----------------------------------------------------------------- HUGO v2.3d PROGRAMMING MANUAL Copyright (c) 1995-1997 by Kent Tessman ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS ----------------------------------------------------------------- I. INTRODUCTION I.a. Legal notes I.b. Names and acknowledgements I.c. Packing list I.d. Manual conventions I.e. Getting started I.f. Compiler switches I.g. Limit settings I.h. Directories EXAMPLE: Command-line compiling I.i. The Engine II. A FIRST LOOK AT HUGO II.a. Hello, Sailor! II.b. Data types II.c. Comments II.d. Multiple lines II.e. Compiler errors II.f. Compiler directives III. OBJECTS III.a. The object tree III.b. Attributes III.c. Properties III.d. Classes IV. HUGO PROGRAMMING IV.a. Variables IV.b. Constants IV.c. Printing text EXAMPLE: Mixing text styles IV.d. More control characters IV.e. Operators and assignments IV.f. Efficient operators IV.g. Arrays and strings EXAMPLE: Managing strings IV.h. Conditional expressions and program flow V. ROUTINES AND EVENTS V.a. Routines V.b. Property routines EXAMPLE: "Borrowing" property routines V.c. Before and after routines EXAMPLE: Building a complex object V.d. Init and main V.e. Events EXAMPLE: Building a clock event VI. FUSES, DAEMONS, AND SCRIPTS VI.a. Fuses and daemons EXAMPLE: A simple daemon and simpler fuse VI.b. Scripts VI.c. A note about the event_flag global VII. GRAMMAR AND PARSING VII.a. Grammar definition VII.b. The parser VIII. JUNCTION ROUTINES VIII.a. Parse VIII.b. ParseError VIII.c. EndGame VIII.d. FindObject VIII.e. SpeakTo IX. THE GAME LOOP X. ADVANCED FEATURES X.a. Reading and writing files APPENDIX A: SUMMARY OF KEYWORDS AND COMMANDS APPENDIX B: THE LIBRARY (HUGOLIB.H) Globals, constants, and arrays Properties Routines APPENDIX C: LIMIT SETTINGS APPENDIX D: PRECOMPILED HEADERS APPENDIX E: THE HUGO DEBUGGER ----------------------------------------------------------------- I. INTRODUCTION ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hugo is a system for designing, programming, and running sophisticated interactive fiction, or text adventures. It is the result of an attempt to further extend the concepts developed in earlier, similar systems in order to make interactive fiction programming less cryptic and more accessible to designers. Hugo owes much to the original Infocom format (particularly with regard to its internal data tables) as well as to Graham Nelson's publicly distributed Inform compiler (and its excellent grammar definition and programming style). The best advice to be given for learning Hugo is probably to print the source listing of SAMPLE.HUG, and refer to it throughout; examples of almost all of Hugo's features may be found in it. ----------------------------------------------------------------- I.a. LEGAL NOTES ----------------------------------------------------------------- Programs created using the Hugo Compiler are the property of the individual author. Note, however, that the library files are copyright by Kent Tessman, the creator of Hugo, as is the Hugo Engine. The use of the Hugo library files and the distribution of the Hugo Engine are authorized so long as all transactions are non-commercial and free of charge, and that the library files and engine are not distributed in a modified form. For those interested in the commercial distribution of a program created with the Hugo Compiler, please contact Kent Tessman for permission. NOTE: Since the Hugo Compiler and Engine are provided free of charge, there is no warranty for their use. ----------------------------------------------------------------- I.b. NAMES AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ----------------------------------------------------------------- Those who have taken upon themselves the (sometimes trying, I'm sure) task of porting Hugo to various platforms are: David Kinder Amiga Bill Lash Unix (i.e. Solaris OS, Linux, etc.) Colin Turnbull Acorn Archimedes The author is considerably indebted to them, for all their work as well as for their input on how to improve the compiler and engine. A few words of appreciation are due Volker Blasius who (now with help from David Kinder) has had the substantial responsibility of maintaining the Interactive Fiction Archive at ftp://ftp.gmd.de--one of the key resources for Hugo programmers and a primary hub of material for contributors to (and readers of) the newsgroups rec.arts.int-fiction and rec.games.int-fiction. A good deal of acknowledgement and thanks are due Graham Nelson, whose Inform language helped give shape to Hugo's early syntax and structure. Thanks also to those whose comments and suggestions have contributed to making Hugo as useful and usable as it is: Dr. Jeff Jenness, Vikram Ravindran, Jesse McGrew, Paolo Vece, Daniel Cardenas, Cam Bowes, Mark Bijster, Jose Luis Cebrian, and John Menichelli. Special thanks to Jim Newland and Julian Arnold: Jim, for his work on the nefarious plural/identical-objects architecture that found its way into OBJLIB.H (and actually coaxed that aspect of the object library into existence)--one of many, many valuable contributions to Hugo's development; and Julian for asking time and time again "Wouldn't it be better if...?" Finally, my brother Dean Tessman has given valuable input to the system's development, particularly with the advent of the Debugger, and his views on user interfaces and the occasional head-shake followed by "I don't think that's gonna fly..." are much appreciated. ----------------------------------------------------------------- I.c. PACKING LIST ----------------------------------------------------------------- A number of files are part of the basic Hugo package: (NOTE: Throughout this manual, the default naming convention is for MS-DOS. As Hugo becomes available for other systems, file naming conventions may vary, and any machine-specific documentation should document those variations.) HC.EXE Hugo Compiler HE.EXE Hugo Engine HD.EXE Hugo Debugger HDHELP.HLP Debugger help file HUGOLIB.H Library definitions and routines GRAMMAR.G Standard grammar