Rack747 (Shareware release 5.05, BeOS PR3)

Version 5.04 by any other name is version 5.05 Well, actually there are some differences. Mainly in dealing with stability under the stress of simultaneous loadings. The next version will change heaps, and hopefully include a few things that have been suggested blah, blah, blah, ... . Hopefully the stupid x86 compiler will work as well. Yee hah. The interface is much the same, so here (slackly) are the docos for 5.04. What you've all been waiting for, ... (fanfare crescendo ....)

The Rack has been reborn!

Rack747 is by any other name 'rack303' + 0.5*808 + 40 (a random number plucked from the nether regions to give a result that is loud, fat, and flies). The big difference for previous users of the rack303 is the name change, and the addition of a drum module.


The Rack is a rack of monophonic synths, performing a modelling of the classic Roland 303 Bassline. Each synth is associated with its own basic monophonic 16-note sequencer, and 4-part drum module. Each seperately sends and receives MIDI note and control data. The sequencers may be locked to each other, sync'd to a midi clock, or simply let freewheel along in whatever order they were started. In song mode, control and note data can be organized into longer patterns.

Yup! It's shareware.

This is the first version where I feel pretty good about removing the Beta tag. As such, I'm opting for a shareware license scheme. If you like this software, and feel ethically inclined, send $30.30 US to me, and sleep peacefully at nights knowing that you are in some way contributing to me staying up late and making the rack a better place for us all to live in. Cheque or money order is the go, and should be made payable to David Karla. I would love to be able to take credit cards, but that is still a no go.

As of now, January 1998, I can be snailmailed at:

114 Highett street
VIC, Australia, 3121.

Failing this, my contact details can be found on the rack web site, http://www.zog.net.au/dak/rack/index.html, or by contacting me by mail at dak@zog.net.au, or dak@cs,latrobe,edu.au. As a last resort, I can be snailmailed at:

c/- 38 Brett st,
VIC, Australia, 3163.
though this address may have a long turnaround time.

All registered shareware users will be given full licenses when the rack goes commercial. You'll be saving yourself precious dollars, be contributing to a great thing, have a clean conscience, and receive upgrades in the mail. I'll also be far more strongly inclined to incorporte your own kooky ideas of how this beast should tick. Advertising break: the commercial release will feature many waveforms, optional tempo locking for key parameters, and a bigger internal memory.

If you don't feel so inclined, I won't hate you, or anything. We're all scumbags at heart. Send some mail anyway. If you're writing interesting software, or could lend assistance translating this dodgy manual into other languages, I could be interested in a trade. And it's always nice to get bug reports and feature suggestions, Enough soapbox: back to the manual.

What's new, what's old, what's it all about anyway?

Release Notes for 5.04

This version is largely a more stablilization of 5.03. The appearance has changed substantially. Several memory leaks have been fixed.

Release Notes for 5.03

This release provides a few more features, and has bloated somewhat over the original (both it's software and hardware predecessor):

I've debated whether there's any advantage in keeping the 303's in their own address space and adding a message passing overhead on top of the DSP. One advantage is that the 303's don't actually have to have anything in common other than the protocol which defines their relationship to the window. As long as they are syncable, there are a wider range of twisted musical possibilities. The previous versions "hack" and "fwack" are now obsolete, as the display control problem with LFOs is ironed out. There is another version "slim303" which doesn't carry around as much baggage. Other, more interesting interchangeable variants will follow. The other advantage is more pressing: the single address space version which I prototyped clapped out much more quickly.


Rack747 can be launched from the terminal or desktop. Currently there are no command-line options. Drag and drop hasn't worked properly since dr8, but it's one of the little things that should be back soon. This fires up a single synth sequencer pair. The first Rack app to be run creates the main control window, and a companion window containing all the bank access controls, and opens the midi in/out ports. Channels are added by launching more Rack's, either from the desktop or terminal. Subsequent launches of the Rack, up to the hard limit (8: if anybody can creatively use more, I'll extend it), append details to the status/control region (bottom of the main window) specific to the new synth/sequencer pair.

All Racks share this single window. The "top" Rack is the one whose number is in the upper left hand corner, and whose parameters are currently displayed. This can be selected by function key (f1-f8), or the left button (marked "TBi") in the status area.

The parameter memory is generally independent of the running synths, and offers the ability to build songs, edit away from a running synth, and copy parameters from one synth to another.

Generally, the sliders can be moved by:

Text fields can be modified by:

For buttons with multiple functions (ie save/load), left click does a load, and right click does a store.

The screen is divided into four vague areas:

Menu Settings.

The menu bar provides access to all the file save and load functions, and toggling of the extra edit windows, and the miscellaneous options.

The Bank Control Window

This window floats away from the main window. Quitting it simply activates the main window.

General System controls

These are mainly midi control values

Sequencer controls

The large block of controls below these buttons is the sequence editor proper. The values here correspond to midi note # and midi velocity respectively.

Synth controls

The next 14 or so lines are controls for the synth itself. The sliders are almost self explanatory, and are best understood by playing with them. They roughly correspond to controls on a 303. Most parameters run from 0 (min) to 1 (max).

Synth specific status region

The last region contains controls specific to individual running 303s.

As well, the computer keyboard is used to provide shortcuts.

The relationship between midi control change messages and sliders is:

These are however configurable through the load/store configuration options in the top menu bar, and the config edit window. These work both on midi in and out, depending on whether they are set.

Known Bugs and Limitations


David Karla (dak@cs.latrobe.edu.au)

I gratefully acknowledge the assistance of Alistair Riddell (amr@farben.latrobe.edu.au), and Ross Bencina

Correspondence (feedback and bug reports) will be graciously accepted. Post any queries to dak@cs.latrobe.edu.au.

Squelch and enjoy!