

Returns the names of all selected directories in the lister ( handle ),
surrounded by quotes. If you specify a  separator  character it will be
placed between the quotes, otherwise space is used.

For example, (The quotes are included in the strings)
        + lister query 121132636 seldirs
        > "ENV" "T" 
        + lister query 121132636 seldirs ,
        > "ENV","T" 

You should not rely on the ARexx Word() function to traverse the list
because it does not support quotes and any directory with a space in its
name will cause your script to malfunction. Use a stem variable instead
(see below). 

Note that the empty string will be returned if there are no selected
directories in the lister. In previous versions of Opus 5, however, this
was not the case. 

lister query <handle> seldirs var <varname>

This is exactly the same as  lister query seldirs , except that the result
is stored in the variable called  varname  instead of  RESULT .

For example,
        + lister query 121132636 seldirs var sds
would return
        sds    = '"ENV" "T"'

lister query <handle> seldirs stem <stemname>

This is exactly the same as  lister query seldirs , except that the result
is stored in a stem variable whose base-name is  stemname .

For example,
        + lister query 121132636 seldirs stem sdirs
would return
        sdirs.count    = 2
        sdirs.0        = ENV
        sdirs.1        = T

Note that the stem count will correctly return 0 if there are no
selected directories.

See also:

 lister query dirs 
 lister query firstsel 
 lister query numdirs 
 lister query numseldirs 
 lister query selentries 
 lister query selfiles 
 lister select 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister query selentries'.

lister query <handle> selentries [<separator>]

Returns the names of all selected entires (files + dirs) in the lister
( handle ), surrounded by quotes. If you specify a  separator  character it
will be placed between the quotes, otherwise space is used.

For example, (The quotes are included in the strings)
        + lister query 121132636 selentries
        > "ENV" "T" "abc" "" 
        + lister query 121132636 selentries ,
        > "ENV","T","abc","" 

You should not rely on the ARexx Word() function to traverse the list
because it does not support quotes and any entry with a space in its name
will cause your script to malfunction. Use a stem variable instead (see

Note that the empty string will be returned if there are no selected
entries in the lister. In previous versions of Opus 5, however, this was
not the case. 

lister query <handle> selentries var <varname>

This is exactly the same as  lister query selentries , except that the
result is stored in the variable called  varname  instead of  RESULT .

For example,
        + lister query 121132636 selentries var sentryz
would return
        sentryz        = '"ENV" "T" "abc" ""'

lister query <handle> selentries stem <stemname>

This is exactly the same as  lister query selentries , except that the
result is stored in a stem variable whose base-name is  stemname .

For example,
        + lister query 121132636 selentries stem stsentryz
would return
        stsentryz.count        = 4
        stsentryz.0            = ENV
        stsentryz.1            = T
        stsentryz.2            = abc
        stsentryz.3            =

Note that the stem count will correctly return 0 if there are no
selected entries.

See also:

 lister query entry 
 lister query entries 
 lister query firstsel 
 lister query numentries 
 lister query numselentries 
 lister query seldirs 
 lister query selfiles 
 lister select 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister query selfiles'.

lister query <handle> selfiles [<separator>]

Returns the names of all selected files in the lister ( handle ),
surrounded by quotes. If you specify a  separator  character it will be
placed between the quotes, otherwise space is used.

For example, (The quotes are included in the strings)
        + lister query 121132636 selfiles
        > "abc" "" 
        + lister query 121132636 selfiles ,
        > "abc","" 

You should not rely on the ARexx Word() function to traverse the list
because it does not support quotes and any file with a space in its name
will cause your script to malfunction. Use a stem variable instead (see

Note that the empty string will be returned if there are no selected
files in the lister. In previous versions of Opus 5, however, this was not
the case. 

lister query <handle> selfiles var <varname>

This is exactly the same as  lister query selfiles , except that the result
is stored in the variable called  varname  instead of  RESULT .

For example,
        + lister query 121132636 selfiles var sellyfilles
would return
        sellyfilles    = '"abc" ""'

lister query <handle> selfiles stem <stemname>

This is exactly the same as  lister query selfiles , except that the result
is stored in a stem variable whose base-name is  stemname .

For example,
        + lister query 121132636 selfiles stem sellyfilles
would return
        sellyfilles.count      = 2
        sellyfilles.0          = abc
        sellyfilles.1          =

Note that the stem count will correctly return 0 if there are no
selected files.

See also:

 lister query files 
 lister query firstsel 
 lister query numfiles 
 lister query numselfiles 
 lister query seldirs 
 lister query selentries 
 lister select 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister query separate'.

lister query <handle> separate

This returns a keyword indicating the current file separation method in
the lister.

 handle  is the handle of the lister in question.

Valid methods are:-
        mix            - mix files and directories
        dirsfirst      - directories first
        filesfirst     - files first

For example,
        + lister query 121132636 separate
        > dirsfirst 

See also:

 lister set separate 
 lister query sort 
 lister set sort 
 lister query lock 
 lister set lock 
 lister query flags 
 lister set flags 
 lister clear flags 
 lister query display 
 lister set display 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister query show'.

lister query <handle> show

This returns the current show filter for the lister.
Usually this will be empty, indicating that everything not matched by
the hide filter is shown.

 handle  is the handle of the lister in question.

For example,
        + lister query 121132635 show
        > mod.#? 

See also:

 lister set show 
 lister query hide 
 lister set hide 
 lister query flags 
 lister set flags 
 lister clear flags 
 lister query display 
 lister set display 
 lister query separate 
 lister set separate 
 lister query sort 
 lister set sort 
 lister query lock 
 lister set lock 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister query sort'.

lister query <handle> sort

This returns a keyword indicating the current sort method in the lister.

 handle  is the handle of the lister in question.

Valid sort methods are:-
        name           - filename
        size           - file size
        protect        - protection bits
        date           - datestamp
        comment        - comment
        filetype       - file type
        version        - file version

For example,
        + lister query 121132636 sort 
        > name 

Note that reverse sorting may or may not be in effect in the lister. Use
 lister query flags  to check.

See also:

 lister set sort 
 lister query flags 
 lister set flags 
 lister clear flags 
 lister query display 
 lister set display 
 lister query separate 
 lister set separate 
 lister query lock 
 lister set lock 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister query title'.

lister query <handle>  title

This command returns the current title string of a lister.

 handle  is the handle of the lister in question.

The title will be returned in  RESULT , unless an  error 
occurs (for example there are no listers matching the handle given).

If the header is the default, then  RESULT  will be empty.

For example,
        + lister query 121132636 title
        > Current Directory RAM:

If no matching listers are available the result will be empty and  RC  will
contain the relevant  error code .

See also:

 lister query label 
 lister query header 
 lister set header 
 lister set label 
 lister set title 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister query toolbar'.

lister query <handle> toolbar

This returns the toolbar currently being used by the lister.

 handle  is the handle of the lister in question.