definitions OBJLIB.H A library of useful object definitions (included by HUGOLIB.H) SAMPLE.HUG Sample game source code SHELL.HUG Source code to build on And two sets of files that, depending on user-specifiable settings, are optionally included by HUGOLIB.H and GRAMMAR.G: HUGOFIX.H Debugging routines HUGOFIX.G Debugging grammar VERBSTUB.H Additional verb routines VERBSTUB.G Additional verb grammar (An additional Hugo source file demonstrates the ability to create precompiled headers: HUGOLIB.HUG To create a #linkable version of HUGOLIB.H) The latest release of Hugo is available through anonymous FTP from ftp.gmd.de in if-archive/programming/hugo. Distribution of any of the Hugo files is authorized only with permission of the author. The .HUG, .H, and .G files are text files and must be downloaded as such; the executables are binary files. (FORMATTING NOTE: The above files are properly formatted for a standard tab stop of 8 spaces; if the formatting appears incorrect, adjust the tab size on your editor.) ----------------------------------------------------------------- I.d. MANUAL CONVENTIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------- The following conventions will (hopefully) be adhered to throughout this manual in order to distinguish the following from plain text: for required parameters [parameter] for optional parameters FILE for specific filenames KEYWORD for commands, functions, etc. ... for omissions (Filenames and keywords may not appear in all-capitals when set apart from the regular text of this manual, as in the invocation examples below.) ----------------------------------------------------------------- I.e. GETTING STARTED ----------------------------------------------------------------- Type hc without any parameters to get a full listing of available compiler options and specifications. The MS-DOS syntax for running the compiler is hc [-switches] It is not necessary to specify any switches, the name of the objectfile, or the sourcefile extension. The bare-bones version of the compiler invocation is hc With no other parameters explicitly described, the compiler assumes an extension of .HUG. The default object filename is .HEX. Here's how to compile the sample game. With the compiler executable, library files, and sample game source code all in the current directory, type hc -ls sample.hug or simply hc -ls sample and after a few seconds (or more, or less, depending on your processor and configuration) a screenful of statistical information will appear following the completed compilation (because of the -s switch). The new file SAMPLE.HEX will have appeared in current directory. As well, the -l switch wrote all compile-time output (which would have included errors, had there been any) to the file SAMPLE.LST. ----------------------------------------------------------------- I.f. COMPILER SWITCHES ----------------------------------------------------------------- A number of switches may be selected via the invocation line. The available options are: -a Abort compilation on any error -d compile as an .HDX debuggable executable -f Full object summaries -h compile in .HLB precompiled Header format -i display debugging Information -l print Listing to disk as .LST -o display Object tree -p send output to standard Printer -s print compilation Statistics -u show memory Usage for objectfile -x ignore switches in source code -z inhibit normal compilation messages Most Hugo programming will probably make us of the -l switch in order to record compile-time errors. The -z switch may, on some configurations, increase compilation speed by inhibiting normal messaging (i.e. "Compiling...lines of..." and "...percent complete"). ----------------------------------------------------------------- I.g. LIMIT SETTINGS ----------------------------------------------------------------- Also included on the invocation line, after any switches and before the sourcefile, may be one or more limit settings. These settings are for memory management, and limit the number of certain types of program elements, such as objects and dictionary entries. To list the settings, type: hc $list To change a non-static limit, type: hc $= ... For example, to compile the sample game with the maximum number of dictionary entries doubled from the default limit of 1024, and with the -l and -s switches set, hc -ls $MAXDICT=2048 sample If a compile-time error is generated indicating that too many symbols of a particular type have been declared, it is probably possible to overcome this simply by recompiling with a higher limit for that setting specified in the invocation line. See Appendix C for a complete listing of valid limit settings. ----------------------------------------------------------------- I.h. DIRECTORIES ----------------------------------------------------------------- It is possible to specify where the Hugo Compiler will look for different types of files. This can be done in the command line via: hc @= For example, to specify that the source files are to be taken from the directory C:\HUGO\SOURCE, invoke the compiler with hc @source=c:\hugo\source Valid directories are: source Source files object Where the new .HEX file will be created lib Library files list .LST files temp Temporary compilation files (if any) Advanced users may take advantage of the ability to set default directories using environment variables. (The method for setting an environment variable may vary from operating system to operating system.) The HUGO_ environment variable may be set to the directory. For example, the source directory may be set with the HUGO_SOURCE environment variable. Command-line-specified directories take precedence over those set in environment variables. In either case, if the file is not found in the specified directory, the current directory is searched. ----------------------------------------------------------------- EXAMPLE: COMMAND-LINE COMPILING ----------------------------------------------------------------- On the author's machine, running under MS-DOS, the compiler executable HC.EXE is in a