* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * FLX Work Pack * * ˝Coderight 1996-97 * * ˝Copyright 1996-97 * * by R‚mi Vanel (K Woul) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * For more informations, read the documention of each program. b1Version 1.0b/ ----------- Contents : FLIC to TGA 1.0 FLH to TGA 1.0 TGA to FLH 1.0 b1Version 1.1b/ ----------- New versions: FLC to TGA 1.2 FLIC to TGA 1.1 TGA to FLH 1.1 Addictions : Working dialog box in window, better Magic compatibility. b1Version 1.11b/ ----------- New versions: FLC to TGA 1.21 FLIC to TGA 1.11 TGA to FLH 1.11 Addictions : new file verification, more tolerent with corrupted file. b1Version 1.2b/ ----------- New versions: FLC to TGA 1.22 FLIC to TGA 1.12 TGA to FLH 1.12 Addictions : Include the new version of Windform, popups are faster ! New program : Speed FLX 1.0 b1Version 1.21b/ ------------ New versions: FLC to TGA 1.23 FLIC to TGA 1.13 Addictions : - Faster to decrunch, because of a timer error - Save verification (if disk is full). b1Version 1.3b/ ----------- New program : CAT FLH 1.0 b1Version 1.31b/ ------------ New versions: FLC to TGA 1.24 FLIC to TGA 1.14 Addictions : - Number fields have now 4 digits b1Version 1.35b/ ------------ New program : CONV FLH 1.0 to convert PC FLH -> Falcon FLH or opposite. b1Version 1.36b/ ------------ New versions: FLH to TGA 1.25 TGA to FLH 1.13 Addictions : - FLH created with PC compatible structure - Convertion of some depack rout in ASM. b1Version 1.37b/ ------------ New version: TGA to FLH 1.2 Include quality parameter b1Version 1.4b/ ----------- Separation betwen french and english version. New program REDIM FLH 1.0 to resize (zoom or clip) a FLH animation b1Version 1.45b/ ------------ New program REDUC FLH 1.0 To extract an FLH animation from another. b1Version 1.46b/ ------------ New versions: FLH to TGA 1.26 TGA to FLH 1.22 Addictions : - ASM rout now in 68000 - Recompilation for Windform 3