For example,
        + lister query 121132636 toolbar
        > DOpus5:Buttons/toolbar 

See also:

 lister set toolbar 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister query value'.

lister set value <handle> <name>

This command lets you query a value you have previously set with  lister set value .

 handle  is the handle of the lister in question.
 name  is the name for which a value is queried.
For example,
        + lister query 121132636 value MyName
        > Jon Citizen

See also:

 lister query value 
 lister set value 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister query visible'.

lister query <handle> visible

Returns a boolean (0 = no, 1 = yes) value indicating if the lister is
currently visible.

 handle  is the handle of the lister in question.

A lister's visibility can be changed by the  lister set visible  command.

When a lister is invisible its window is completely hidden. A lister
is "visible" when its window is open on a screen, even if it is behind
another window so that you cannot see it. 

For example,
        + lister query 121132636 visible
        > 1 

See also:

 lister set visible 
 lister new invisible 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister query window'.

lister query <handle> window

Returns a pointer to the window structure of the lister, or 0 if the lister
has no window.

 handle  is the handle of the lister in question.

For example,
        + lister query 121132636 window
        > 0

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister read'.

lister read <handle> <path> [force]

This command will read the given path into the specified lister ( handle ).

By default a new cache is used to read the directory; if the  force 
keyword is specified, the current cache will be cleared and the directory
will be read into that.

The old path is returned in  RESULT .

For example,
        + lister read 121132636 'dh0:test'
        > RamDisk: 

See also:

 lister query path 
 lister set path 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister refresh'.

lister refresh (all|<handle>) [full] [date]

This command refreshes the display of the specified lister ( handle ) or
all listers if the keyword  all  is given in place of a lister handle.
Unlike Opus 4, none of the lister modifying commands will actually refresh
or update the lister display; hence, you must use this command after making
any changes (changing sort method, adding files, etc) to have the changes

The optional  full  keyword causes the lister title and status displayed
to be refreshed as well.

For example,
        + lister refresh 121132636 full

If the  date  keyword is specified, the lister will update its directory
datestamp, which will stop it re-reading itself the next time it is
activated. If this keyword is specified, the lister display itself is not

For example,
        + lister refresh 12113236 date 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister reload'.

lister reload <handle> <name> [update]

This command reloads (or loads for the first time) a file in a lister.

 name  is either the name of the entry, or #xxx (where xxx is a number) to
specify the cardinal number of the entry.

The  update  keyword causes the lister datestamp to be updated
(to save unnecessary reloading).

For example,
        + lister reload 12381928 'filename.lha' update

If the file previously existed in the lister, the user data, user menus and
version information of the file is preserved.

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister remove'.

lister remove <handle> <name>

This command removes an entry from the specified lister.

 name  is either the name of the entry, or #xxx (where xxx is a number) to
specify the cardinal number of the entry.

The display is not updated until you execute a  lister refresh  command.

For example,
        + lister remove 121132636 #5

See also:

 lister add 
 lister addstem 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister request'.

lister request <handle> <text> <buttons>

This command is identical to the  dopus request  command except that it
takes an additional  handle  parameter and the requester will be centred
over that lister.

 text  is a string of text to be displayed in the requester.

 buttons  are the buttons you wish the requester to have; each button
should be separated by a vertical bar character.

For example,
 + lister request 121132636 '"Choose one" Option 1|Option 2|Option 3'

Note the quotes around the entire argument string. 

You can have multiple lines in the requester text by putting the "return"
character at the end of lines. 

This would display a requester with the string "Choose one", and three
buttons labelled Option 1 to Option 3.

The cardinal number of the selected button is returned in  RC . The last
button supplied (Option 3 in this case) is designated a "Cancel" button,
and so returns the value 0. Therefore, the values returned by this example
are 1, 2, and 0, respectively.

See also:

 lister getstring 
 dopus request 
 dopus getstring 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister set'.

lister set <handle> <item> [<arguments>]

This command sets a particular item of information for the specified lister.

 handle  is the handle of the lister in question.

 item  can be one of the following keywords:-


 arguments , if any, are specific to each command.

See also:

 lister query 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister set busy'.

lister set <handle> busy (0|1|off|on) [wait]

Sets the busy status for the lister.

 handle  is the handle of the lister in question.

Specify 1 or "on" to make the lister go busy, or specify 0 or "off"
to un-busy the lister.

When turning busy status on you can also provide the  wait  keyword which
will cause the command to be synchronous (it won't return until the
lister has finished going busy). You should use this when you want to do
something else to the lister right after making it go busy, otherwise
it could ignore you.

For example,
        + lister set 121132636 busy on wait
        + lister set 121132636 busy 0

See also:

 lister query busy 
 lister wait 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister set case'.

lister set <handle> case (0|1|off|on)

This command turns on (1 or "on") or off (0 or "off") case sensitivity for
the lister.

 handle  is the handle of the lister in question.

Since Amiga filenames are not case sensitive this setting defaults to off.
It may be useful for some  custom handlers  to turn case sensitivity on,
however. OpusFTP is one such handler, and it needs case sensitivity when
displaying UNIX directories because there could be entries called
"RECENT", "recent", "Recent", and "ReCeNt" which are all different.

For example,
        + lister set 121132636 case on
        + lister set 121132636 case off

See also:

 lister query case 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister set commentlength'.

lister set <handle> commentlength <length>

Allows you to set the maximum comment length allowed in the lister.

NOTE: This only affects the lister display, the filesystem still restricts
      the maximum file comment that can be saved to disk as 79 characters.

 handle  is the handle of the lister in question.

 length  is the amount of characters to display in the comment field.

For example,
        + lister set 121132636 commentlength 100

See also:

 lister query commentlength 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister set dest'.

lister set <handle> dest [lock]

Makes the lister the destination.

 handle  is the handle of the lister in question.

If you specify the  lock  keyword, it will be locked as a destination.

For example,
        + lister set 121132636 dest

See also:

 lister set source 
 lister set off 
 lister query lock 
 lister set lock 
 lister query mode 
 lister set mode 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister set display'.

lister set <handle> display <items>

Sets the display items for this lister.

 handle  is the handle of the lister in question.

The display will not be updated until you execute a  lister refresh 

The items are the same as those returned by the  lister query display 
and  lister query sort  commands.

Valid items are:-
        name           - filename
        size           - file size
        protect        - protection bits
        date           - datestamp
        comment        - comment
        filetype       - file type
        version        - file version

For example,
        + lister set 121132636 display name date size protect

See also:

 lister query display 
 lister query separate 
 lister set separate 
 lister query sort 
 lister set sort 
 lister query lock 
 lister set lock 
 lister query show 
 lister set show 
 lister query hide 
 lister set hide 
 lister query flags 
 lister set flags 
 lister clear flags 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister set field'.

lister set <handle> field [<number> <string>]

This allows you to set your own strings to be used in the lister field
titles. You can not change the nature of the columns in the lister - this
just allows you to change the heading.

The  number  (0-9) specifies which string to replace from the table:-

        name     0,
        size     1,
        access   2,
        date     3,
        comment  4,
        type     5,
        owner    6,
        group    7,
        net      8,
        version  9.

Set to an empty string to restore the default.