directory called C:\HUGO. The library files are in C:\HUGO\LIB, and the source code for the game Spur is in C:\HUGO\SPUR. What would the command line look like in order to compile Spur, including setting compiler flags to include the HugoFix debugging library and verb stub routines, and printing all debugging information, the object tree, and statistics to a file? (Assume that the current directory is C:\HUGO and that none of the switches or compiler flags are set in the source.) ANSWER: hc -iols #debug #verbstubs @source=spur @lib=lib spur ----------------------------------------------------------------- I.i. THE ENGINE ----------------------------------------------------------------- Having compiled the sample game, run it by invoking he sample Again, it is not necessary to specify the extension. The engine assumes .HEX if none is given. (NOTE: The environment variable HUGO_OBJECT or HUGO_GAMES may hold the directory that the Hugo Engine searches for the specified .HEX file. The location for save files may be specified with HUGO_SAVE. All of these are optional.) ----------------------------------------------------------------- II. A FIRST LOOK AT HUGO ----------------------------------------------------------------- There are a couple of basic concepts to become oriented to in order to begin working with Hugo. First of all, most programming in Hugo will involve the creation of what are called "objects". Quite literally, these represent the elements of the game universe: people, places, and things. The bulk of the rest of a Hugo program is comprised of "routines". These are the sections of code made up of commands or statements that facilitate the actual behavior of the program at different points in the story. Routines are less frequently (although more frequently in other languages) called "functions"--they may be thought of as performing an operation or series of operations, and then returning some kind of value as a result. (The idea of return values is an important one and, while sometimes puzzling to novices, is actually quite uncomplicated. Often a particular function will be referred to as "returning true" or "returning false"--all this means is that it returns either a non- zero value (usually 1) or a zero value, almost always to indicate success or failure. A program will constantly be checking the return values of a variety of routines and commands to determine if a particular operation was successful in order to decide what to do next. Of course, a return value can be any integer value; a routine that adds together two supplied values, a and b, may return the sum a+b.) For those familiar with the common programming languages C and BASIC, Hugo strongly resembles a hybrid of the two. Individual objects and routines--as well as conditional blocks--are enclosed in braces as in C, but unlike C (and like BASIC), a semicolon is not required at the end of each line, and the language itself is considerably less cryptic. Keywords, variables, routine and object names, and other tokens are not case-sensitive. The goal in designing Hugo was to make programming as intuitive to facilitate both initial development and subsequent debugging. ----------------------------------------------------------------- II.a. HELLO, SAILOR! ----------------------------------------------------------------- The grand (recent) tradition of programming texts has an introduction to a new programming language detailing how to print the optimistic phrase "Hello, world" as an example of the particular language's form and substance. In the equally grand tradition of interactive fiction, we'll start with the rallying cry "Hello, Sailor!". Don't worry too much about the syntax below; this is meant mainly as a familiarization with what Hugo looks like. routine main { print "Hello, Sailor!" return } The entire program consists of one routine. (Two routines are normally required for any Hugo program, the other being the Init routine, which is omitted in this example since there isn't much required in the way of initialization.) The Main routine is automatically called by the engine. It from here that the central behavior of any Hugo program is controlled. In this case the task at hand is the printing of "Hello, Sailor!", followed by an order to return from the routine (i.e. exit it) so that we don't strand the program waiting for an input, which is the normal order of Hugo business. ----------------------------------------------------------------- II.b. DATA TYPES ----------------------------------------------------------------- All data in Hugo is represented in terms of 16-bit integers, treated as signed (-32767 to 32767) or unsigned (0 to 65535) as appropriate. The name of any individual data type may contain up to 32 alphanumeric characters (as well as the underscore "_"). All of the following are valid data types: Integer values 0, -10, 16800, -25005 (constant values that appear in Hugo source code as numbers) ASCII characters 'A', 'z', '7' (constant values equal to the common ASCII value for a character; i.e. 65 for 'A') Objects suitcase, emptyroom, player (constant values representing the object number of the given object) Variables a, b, score, TEXTCOLOR (changeable value-holders that may be set to equal another variable or constant value) Constants true, false, BANNER (constant--obviously--values that are given a name similarly to a variable, but are non-modifiable) Dictionary entries "a", "the", "basketball" (The appearance of "the" in a line of code actually refers to the location in the dictionary table where "the" is stored.) Array elements ranking[1] (a series of one or more changeable values that may be referenced from a common base point) Array addresses ranking (the base point--see above) Properties nouns, short_desc, found_in (variable attachments of data relating specifically to objects) Attributes open, light, transparent (less complex attachments of data describing an object, which may be specified as either having or not having the given attribute) Most of these types are relatively