------------------------------------------------------------ "pcmser.device" An Amiga PCMCIA Modem Driver By Pontus Fuchs ------------------------------------------------------------ Distribution Conditions ----------------------- You may use pcmser.device and the source in ANY way you like. Disclaimer --------- This package is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. The author assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any damage or loss of data caused by using this package. Introduction ------------ pcmser.device is a PCMCIA-modem driver for the A1200. It should work with most modems. The following have been tested and work: Angia 28.8 Compaq 144 Dynalink 33.6 Elsa Microlink 28.8MC Lasat 14.4 TDK 2814 USR Worldport 33.6 The following does not work: Nokia GSM-card (I just get a lot of strange ints all the time) USR 16.8 (don't know. I'll borrow one of these soon) Features -------- 7-8 databits 1-2 stopbits 110-115200 BAUD CTS/RTS handshaking EOF-mode supported Not implemented: CMD_BREAK xON/xOFF handshake You can help me! ----------------- If you have access to an A1200 and a PCMCIA-modem, please try it and mail me the result. Please also mail me if you find bugs. History ------- v0.5 97-08-05 First aminet release. Thanks to --------- Johannes Carlsson for lending me 2 modems. Olov Lindberg for lending me a modem. Henric Andersson for helping me with debugging. Bruce Abbot (maker of cnet.device) for inspiring me to write this device. Author ------ Pontus Fuchs email: hahaost@hotmail.com IRC: inm8