You will need to do a  lister refresh  full  to update the display
once you have changed the titles.

 handle  is the handle of the lister in question.

For example,
        + lister set 121132636 field 0 "FileName" 4 "Notes"

lister set <handle> field (on|off)

This allows you to remove field titles altogether ("off") and replace them
when you are finished ("on"). (You cannot use 1 and 0 instead of "on" and
"off", for obvious reasons.)

 handle  is the handle of the lister in question.

Note that if field titles have not been enabled in the configuration, an
ARexx script is unable to turn them on. 

See also:

 lister query label 
 lister set label 
 lister set title 
 lister set header 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister set flags'.

lister set <handle> flags <flags>

Sets sort/display flags for the lister.

 handle  is the handle of the lister in question.  You may use +flag to
turn a flag on, -flag to turn a flag off, or /flag to toggle a flag.
By default, flags will be turned on.

The display is not updated unless you execute a  lister refresh  command.

Valid flags are:-
        reverse        - sort in reverse order
        noicons        - filter icons
        hidden - filter hidden bit

For example,
        + lister set 121132636 flags +reverse -noicons

        This will turn the reverse flag on and the noicons flag off.

See also:

 lister query flags 
 lister clear flags 
 lister query show 
 lister set show 
 lister query hide 
 lister set hide 
 lister query display 
 lister set display 
 lister query separate 
 lister set separate 
 lister query sort 
 lister set sort 
 lister query lock 
 lister set lock 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister set header'.

lister set <handle> header <string>

This works just like  lister set title  except it changes the text in the
'Files x/y Dirs x/y' bar.

 handle  is the handle of the lister in question.

Specify the new header text for the  string  parameter.
The old header string is returned in  RESULT .

Set this to an empty string to restore the default.
If you wish to actually display an empty header, set it to a "-" (hyphen

You will need to do a  lister refresh  full  to update the display
once you have changed the header.

For example,
        + lister set 121132636 header Super-Custom Header
        + lister set 121132636 header                  (To reset it)

See also:

 lister query label 
 lister set label 
 lister set field 
 lister set title 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister set handler'.

lister set <handle> handler <port name> [quotes] [fullpath] [editing]
           [nopopups] [guage] [leaveguage] [synctraps] [subdrop]

Sets the  custom handler  port name for this lister.

 handle  is the handle of the lister in question.

 port name  is the name of the message port to which messages from Opus
will be sent.

Note that message port names are case sensitive. Make sure that you use
the correct case and that you quote the name properly so that ARexx
doesn't uppercase it.

If you specify the  quotes  flag, any filenames sent in messages to the
port will be enclosed in quotes (this is a good idea as it allows you to
support filenames containing spaces).

If you specify the  fullpath  flag, messages will always contain the full
path name of a file, irrespective of whether it came from an Opus lister or
not. (Usually, if the file comes from a lister you will only get the
filename itself, plus the lister handle with which to find out the path).

If you specify the  editing  flag, inline lister editing will be enabled
for this lister.

If you specify the  nopopups  flag, all file popups will be disabled for
this lister.

If you specify the  guage  flag, you can enable the 'Free Space Gauge'
to show the proportion of space free on the disk. (note that the user may
still have turned them off in the environment)

Specifying the  leaveguage  flag, will cause an existing fuelguage
to remain there, or leave it absent if it wasn't.  This is in contrast to
the above  guage  flag, which will always add a fuelguage.

Not providing the  guage  or the  leaveguage  will always cause a
lister to have no fuelguage.

The  synctraps  flag causes messages trapped by an ARexx lister handler
to be handled synchronously.  By default, (and for compatibility), all
handler messages remain asynchronous.

The  subdrop  flag allows handlers to use the  Drag into subdirectories 
feature of Opus.  See  Environment/Lister Options  in the Opus manual
for more information on this option.

For example,
        + lister set 121132636 handler 'lhadir_handler' quotes
        + lister set 121132636 handler 'lhadir_handler' quotes guage nopopups
        + lister set 121132636 handler 'lhadir_handler' quotes leaveguage

See  Custom Handlers  section for more details.

See also:

 lister query handler 
 Custom Handlers 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister set hide'.

lister set <handle> hide <pattern>

Sets the hide pattern for the lister to the string given for the
 pattern  parameter.

 handle  is the handle of the lister in question.

The pattern is applied immediately but the display is not updated until you
execute a  lister refresh  command.

For example,
        + lister set 121132636 hide '#?.info'

See also:

 lister query hide 
 lister query show 
 lister set show 
 lister query flags 
 lister set flags 
 lister clear flags 
 lister query display 
 lister set display 
 lister query separate 
 lister set separate 
 lister query sort 
 lister set sort 
 lister query lock 
 lister set lock 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister set label'.

lister set <handle> label [<label>]

This command can be used to set the label that will be displayed beneath
the iconified lister.

 handle  is the handle of the lister in question.

 label  is the icon-label string you want.

To remove a custom label, simply use this command with no label specified.

For example,
        + lister set 121132636 label Custom Lister
        + lister set 121132636 label

See also:

 lister query label 
 lister set field 
 lister set title 
 lister set header 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister set lock'.

lister set <handle> lock <type> (0|1|off|on)

 handle  is the handle of the lister in question.

The  type  parameter may currently be state or format:-


The state parameter allows you to lock the lister to its current state
(source/dest/off/etc) so the user will be unable to change it until you
unlock it.


The format parameter allows you to lock the lister to its current display
format. Currently this just prevents the user bringing up the Format Edit
Requester and it is still possible to change the format with the field
gadgets, if enabled -- hopefully this will be fixed in the future.

After the  type  parameter, add 1 or "on" to turn it on, and 0 or "off" to
turn if off.

Note that "locked" in this sense is nothing to do with the "locked source"
and "locked destination" states which you can put listers in to have
multiple source or destination listers, nor is it anything to do with
when a lister is "locked" in position. 

You can string these commands on the one line.

For example,
        + lister set 121132636 lock state on format on

See also:

 lister query lock 
 lister set source 
 lister set dest 
 lister set off 

 lister query show 
 lister set show 
 lister query hide 
 lister set hide 
 lister query flags 
 lister set flags 
 lister clear flags 
 lister query display 
 lister set display 
 lister query sort 
 lister set sort 
 lister query separate 
 lister set separate 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister set mode'.

lister set <handle> mode <mode>

This command sets the mode of the lister.

 handle  is the handle of the lister in question.

Valid lister modes are:-
        name           - name mode
        icon           - workbench style icon mode
        icon action    - icon action mode

You can also add showall to either of the icon modes to tell them to
display files without icons as well as those with by giving them default
icons depending on their filetype (see the printed manual for more

For example,
        + lister set 121132636 mode name
        + lister set 121132636 mode icon action showall

See also:

 lister query mode 
 lister set source 
 lister set dest 
 lister set off 
 lister query lock 
 lister set lock 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister set namelength'.

lister set <handle> namelength <length>

This command sets the maximum length allowed for filenames in the lister.

 handle  is the handle of the lister in question.

 length  is the new length to set, in characters.