straightforward, representing in most cases a simple value. Dictionary entries are addresses in the dictionary table, with the null string "" having the value 0. Array addresses (as opposed to separate array elements) represent the address at which the array begins in the array table. Properties and attributes treated as discrete values represent the number of that property or attribute, assigned sequentially as the individual property or attribute is defined. As mentioned, routines also return values, as do engine functions, so that FindLight(room) and parent(object) are also valid integer data types. Routine addresses are also stored as 16-bit integers. However, those versed in such calculations will notice that if such a value was treated as an absolute address, then any addressable executable code would be limited to 64K in size. Such is not the case, since the routine address is actually an indexed representation of the absolute address. NOTE: The 16-bit format of a routine address (or the address of a property routine, to be discussed below), can obtained via the address operator "&", as in: x = &Routine x = &object.property (where x is a variable). ----------------------------------------------------------------- II.c. COMMENTS ----------------------------------------------------------------- There are two types of comments. Comments on a single line begin with a '!'. Anything following on the line is ignored. Multiple- line comments are begun with !\ and ended with \!. ! A comment on a single line !\ A multiple-line comment \! The !\ combination must come at the start of a line to be significant; it cannot be preceded by any other statements or remarks. Similarly, the \! combination must come at the end of a line. ----------------------------------------------------------------- II.d. MULTIPLE LINES ----------------------------------------------------------------- If any single command is too long to fit on one line, it may be split across several lines by ending all but the last with the control character "\". "This is an example string." and x = 5 + 6 * higher(a, b) are the same as "This is an example \ string." x = 5 + 6 * \ higher(a, b) The space at the end of the first line is necessary because the compiler automatically trims leading spaces from the second line. String constants, such as in the above print statement, are an exception in that they do not require the "\" character at the end of each line. print "The engine will properly print this text, assuming a single space at the end of each line." will result in: The engine will properly print this text, assuming a single space at the end of each line. Care must be taken, however, to ensure that the closing quotes are not left off the string constant. Failing that, the compiler will likely generate a "Closing brace missing" error when it overruns the object/routine/event boundary looking for a resolution to the odd number of quotation marks. Also, most lines ending in a comma, "and", or "or" will automatically fall through to the next line (if they occur in a line of code). In other words, x[0] = 1, 2, 3, ! array assignment of x[0] through x[4] 4, 5 and if a = 5 and b = "tall" translate into x[0] = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and if a = 5 and b = "tall" This is provided primarily so that lengthy lines and complex expressions do not have to run off the right-hand side of the screen during editing, nor do they continually need to be extended using "\" and the end of each line. (NOTE: Multiple lines that are not strictly code, such as property assignments in object definitions--to be discussed--must still be joined with "\", as in nouns "plant", "flower", "marigold", \ "fauna", "greenery" and similar cases, even if they end in a comma.) There is a complement to the "\" control character: the ":" character allows multiple lines to be put together on a single line, i.e. x = 5 : y = 1 or if i = 1: print "Less than three." Which the compiler translates to x = 5 y = 1 and if i = 1 {print "Less than three."} (See sections below on code formatting to see exactly what these constructions represent.) ----------------------------------------------------------------- II.e. COMPILER ERRORS ----------------------------------------------------------------- A compiler error is generally of one of two types. A fatal error looks like this: FATAL ERROR: and halts compiler execution. A non-fatal error typically looks like: : (...the offending code...) ERROR: It prints the section of code that caused the error, followed by an explanation of the problem. Compilation will generally continue unless the -a switch has been set. NOTE: The section of offending code may not be printed exactly as it appears in the source, since the compiler often paraphrases and rebuilds the source code into a more rigid format before building the line. Also, the compiler may issue warnings in the form: WARNING: Compilation will continue, but this is an indication that the compiler suspects a problem at compile-time. If the -g switch has been set during invocation to generate generic- format errors, error output looks like: filename(line): Error: (The usefulness of this is that some editors recognize the above type of error for line-seeking within a given file.) ----------------------------------------------------------------- II.f. COMPILER DIRECTIVES ----------------------------------------------------------------- A number of special commands may be used to determine a.) how the source code is read by the compiler, or b.) what special output will be generated at compile time. To set switches within the source code so that they do not have to be specified each time the compiler is invoked for that particular program, the line #switches - will set the switches specified by , where is a string of characters representing valid switches, without any separators between characters. Many programmers may find it useful to make #switches -ils the first line in every new program, which will automatically print out debugging information, a statistical summary, and