The minimum length is 30 characters which is also the default length
(and the current filename length limit of AmigaDOS).

This command will only be useful for writers of  custom handlers .
Note that the internal Opus commands, for the most part, do not currently
support filenames longer than 30 characters.

For example,
        + lister set 121132636 namelength 256

See also:

 lister query namelength 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister set newprogress'.

lister set <handle> newprogress [name] [file] [info] [info2] [info3] [bar] [abort]

This turns the progress indicator on for the specified lister.
This is similar to the old  lister set progress  command, but allows
greater control over the information displayed.

 handle  is the handle of the lister in question.
(If you don't want to open the progress window over a lister, use the
 dopus progress  command instead.)

        name   - allocates space for filename display
        file   - allocates space for file progress display
        info   - allocates space for information line 1
        info2  - allocates space for information line 2
        info3  - allocates space for information line 3
        bar    - allocates space for progress bar
        abort  - adds "Abort" gadget

Progress windows that show both the bar graph and the file progress will
have the graph and file displays swapped around. This means that instead of
the graph showing the percentage of files copied, and a 'xx%' display
showing the progress of that file, the graph shows the file progress and a
'xxx of yyy' display gives overall information.

For example,
        + lister set 121132636 newprogress name file info bar abort

 The following commands are for use once your progress window is open. 

lister set <handle> newprogress name <filename>

If the progress bar was opened with the name parameter, this will set the
current filename to  filename .

For example,
        + lister set 121132636 newprogress name 'myfile.txt'

lister set <handle> newprogress file <total> <count>

If the progress indicator was opened with the file but not the bar
parameter, this will set the total number of files and the number of the
current file. This is shown as 'xx%' in the top right of the requester.

If the progress indicator was opened with both the file and bar parameters,
this will set the total number of bytes and the current byte count. This is
shown in the bar graph part of the requester.

        + lister set 121132636 newprogress file 12 4

lister set <handle> newprogress <info|info2|info3> <text>

 text  is a text string to be displayed between the filename and the bar
graph of the progress indicator. You can only use this if you allocated
this space when you created the progress bar.

For example,
        + lister set 121132636 newprogress info "From 'T' to 'Ram:'"

lister set <handle> newprogress bar <total> <count>

If the progress indicator was opened with the bar but not the file
parameter, this will set the  total  number of bytes and the current byte
 count . This is shown in the bar graph part of the requester.

If the progress indicator was opened with both the file and bar parameters,
this will set the  total  number of files and the the current file  count .
This is shown as 'xxx of yyy' in the top right of the requester.

For example,
        + lister set 121132636 newprogress bar 1024 100

lister set <handle> newprogress title <text>

 text  is a text string to be displayed in the title bar of the progress

For example,
        + lister set 121132636 newprogress title 'Copying...'

You can use the old  lister set progress  commands on a "newprogress"
indicator, but obviously they can only change the filename and bar count.
Use  lister clear progress  to remove either the "old" or "new" progress

See also:

 lister set progress 
 lister query abort 
 lister clear progress 
 lister clear abort 
 dopus progress 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister set off'.

lister set <handle> off

Turns the lister off (ie neither source nor destination).

 handle  is the handle of the lister in question.

For example,
        + lister set 121132636 off

See also:

 lister set source 
 lister set dest 
 lister query lock 
 lister set lock 
 lister query mode 
 lister set mode 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister set path'.

lister set <handle> path <path string>

Sets the current path string in the lister.

 handle  is the handle of the lister in question.

 path string  is the new string you want.

Note that this does not cause the directory to be read, it merely changes
the displayed string. To read a new directory, use the  lister read 

For example,
        + lister set 121132636 path 'dh0:work'

See also:

 lister query path 
 lister read 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister set position'.

lister set <handle> position <x/y/w/h>

This sets the current position and size of the lister if it has not been

 handle  is the handle of the lister in question.

The position is specified by the <x/y/w/h> parameter:

        x      - x-coordinate for top-left of lister window;
        y      - y-coordinate for top-left of lister window;
        w      - width of the lister window;
        h      - height of the lister window.

If the lister is visible the window will be moved immediately.

For example,
        + lister set 121132636 position 20/20/400/300

See also:

 lister query position 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister set progress'.

Please note that the "lister set progress" commands have now been
superseded by the  lister set newprogress  commands. Please use those
commands in any new scripts. 

lister set <handle> progress <total> <text>

This turns the progress indicator on in the specified lister.

 handle  is the handle of the lister in question.

 total  specifies the total amount to be processed, and controls the bar
graph display.

 text  is a text string to be displayed in the title bar of the progress

For example,
        + lister set 121132636 progress 38 'Archiving files...'

lister set <handle> progress count <count>

This updates the bar graph display in the progress indicator (which must
have already been turned on).

 count  is the current progress count to be indicated by the bar graph.

For example,
        + lister set 121132636 progress count 4

lister set <handle> progress name <name>

This updates the filename display in the progress indicator.
The filename is displayed above the bar graph.

For example,
        + lister set 121132636 progress name 'myfile.txt'

See also:

 lister set newprogress 
 lister query abort 
 lister clear progress 
 lister clear abort 
 dopus progress 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister set separate'.

lister set <handle> separate <method>

Sets the separation method for the lister.

 handle  is the handle of the lister in question.

 method  can be any one of the following:-
        mix            - mix files and directories
        dirsfirst      - directories first
        filesfirst     - files first

The list is rearranged immediately, but the display will not be updated
until you execute a  lister refresh  command.

For example,
        + lister set 121132636 separate mix

See also:

 lister query separate 
 lister query show 
 lister set show 
 lister query hide 
 lister set hide 
 lister query flags 
 lister set flags 
 lister clear flags 
 lister query display 
 lister set display 
 lister query sort 
 lister set sort 
 lister query lock 
 lister set lock 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister set show'.

lister set <handle> show <pattern>

Sets the show pattern for the lister.

 handle  is the handle of the lister in question.

 pattern  is any valid AmigaDOS file pattern.

The pattern is applied immediately but the display is not updated until you
execute a  lister refresh  command.

For example,
        + lister set 121132636 show '#?.c'

See also:

 lister query show 
 lister query hide 
 lister set hide 
 lister query flags 
 lister set flags 
 lister clear flags 
 lister query display 
 lister set display 
 lister query separate 
 lister set separate 
 lister query sort 
 lister set sort 
 lister query lock 
 lister set lock 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister set sort'.

lister set <handle> sort <method>

Sets the sort method for this lister.

 handle  is the handle of the lister in question.

 method  can be any one of the following:-
        name           - filename
        size           - file size
        protect        - protection bits
        date           - datestamp
        comment        - comment
        filetype       - file type
        version        - file version

The list is resorted immediately, but the display will not be updated until
you execute a  lister refresh  command.

For example,
        + lister set 121132636 sort date
        + lister set 121132636 sort filetype

See also:

 lister query sort 
 lister query show 
 lister set show 
 lister query hide 
 lister set hide 
 lister query flags 
 lister set flags 
 lister clear flags 
 lister query display 
 lister set display 
 lister query separate 
 lister set separate 
 lister query lock 
 lister set lock 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister set source'.

lister set <handle> source [lock]

Makes the lister the source.

 handle  is the handle of the lister in question.