any errors to the .LST list file. Using #version [.] specifies that the file is to be used with version . of the compiler. If the file and compiler version are mismatched, a warning will be issued. To include the contents of another file at the specified point in the current file, use #include "" where is the full path and name of the file to be read. When has been read completely, the compiler resumes with the statement immediately following the INCLUDE command. (A file or set of files can be compiled into a precompiled header using the -h switch, and then linked using #link instead of #include. See Appendix D on Precompiled Headers.) A useful tool for managing Hugo source code is the ability to use compiler flags for conditional compilation. A compiler flag is simply a user-defined marker that can control which sections of the source code are compiled. In this way, a programmer can develop add-ons to a program that can be included or excluded at will. For example, the library files HUGOLIB.H and GRAMMAR.G check to see if a flag called DEBUG has been set previously (as it is in SAMPLE.HUG). Only if it has do they include the HUGOFIX.H and HUGOFIX.G files. To set and clear flags, use #set and #clear respectively. Then, check to see if a flag is set or not (and include or exclude the specified block of source code) by using #ifset ...conditional block of code... #endif or #ifclear ...conditional block of code... #endif Conditional compilation constructions may be nested up to 16 levels deep. (Remember also that compiler flags can be specified in the invocation line as #.) Finally, the #message directive can be used as #message "" to output when (or if) that statement is processed during the first compilation pass. Including "error" or "warning" before "" as in #message error "" or #message warning "" will force the compiler to issue an error or warning, respectively, as it prints "". It is also possible to include inline limit settings, such as $= in the same way as in the invocation line. However, an error will be issued if, for example, an attempt is made to reset MAXOBJECTS if one or more objects have already been defined. ----------------------------------------------------------------- III. OBJECTS ----------------------------------------------------------------- Objects are the building blocks of any Hugo program. Anything that must be accessible to a player during the game--including items, rooms, other characters, and even directions--must be defined as an object. The basic object definition looks like this: object "object name" { ... } As an example, a suitcase object might be defined as: object suitcase "suitcase" {} The enclosing braces are needed even if the object definition has no body. The only data attached to the suitcase object are--from right to left--a name, an identifier, and membership in the basic object class. The compiler assigns the object labelled the next sequential object number. That is, if the first-defined object is the "nothing" object (object 0), then the next-defined object, whatever it is, is given the object number 1; the one after that is 2, etc. This is academic, however, as a programmer need never know what object number a particular object is--except for certain debugging situations--and can always refer to an object by its label . ----------------------------------------------------------------- III.a. THE OBJECT TREE ----------------------------------------------------------------- In order for objects to have a position in the game, i.e. to be in a room or contained in another object or beside another object, they must occupy a position in the object tree. The object tree is a map which represents the relationships between all objects in the game. The total number of objects is held in the global variable objects. The nothing object is defined in the library as object 0. This is the root of the object tree, upon which all other objects are based. When referring to object numbers, this manual is generally referring to the name given the object in the source code: i.e. . The compiler automatically assigns each object an object number, and refers to it whenever a specified is encountered. (NOTE: When using the standard library routines, ensure that no objects (or classes, to be discussed later) are defined before HUGOLIB.H is included. Problems will arise if the first-defined object--object 0--is not the "nothing" object.) Here is an example of an object tree: Nothing | Room | Table-----Chair-----Book------Player | | Bowl Bookmark | Spoon A number of functions can be used to read the object tree. parent sibling child youngest elder eldest (same as child) younger (same as sibling) and children Each function takes a single object as its argument, so that parent(Table) = Room parent(Bookmark) = Book parent(Player) = Room child(Bowl) = Spoon child(Room) = Table child(Chair) = 0 (Nothing) sibling(Table) = Chair sibling(Player) = 0 (Nothing) youngest(Room) = Player youngest(Spoon) = 0 (Nothing) elder(Chair) = Table elder(Table) = 0 (Nothing) and children(Room) = 4 children(Table) = 1 children(Chair) = 0 (In keeping with the above explanation of object numbers and , the functions in the first set actually return an integer number that refers to a particular .) To better understand how the object tree represents the physical world, the table, the chair, the book, and the player are all in the room. The bookmark is in the book. The bowl is on the table, and the spoon is on the bowl. The Hugo library will assume that the player object in the example is standing; if the player were seated, the object tree might look like: Nothing | Room | Table-----Chair-----Book | | | ... Player ... and child(Chair) = Player parent(Player) = Chair children(Chair) = 1 (Try compiling SAMPLE.HUG with the -o switch in order to see the object tree for the sample game. Or, if the DEBUG flag was set during compilation, use the HugoFix command $ot or $ot during play to view the current state of the object tree during play.) Logical tests can also be evaluated with regard to