If you specify the  lock  keyword, it will be locked as a source.

For example,
        + lister set 121132636 source lock

See also:

 lister set dest 
 lister set off 
 lister query lock 
 lister set lock 
 lister query mode 
 lister set mode 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister set title'.

lister set <handle> title <string>

Sets the title for the lister (the title displayed in the lister title

 handle  is the handle of the lister in question.

 string  is the text you want to replace the title with.

The old title is returned in  RESULT .

The title bar display will not be updated until you execute a
 lister refresh  full  command.

For example,
        + lister set 121132636 title 'hello'
        > RESULT 
        + lister set 121132636 title
        > hello 

See also:

 lister query label 
 lister set label 
 lister set field 
 lister set header 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister set toolbar'.

lister set <handle> toolbar <toolbarname>

This command changes the toolbar that is used in the lister.

 handle  is the handle of the lister in question.

 toolbarname  is the name of the toolbar to use, either its full path or
just its filename if it's in the DOpus5:Buttons directory.

For example,
        + lister set 121132636 toolbar Ram:custom_toolbar

See also:

 lister query toolbar 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister set value'.

lister set <handle> value <name> <value>

This command lets you associate your own data with a lister in the form of
name/value pairs.  The lister will maintain the values until it is closed.

For example,
        + lister set 121132636 value MyName "Jon Citizen"

See also:

 lister query value 
 lister clear value 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister set visible'.

lister set <handle> visible <state>

Sets the visible status for this lister.

 handle  is the handle of the lister in question.

By default, listers are visible when they are created.

If you set this  state  to 0 or "off", the lister will disappear from the
display until you make it visible again (with 1 or "on").

For example,
        + lister set 121132636 visible off
        + lister set 121132636 visible 1

See also:

 lister query visible 
 lister new invisible 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister select'.

lister select <handle> <name> <state>

This command changes the selection status of an entry in the lister.

 handle  is the handle of the lister in question.

 name  is either the name of the entry, or #xxx (where xxx is a number) to
specify the cardinal number of the entry.

 state  is the desired selection status (0 or "off" for off, 1 or "on" for
on). If  state  is not given then the state of the entry is toggled.

The display is not refreshed until you execute a  lister refresh  command.

The previous selection state of the entry is returned in  RESULT .

For example,
        + lister select 121132636 ENV on
        > off 

See also:

 lister query firstsel 
 lister query numseldirs 
 lister query numselentries 
 lister query numselfiles 
 lister query seldirs 
 lister query selentries 
 lister query selfiles 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'lister wait'.

lister wait <handle> [quick]

This command causes the rexx script to wait for the specified lister to
finish whatever it is doing.

Because Opus 5 multitasks, all rexx commands (like  lister read , or
 lister new ) will return immediately, even if the lister has not
completed its task. This command will force the script to wait until the
lister goes non-busy.

If the lister is not in a busy state when this command is called, the
program will wait for up to two seconds for it to go busy, otherwise the
call is aborted.

 handle  is the handle of the lister in question.

If the  quick  keyword is specified, the command will return immediately
if the lister is not busy, instead of waiting for two seconds.

It would be silly to do  lister set busy 1  and then lister wait. 

For example,
        + lister read 121132636 'c:'
        + lister wait 121132636

See also:

 lister query busy 
 lister set busy 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: 'command'.

command [wait] [source <handle>] [dest <handle>] [original]
        command [<arguments>]

The command command allows you to call the internal commands of
Directory Opus 5 from an ARexx script. The commands execute exactly as if
they had been run from a custom button or menu.

If the  wait  flag is specified, the command will be run synchronously,
otherwise it will return immediately.   RC  will contain a
result code indicating whether the command was successful or not.

Ordinarily, commands operate on the current source and destination listers
- the  source  and  dest  parameters allow you to specify alternative
listers to use by their handles.

The  original  flag allows you to run an original Opus internal function if
the command has been replaced in the command list by an  external module 
( external modules  which add commands to Opus override the internal list).
This means you could have a module that replaced some Opus commands, did
something special in some circumstances, and in others just called the
original Opus function.

The  command  parameter is the name of the command, and  arguments  are
any optional arguments for the command, as normal.

Some examples,
        + command all
        + command wait copy
        + command read s:startup-sequence
        + command source 121132636 makedir name=MyDir noicon
        + command original wait delete ram:#?

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: Error Codes.

ARexx Error Codes
--------------------------------- -- -  -
Lister handles are the actual address in memory of the lister structure.
Opus 5 will reject any non-valid handles with an  RC  of 10.

All commands that return data return it in  RESULT  (with the exception of
 dopus getstring  and  lister getstring ) or a specified (stem) variable;
if an error occurs, the error code is returned in  RC .

An  RC  of 0 generally indicates that everything is ok.

Error codes are:-

        The file you tried to add was rejected by the current lister
        Note that this is not an error, just a warning. The file is still
        added, it will just not be visible until the filters are changed. 

        The query/set item you specified was invalid.

        The filename or keyword you specified was invalid.

        The trap you tried to remove didn't exist.

        The lister handle you gave was invalid.

        The lister has no valid toolbar.

        There wasn't enough memory to do what you wanted.

        A lister failed to open (usually because of low-memory).

You can convert the error codes returned in  RC  into meaningful error
messages (for error reports and so on) with the  dopus error  command.

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: Custom Handlers.

Custom Handlers
--------------------------------- -- -  -
 The Basics 
 Custom Handlers for Listers 
-  List of events 
 Custom Handlers for AppIcons 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: Custom Handlers, The Basics.

Custom Handlers, The Basics.
--------------------------------- -- -  -
The custom handler system allows you to specify the name of an external
public message port. This port will be sent messages whenever certain
things happen that you are interested in. Messages that are sent are
properly formatted ARexx messages.

An example code fragment to receive a message is:

        call waitpkt(myportname)        /* wait for messages to arrive */

        packet=getpkt(myportname)       /* get waiting message */
        arg0=getarg(packet,0)           /* get Argument 0 */
        arg1=getarg(packet,1)           /* get Argument 1 */
        arg2=getarg(packet,2)           /* get Argument 2, etc... */

        call reply(packet,0)            /* reply to the message */

Because of the multi-tasking nature of Opus 5, information custom handlers
receive can not be 100% relied on. For example, you may receive an "active"
message, but the cache that caused it may have immediately gone "inactive"
again. You should therefore check your port is clear of all messages before
processing any that have come in, and you should also use the
 lister query  command to make sure that things are how you expect them.
Also note that listers (unless you have turned  busy  on) can be closed by
the user at any time. An "inactive" message is sent when the lister is
closed. To check that a lister is still open, use the  lister query path 
command (or any other  query  command). If the lister no longer exists,
 RC  will contain the error code  XERR_INVALID_HANDLE  (10). Be aware,
though, that while these possibilities exist, generally they will not cause
a problem. For the most part it will only be if the user is
"playing around" that weird situations will occur.

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: Custom Handlers for Listers.

Custom Handlers for Listers
--------------------------------- -- -  -
A custom handler is "attached" to a lister by calling
 lister set  handler  for that lister, giving the name of your
message port. Whenever something interesting happens to your lister, the
handler will be sent an ARexx message.

The handler can be implemented either as a rexx program or as a C program
(in which case it must interpret the rexx message itself).

Unlike Opus 4, messages sent to handlers do not cause Directory Opus 5 to
"hang" until they are replied (although you should try to reply to any
messages as soon as possible).

Note that custom handlers for listers are specific only to the cache that
is visible in the lister at the time the handler name is set. The same
handler port may be used set for multiple caches, and indeed for multiple

Note also that message port names are case-sensitive. Be careful that
ARexx doesn't uppercase them. 

The rexx message identifies the type of event, the lister the event
happened to, and other pertinent data.

 List of events 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: Lister Handlers, Events.

Custom Handlers for Listers: The Events
--------------------------------- -- -  -
The rexx message identifies the type of event, the lister the event
happened to, and other pertinent data.

The events that you will be notified of are:-

  Trapped Functions 
  AddStem Pop-Ups 
  Lister2 Pop-Ups 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: Lister Handlers, 'active'

Custom Handlers for Listers: active

This event indicates that a cache with a custom handler attached has just
become visible.

The message arguments are:-

        Arg0 - "active"            (a string indicating the event type)
        Arg1 - <handle>            (lister handle)
        Arg2 - <title>             (cache title)
        Arg3 - undefined
        Arg4 - <path>              (path of the lister)

Arg2 will contain the custom title of the cache that became active, if it
has been set with  lister set title . If no custom title has been defined,
the path string of the cache is returned instead (ie in this case Arg2 will
be the same as Arg4).

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: Lister Handlers, 'doubleclick'

Custom Handlers for Listers: doubleclick

This is a double-click event, and indicates that an item in the lister has
been double-clicked on by the user.

The message arguments are:-

        Arg0 - "doubleclick"       (a string indicating the event type)
        Arg1 - <handle>            (lister handle)
        Arg2 - <name>              (entry name)
        Arg3 - undefined
        Arg4 - undefined
        Arg5 - <userdata>          (if userdata was specified with the
                                    lister addstem  command)
        Arg6 - <qualifiers>        (string indicating qualifiers pressed
                                   - shift, alt, and control keys)

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: Lister Handlers, 'drop'

Custom Handlers for Listers: drop

This is a drag'n'drop event, and indicates that one or more entries have
been dropped into a lister.

The message arguments are:-

        Arg0 - "drop"              (a string indicating the event type)
        Arg1 - <handle>            (destination lister handle)
        Arg2 - <names>             (filenames)
        Arg3 - <handle>            (source lister handle)
        Arg4 - undefined
        Arg5 - <destination>       (full destination path)
        Arg6 - <qualifiers>        (string indicating qualifiers pressed
                                   - shift, alt, control keys, or whether drop
                                   was over a sub-directory)

The filenames are separated by spaces (if there is more than one), and will
be within quotes if the quotes keyword was specified for the
 lister set handler  command.

Arg5 contains the full destination path.  You can compare this against the
path of the destination lister (handle in Arg1) to see whether the drop was
into a sub-directory or into the lister itself.

You should not rely on the ARexx Word() function to traverse the list
of filenames because it does not support quotes and any name with a space
in it will cause your script to malfunction. 

If the files originated from another Opus 5 lister, Arg3 gives the handle
of that lister. If this is the case, and the fullpath option was not
specified for  lister set handler , only the filenames (and not their
paths) are supplied in Arg2 (you can get the source path using
 lister query path ). If Arg3 is null then the drop most likely originated
from Workbench, and the names in Arg2 include the full paths.

If the files are dropped over a sub-directory in the lister then Arg6 will
contain the qualifier 'subdrop', providing that the handler was invoked using
 lister set handler  with the subdrop keyword.

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: Lister Handlers, 'dropfrom'

Custom Handlers for Listers: dropfrom

This is basically the same as the  drop  event, except that it indicates a
drop from a lister rather than a drop to one.

The message arguments are:-

        Arg0 - "dropfrom"          (a string indicating the event type)
        Arg1 - <handle>            (source lister handle)
        Arg2 - <names>             (filenames)
        Arg3 - <handle>            (destination lister handle)
        Arg4 - undefined
        Arg5 - <destination>       (path the file was dropped into)
        Arg6 - <qualifiers>        (string indicating qualifiers pressed
                                   - shift, alt, control keys, or whether drop
                                   was over a sub-directory)

The filenames are separated by spaces (if there is more than one), and will
be within quotes if the quotes keyword was specified for the
 lister set handler  command.

Arg5 of the 'dropfrom' custom handler message contains the destination
path; that is, the path that the file was dropped into. If the file was
dropped onto an icon, the destination path will be that of the object it
was dropped onto. For example, if a file from your custom lister is dropped
onto the Prefs icon in the Workbench lister, Arg5 will contain
"DH0:Prefs/", while Arg3 will contain the handle of the destination lister.

If Arg3 is 0 the drop was probably to the desktop.  If the file was dropped
onto an icon on the desktop, Arg5 will contain the path.  If the file was
dropped onto empty space on the desktop, Arg5 will contain the string
'desktop'.  If you get the string 'desktop' you can find the proper path to
copy the file to (or whatever) using the  getdesktop  command.

If the files are dropped over a sub-directory in the lister then Arg6 will
contain the qualifier 'subdrop', providing that the handler was invoked using
 lister set handler  with the subdrop keyword.

Note that if the user drops a file onto an icon that is not a disk or a
drawer, you will still get the full pathname of the icon in Arg5.  It is up
to you to determine whether the given destination path is a drawer or a
file and act appropriately.

Also note: the old Arg3 was a little bit confusing; it was the
destination lister handle if there was one, otherwise it was the source
lister handle. This has now been changed; Arg3 is ALWAYS the destination
lister handle, and 0 if there is none. Arg1 is still the source
lister handle.

You should not rely on the ARexx Word() function to traverse the list
of filenames because it does not support quotes and any name with a space
in it will cause your script to malfunction. 

Note that  appicons  can also receive dropfrom events but they have
slightly different arguments. They can be distinguished by the word
"icon" always present in Arg4. See the  appicons  section.

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: Lister Handlers, 'edit'

Custom Handlers for Listers: edit

This event indicates that the cache this custom handler is attached to is
no longer active (visible in the lister).
This event indicates that an entry has been changed via inline editing.

The message arguments are:-

        Arg0 - "edit"              (a string indicating the event type)
        Arg1 - <handle>            (lister handle)
        Arg2 - <name>              (entry name)
        Arg3 - <field>             ("name", "protect", "date", or "comment")
        Arg4 - <new value>         (value of string after editing)
        Arg5 - <userdata>          (userdata specified via the
                                    lister addstem  command)

This message will only be sent if inline editing was enabled by specifying
the editing option of the  lister set handler  command.