objects and children. The structure [not] in will return true if is in (or false if NOT is used). To initially place an object in the object tree, use in in the object definition, or, alternatively nearby or simply nearby to give the object the same parent as or, if is not specified, the same parent as the last-defined object. If no such specification is given, the parent object defaults to 0--the nothing object as defined in the library. All normal room objects have 0 as their parent. Therefore, the expanded basic case of an object definition is object "object name" { in ... } (Ensure that the opening brace "{" does not come on the same line as the "object" specifier. object "object name" {... is not permitted.) The table in the example presumably had a definition like object table "Table" { in room ... } To put the suitcase object defined earlier into the empty room in SHELL.HUG object suitcase "suitcase" { in emptyroom } Objects can later be moved around the object tree using the MOVE command as in move to Which, essentially, disengages from its old parent, makes the sibling of the sibling of 's elder, and moves (along with all its possessions) to the new parent. Therefore, in the original example, the command move bowl to player would result in altering the object tree to this: Nothing | Room | Table-----Chair-----Book------Player | | Bookmark Bowl | Spoon There is also a command to remove an object from its position in the tree (although it may be returned later): remove which is the same as move to 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------- III.b. ATTRIBUTES ----------------------------------------------------------------- Attributes are essentially qualities that every object either does or doesn't have. They are most useful for qualifying or disqualifying objects for or from consideration in any given instance. An attribute is defined as attribute Up to 128 attributes may be defined. Those defined in HUGOLIB.H include: known if an object is known to the player moved if an object has been moved visited if a room has been visited static if an object cannot be taken plural for plural objects (i.e. some hats) living if an object is a character female if a character is female unfriendly if a character is unfriendly openable if an object can be opened open if it is open lockable if an object can be locked locked if it is locked light if an object is or provides light readable if an object can be read switchable if an object can be turned on or off switchedon if it is on clothing for objects that can be worn worn if the object is being worn mobile if the object can be rolled, etc. enterable if an object is enterable container if an object can hold other objects platform if other objects can be placed on it (NOTE: container and platform are mutually exclusive) hidden if an object is not to be listed quiet if container or platform is quiet (i.e. the initial listing of contents is suppressed) transparent if object is not opaque already_listed if object has been pre-listed (i.e. before a WhatsIn listing) workflag for system use special for miscellaneous use Some of these attributes are actually the same attribute with different names. This is accomplished via attribute alias where has already been defined. For example, the library equates visited with moved (since, presumably, they will never apply to the same object), so: attribute visited alias moved In this case, an object which is visited is also, by default, moved. It is expected that attributes which are aliased will never both need to be checked under the same circumstances. Attributes are given to an object during its definition as follows: object "object name" { is [not] , [not] , ... ... } NOTE: The NOT keyword in the object definition is important when using a class instead of the basic object definition, where the class may have predefined attributes that are undesirable for the current object. Even if an object was not given a particular attribute in its object definition, it may be given that attribute at any later point in the program with the command is [not] where the NOT keyword clears the attribute instead of setting it. Attributes can also be read using the IS and IS NOT structures. As a function, is [not] returns true (1) if is (or is not, if NOT is specified) . Otherwise, it returns false (0). To give the suitcase object the appropriate attributes, expand the object definition to include object suitcase "suitcase" { in emptyroom is openable, not open ... } Now, the following equations hold true: suitcase is openable = 1 suitcase is open = 0 suitcase is locked = 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------- III.c. PROPERTIES ----------------------------------------------------------------- Properties are considerably more complex than attributes. First, not every object may have every property; in order for an object to have a property, it must be specified in the object definition. As well, properties are not simple on/off flags. They are sets of valid data associated with an object, where the values may represent almost anything, including object numbers, dictionary addresses, integer values, and addresses of executable code. The maximum number of attached values is undefined, but manageability and efficiency suggest eight or less. These are some valid properties (using property names defined in HUGOLIB.H): nouns "tree", "bush", "shrub", "plant" size 20 found_in livingroom, entrancehall long_desc {"Exits lead north and west. A door is set in the southeast wall."} short_desc { "There is a box here. It is "; if self is open print "open"; else print "closed"; print "." } before { object DoGet { if Acquire(player, self) {"You pick up "; print Art(self); "."