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: Lister Handlers, 'inactive'

Custom Handlers for Listers: inactive

This event indicates that the cache this custom handler is attached to is
no longer active (visible in the lister).

The message arguments are:-

        Arg0 - "inactive"          (a string indicating the event type)
        Arg1 - <handle>            (lister handle)
        Arg2 - <title>             (cache title)
        Arg3 - undefined
        Arg4 - <path>              (path of the lister)

This message is caused by the cache in the lister being changed (either by
the user or under rexx control), or even by the lister being closed. Note
that you may receive an active message for another cache with a custom
handler, or even for the same cache, immediately after receiving an
inactive message.

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: Lister Handlers, 'parent'

Custom Handlers for Listers: parent

This event will be received when the Parent Directory item is chosen from
the lister cache pop-up menu, or whenever the user clicks on the border
parent gadget or uses the parent hot key, "/".

The message arguments are:-

        Arg0 - "parent"            (a string indicating the event type)
        Arg1 - <handle>            (source lister handle)
        Arg2 - <path>              (path of lister)
        Arg3 - undefined
        Arg4 - undefined
        Arg5 - undefined
        Arg6 - <qualifiers>        (string indicating qualifiers pressed
                                   - only shift keys)

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: Lister Handlers, 'path'

Custom Handlers for Listers: path

When the user enters a new path in the path gadget of a lister you will
receive this message.

The arguments are:-

        Arg0 - "path"              (a string indicating the event type)
        Arg1 - <handle>            (lister handle)
        Arg2 - <path>              (path of lister)

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: Lister Handlers, 'reread'

Custom Handlers for Listers: reread

The reread event will be sent to your handler when the Re-read Directory
item is chosen from the lister cache pop-up menu.

Its arguments are:-

        Arg0 - "reread"            (a string indicating the event type)
        Arg1 - <handle>            (lister handle)
        Arg2 - <path>              (new path for lister)

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: Lister Handlers, 'root'

Custom Handlers for Listers: root

A root event will be received when the Root Directory item is chosen
from the lister cache pop-up menu, or whenever the user uses the root
hot key, ":".

The message arguments are:-

        Arg0 - "root"              (a string indicating the event type)
        Arg1 - <handle>            (source lister handle)
        Arg2 - <path>              (path of lister)
        Arg3 - undefined
        Arg4 - undefined
        Arg5 - undefined
        Arg6 - <qualifiers>        (string indicating qualifiers pressed
                                   - only shift keys)

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: Lister Handlers, 'snapshot'

Custom Handlers for Listers: 'snapshot'

The snapshot event will be sent to your handler when the user snapshots
a lister under your control.

Its arguments are:-

        Arg0 - "snapshot"          (a string indicating the event type)
        Arg1 - <handle>            (lister handle)

Unlike  snapshot for AppIcons , the lister's position is not sent with the
event and it is up to you to get it using  lister query position .

It is also up to you to save the information for later use, if you wish to
support snapshots on your handler.

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: Lister Handlers, 'unsnapshot'

Custom Handlers for Listers: 'unsnapshot'

The unsnapshot event will be sent to your handler when the user un-snapshots
a lister under your control.

Its arguments are:-

        Arg0 - "unsnapshot"        (a string indicating the event type)
        Arg1 - <handle>            (lister handle)

It is up to you to remember that the lister has been un-snapshotted if you
wish to support snapshots on your handler.

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: Lister Handlers, Trapped Functions

Custom Handlers for Listers: Trapped Functions

Messages for  trapped commands  are sent to the lister much like the other

The message arguments are:-

        Arg0 - <command>           (name of the command, or 'abort')
        Arg1 - <handle>            (source lister handle, if any)
        Arg2 - <files>             (selected files, if any)
        Arg3 - <handle>            (destination lister handle, if any)
        Arg4 - <path>              (source path; useful if there's no lister
                                   associated with it)
        Arg5 - <args>              (user-supplied arguments to the function)
        Arg7 - <path>              (destination path; allows you to support
                                   the Select Destination requester)
        Arg8 - <functionhandle>    (If  synctraps  flag is set, contains
                                   address in decimal of structure for this

The filenames are separated by spaces (if there is more than one), and will
be within quotes if the quotes keyword was specified for the
 lister set handler  command.

You should not rely on the ARexx Word() function to traverse the list
of filenames because it does not support quotes and any name with a space
in it will cause your script to malfunction. 

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: Lister Handlers, AddStem Pop-Ups

Custom Handlers for Listers: AddStem Pop-Ups

If you have added files to a lister with  lister addstem  and specified
your own pop-up menus for the files, you will receive messages when these
menus are chosen by the user.

The message arguments are:-

        Arg0 - "menu"              (string identifies this as a menu event)
        Arg1 - <handle>            (lister handle)
        Arg2 - <name>              (entry name)
        Arg3 - <id>                (ID of the menu item + base ID if specified)
        Arg4 - "file"              (string identifying this as a "file" menu
        Arg5 - <userdata>          (userdata specified via the
                                    lister addstem  command)

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: Lister Handlers, Lister Pop-Ups

Custom Handlers for Listers: Lister Pop-Ups

If you have added menu items to the lister pop-up menu, accessed by using the
LMB over the SRCE/DEST status display, then messages will be received when
these menu items are chosen.

The message arguments are:-

        Arg0 - "menu text"         (the menu item text you added with
                                   'dopus command' ext parameter)
        Arg1 - <handle>            (lister handle)

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: Custom Handlers for AppIcons.

Custom Handlers for AppIcons
--------------------------------- -- -  -
Like listers with handles, AppIcons added with the  addappicon  command
will also cause messages to be sent. See the  lister handlers  section
for more details.

All AppIcon messages have the same arguments:-

        Arg0 - <event>             (string identifying the event)
        Arg1 - <id>                (ID specified in the addappicon command)
        Arg2 - <data>              (filenames/menu ID/other information)
        Arg3 - <handle>            (source lister handle - if applicable)
        Arg4 - "icon"              (string identifying this as an "icon" event)

These are the events that apply to AppIcons:-

This event indicates that an icon has been double-clicked, or has had
"Open" selected from its menu. ("Open" is replaced with "Close" if you give
the close option to  dopus addappicon , and you'll get close events

This is a drag'n'drop event, and indicates that one or more entries have
been dropped on this appicon from a lister or elsewhere. The names of the
entries are available in Arg2. The names will be surrounded by quotes if
you gave the quotes option to  dopus addappicon .

You should not rely on the ARexx Word() function to traverse the list
of filenames because it does not support quotes and any name with a space
in it will cause your script to malfunction. 

This event occurs when the Snapshot menu item is selected. The current
position of the icon is available in Arg2 (as an x,y string). You are
responsible for storing this position. (You will only get snapshot
events if you give the snap option to  dopus addappicon .)

This event occurs when the Un-Snapshot menu item is selected. (You will
only get unsnapshot events if you give the snap option to
 dopus addappicon .)

This event warns that Opus has quit and the handler code should now clean
up and exit.

This event occurs when the Information menu item is selected. (You will
only get info events when you give the info option to  dopus addappicon .)

This will occur when Close is selected from the pop-up menu. (You will only
get close events when you give the close option to  dopus addappicon .)

This event indicates that one of the user-supplied menu items has been
selected in the pop-up menu. The number of the menu item will be returned
in Arg2, and your base value will have been added to it if you specified
one when you called  dopus addappicon .

This event indicates that the help key was pressed while the mouse pointer
was over one of the user-supplied menu items. The number of the menu item
will be returned in Arg2, and your base value will have been added to it if
you specified one when you called  dopus addappicon .

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: ARexx Modules.

ARexx Modules
--------------------------------- -- -  -
ARexx Modules are ARexx scripts which are installed in the DOpus5:Modules
directory. They must have the suffix .dopus5 to work correctly.

Each ARexx Module can add new internal commands to Opus.

Once both Opus 5 and ARexx have been started on the computer, the
DOpus5:Modules directory will be scanned for ARexx Modules and each will
have its init function called. Every ARexx Module must have an init
function or else it will not work. This is the function that adds the extra
commands to Opus.

The scripts are called with 4 or more parameters. The first 4 are always
provided - the portname of Directory Opus 5 and the function name, followed
by the source and destination lister handles. Any user-supplied arguments
to the function will follow.

Note that although the source and destination lister handle arguments are
always given when your script is called, they will always be zero unless
you specified that you wanted source and/or destination handles when
you added the command. 

You can add as many commands as you like. To add commands, use the
 dopus command  command.

Here is a complete example of an ARexx Module:-

/* Example Directory Opus 5 ARexx Module */

parse arg portname function source dest arguments
address value portname
options results

/* Initialise */

if function='init' then do
        dopus command "Test1" program "test-command" desc "'Test command 1'" template "TEST/S"
        dopus command "Test2" program "test-command" desc "'Test command 2'" "source"

/* Test function 1 */

if function='Test1' then do
        dopus request "'Test command 1 received!'" "Ok"

/* Test function 2 */

if function='Test2' then do
        str="'Test command 2 received - source handle " || source
        dopus request str "Ok"

DOpus Magellan II ARexx: Guide Index.

--------------------------------- -- -  -
 AddStem Pop-Ups 
 ARexx Modules. 


 clear value 
 Custom Handlers 
 Custom Handlers for AppIcons 
 Custom Handlers for Listers 
 Custom Handlers, The Basics 

 dopus addappicon 
 dopus addtrap 
 dopus back 
 dopus clear 
 dopus command 
 dopus commands 
 dopus desktoppopup 
 dopus error 
 dopus front 
 dopus getfiletype 
 dopus getstring 
 dopus matchdesktop 
 dopus progress 
 dopus query 
 dopus query background 
 dopus query font 
 dopus query palette 
 dopus query pens 
 dopus query sound 
 dopus read 
 dopus refresh 
 dopus refresh all 
 dopus refresh background 
 dopus refresh icons 
 dopus refresh lister 
 dopus remappicon 
 dopus remtrap 
 dopus request 
 dopus screen 
 dopus send 
 dopus set 
 dopus set background 
 dopus set font 
 dopus set palette 
 dopus set pens 
 dopus set sound 
 dopus setappicon 
 dopus version 

 Error Codes 

 France-Festival-Distribution (FFD) 

 Guide Credits 
 Guide History 



 lister add 
 lister addstem 
 lister clear 
 lister clear value 
 lister close 
 lister commands 
 lister copy 
 lister empty 
 lister getstring 
 Lister Handlers, active 
 Lister Handlers, AddStem Pop-Ups 
 Lister Handlers, doubleclick 
 Lister Handlers, drop 
 Lister Handlers, dropfrom 
 Lister Handlers, edit 
 Lister Handlers, Events 
 Lister Handlers, inactive 
 Lister Handlers, lister2 pop-ups 
 Lister Handlers, parent 
 Lister Handlers, path 
 Lister Handlers, reread 
 Lister Handlers, root 
 Lister Handlers, snapshot 
 Lister Handlers, Trapped Functions 
 Lister Handlers, unsnapshot 
 lister iconify 
 lister new 
 lister query 
 lister query abort 
 lister query active 
 lister query all 
 lister query busy 
 lister query case 
 lister query commentlength 
 lister query dest 
 lister query dirs 
 lister query display 
 lister query entries 
 lister query entry 
 lister query files 
 lister query firstsel 
 lister query flags 
 lister query handler 
 lister query header 
 lister query hide 
 lister query label 
 lister query lock 
 lister query mode 
 lister query namelength 
 lister query numdirs 
 lister query numentries 
 lister query numfiles 
 lister query numseldirs 
 lister query numselentries 
 lister query numselfiles 
 lister query path 
 lister query position 
 lister query proc 
 lister query seldirs 
 lister query selentries 
 lister query selfiles 
 lister query separate 
 lister query show 
 lister query sort 
 lister query source 
 lister query title 
 lister query toolbar 
 lister query value 
 lister query visible 
 lister read 
 lister refresh 
 lister remove 
 lister request 
 lister select 
 lister set 
 lister set busy 
 lister set case 
 lister set commentlength 
 lister set dest 
 lister set display 
 lister set field 
 lister set flags 
 lister set handler 
 lister set header 
 lister set hide 
 lister set label 
 lister set lock 
 lister set mode 
 lister set namelength 
 lister set newprogress 
 lister set off 
 lister set path 
 lister set position 
 lister set progress 
 lister set separate 
 lister set show 
 lister set sort 
 lister set source 
 lister set title 
 lister set toolbar 
 lister set value 
 lister set visible 
 lister wait 



 Official Notice From GPSoftware: FFD 

 Purchasing Directory Opus 5.5 

 query abort 
 query active 
 query all 
 query background 
 query busy 
 query case 
 query commentlength 
 query dest 
 query dirs 
 query display 
 query entries 
 query entry 
 query files 
 query firstsel 
 query flags 
 query font 
 query handler 
 query header 
 query hide 
 query label 
 query lock 
 query mode 
 query namelength 
 query numdirs 
 query numentries 
 query numfiles 
 query numseldirs 
 query numselentries 
 query numselfiles 
 query palette 
 query path 
 query pens 
 query position 
 query proc 
 query seldirs 
 query selentries 
 query selfiles 
 query separate 
 query show 
 query sort 
 query sound 
 query source 
 query title 
 query toolbar 
 query value 
 query visible 

 refresh all 
 refresh background 
 refresh icons 
 refresh lister 
 Results from commands 

 set background 
 set busy 
 set case 
 set commentlength 
 set dest 
 set display 
 set field 
 set flags 
 set font 
 set handler 
 set header 
 set hide 
 set label 
 set lock 
 set mode 
 set namelength 
 set newprogress 
 set off 
 set palette 
 set path 
 set pens 
 set position 
 set progress 
 set separate 
 set show 
 set sort 
 set sound 
 set source 
 set title 
 set toolbar 
 set value 
 set visible 

 The Basics 
 The Port 
 Trapped Functions 




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