} else return false } } The nouns property contains 4 dictionary addresses; the size property is a single integer value; the found_in property holds two object numbers; and the long and short description properties are both single values representing the address of the attached routine. The before property is a special case. This complex property is defined by the compiler and handled differently by the engine than a normal property routine. In this case, the property value representing the routine address is only returned if the globals object and verbroutine contain the object in question and the address of the DoGet routine, respectively. If there is a match, the routine is executed before DoGet. (There is also an after routine, which is checked after the verb routine has been called.) (Note for clarity: the Art routine from HUGOLIB.H prints the appropriate article, if any, followed by the name of the object. The Acquire routine returns true only if the first objects holding property plus the size property of the second object does not exceed the capacity property of the first object.) All of this may be a little confusing for now. There will be more on property routines later. For now, think of a property as simply containing a value (or set of values). A property is defined similiarly to an attribute as property A default value may be defined for the property using property where is a constant or dictionary word. For objects without a given property, attempting to find that property will result in the default value. If no default is explicitly declared, it is 0. The list of properties defined in HUGOLIB.H is: name the basic object name before pre-verb routines after post-verb routines noun noun(s) for referring to object adjective adjective(s) for describing object article "a", "an", "the", "some", etc. preposition "in", "inside", "outside of", etc. pronoun appropriate for the object in question short_desc basic "X is here" description initial_desc supersedes short_desc long_desc detailed description found_in in case of multiple locations type to identify the type of object n_to ne_to e_to se_to s_to sw_to (for rooms only, where an exit leads) w_to nw_to u_to d_to in_to out_to cant_go message if a direction is invalid size for holding/inventory capacity " " " holding " " " reach for limiting object accessiblity list_contents for overriding normal listing door_to for handling "Enter " key_object if lockable, the proper key when_open supersedes short_desc when_closed " " ignore_response for characters order_response " " contains_desc instead of basic "inside X are..." inv_desc for special inventory descriptions desc_detail parenthetical detail for object listing parse_rank for differentiating like-named objects exclude_from_all for interpreting "all" in inputs misc for miscellaneous use (For a detailed description of how each property is used, see Appendix B: The Library.) Property names may again be aliased by property alias where has already been defined. The library aliases (among others) the following: nouns alias noun adjectives alias adjective prep alias preposition pronouns alias pronoun A property is expressed as . The number of elements to the property with more than a single value can be found via .# and a single element is expressed as . # NOTE: . is simply the shortened version of . #1. To add some properties to the suitcase object, expand the object definition to object suitcase "big green suitcase" { in emptyroom ! done earlier is openable, not open ! nouns "suitcase", "case", "luggage" adjective "big", "green", "suit" article "a" size 25 capacity 100 } Based on the engine rules for object identification, the suitcase object may now be referred to by the player as "big green suitcase", "big case", or "green suitcase" among other combinations. Even "big green" and "suit" may be valid, provided that these don't also refer to other objects within valid scope such as "a big green apple" or "your suit jacket". (NOTE: The basic form for identification by the parser is where the maximum number of words is 5, and any subset of these elements is allowable. However, the noun must come last, and only one noun is recognized, so that and as in "luggage case" and "suitcase green" are not recognized.) One occasional source of befuddling code that doesn't behave the way the programmer intended is not allowing enough slots for a property on a given object. That is, if an object is originally defined with the property found_in kitchen and later, the program tries to set .found_in #2 = livingroom it will have no substantial effect. That is, there will be no space initialized in 's property table for a second value under found_in. Trying to read .found_in #2 will return a value of 0--a non-existent property--not the number of the livingroom object. To overcome this, if it is known that eventually a second (or third, or fourth, or ninth) value is going to be set--even if only one value is defined at the outset--use found_in kitchen, 0[, 0, 0,...] in the object definition. (A useful shortcut for initializing multiple zero values is to use found_in #4 instead of found_in 0, 0, 0, 0 in the object definition.) As might be expected, combinations of properties are read left-to- right, so that location.n_to.name is understood as (location.n_to).name ----------------------------------------------------------------- III.d. CLASSES ----------------------------------------------------------------- Classes are essentially objects that are specifically intended to be used as prototypes for one or more similar objects. Here is how a class is defined: class [""] { ... } with the body of the definition being the same as that for an object definition, where the properties and attributes defined are to be the same for all members of the class. For example: class box { noun "box" long_desc "It looks like a regular old box." is openable, not open } box largebox "large box" { article "a" adjectives "big", "large" is open } box greenbox "green box" { article "a" adjective "green" long_desc "It looks like a regular old box, except green." } (Beginning the long_desc property routine on the line below the property name is understood by the compiler as: long_desc { "It looks..." } Since the property is only one line--a single printing command--the braces are unnecessary.) The definition of an object in a class is begun with the name of the prototype object instead of "object". All properties and attributes of the class are inherited (except for its position in the object tree), unless they have been explicitly defined in the new object. That is, although the box class is defined without the open attribute, the largebox object will begin the game as open, since this is in the largebox defition. It will begin the game as openable, as well, as this is inherited from the box class. And while the largebox object will have the long_desc of the box class, the greenbox object replaces the default property routine with a new description. (An exception to this is an $ADDITIVE property, to be discussed later, where new properties are added to those of previous classes.) Since a class is basically an object, it is possible to define an object using a previous object as a class even though the previous object was not explicitly defined as a class. Therefore, largebox largeredbox "large red box" { adjectives "big", "large", "red" } is perfectly valid. Occasionally, it may be necessary to have an object or class inherit from more than one previously defined class. This can be done using the "inherits" instruction. "name" { inherits [, ,...] ... } or even object "name" { inherits , [, ,...] ... } The precedence of inheritance is in the order of occurrence. In either example, the object inherits first from , then from , and so on. The Hugo Object Library (OBJLIB.H) contains a number of useful class definitions for things like rooms, characters, scenery, vehicles, etc. Sometimes, however, it may be desirable to use a different definition for, say, the room class while keeping all the others in the Object Library. Instead of actually editing the OBJLIB.H file, use: replace [""] { (...completely new object definition...) } where is the name of a previously defined object or class, such as "room". All subsequent references to will use this object instead of the previously defined one. (Note that this means that the replacement must come BEFORE any uses of the class for other objects.) ----------------------------------------------------------------- IV. HUGO PROGRAMMING ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- IV.a. VARIABLES ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hugo supports two kinds of variables: global and local. Either type simply holds a 16-bit integer, so a variable can hold a simple value, an object number, a dictionary address, a routine address, or any other standard Hugo data type through an assignment such as: a = 1 nextobj = parent(obj) temp_word = "the" Global variables are visible throughout the program. They must be defined similarly to properties and attributes as global [ = ] Local variables, on the other hand, are recognized only within the routine in which they are defined. They are defined using local [ = ] Global variables must of course have a unique name, different from that of any other data object; local variables, on the other hand, may share the names of local variables in other routines. In either case, global or local, the default starting value is 0 if no other value is given. For example, global time_of_day = 1100 is equal to 1100 when the program is run, and is visible at any point in the program, by any object or routine. On the other hand, the variables local a, max = 100, t are visible only within the block of code where they are defined, and are initialized to 0, 100, and 0, respectively, each time that section of code (be it a routine, property routine, event, etc.) is run. The compiler defines a set of engine globals: global variables that are referenced directly by the engine, but which may otherwise be treated like any other global variables. These are: object direct object of a verb action xobject indirect object self self-referential object words total number of words in command player the player object actor the player, or character obj. (for scripts) verbroutine specified by the command endflag if not false (0), run EndGame routine prompt for input; default is ">" objects the total number of objects linelength the maximum number of characters in a line pagelength the maximum number of lines in the window The object and xobject routines are set up by the engine depending on what command is entered by the player. The self global is undefined except when an object is being referenced (as in a property routine). In that case, it is set to the number of that object. The player variable holds the number of the object that the player is controlling; the verbroutine variable holds the address of the routine specified in the grammar table and corresponding to the entered command; the endflag variable must be 0 unless something has occurred to end the game; and the prompt variable represents the dictionary word appearing at the start of an input line. The objects, linelength, and pagelength variables can be set by the player, but to no useful effect. The engine will reset them to the "real" value whenever they are referenced. (NOTE: Setting endflag to a non-zero value forces an IMMEDIATE break from the game loop. Statements following the endflag assignment even in the same function are not executed; control is passed directly to the engine, which calls the EndGame routine.) ----------------------------------------------------------------- IV.b. CONSTANTS ----------------------------------------------------------------- Constants are simply labels that represent a non-modifiable value. constant FIRST_NAME "John" constant LAST_NAME "Smith" print LAST_NAME; ", "; FIRST_NAME outputs: Smith, John Constants can, like any other Hugo data type, be integers, dictionary entries, object numbers, etc. (It is not absolutely necessary that a constant be given a definite value if the constant is to be used as some sort of flag or marker, etc. Therefore, constant THIS_RESULT constant THAT_RESULT will have unique values from each other, as well as from any other constant defined without a definite value.) Sometimes it may be useful to enumerate a series of constants in sequence. Instead of defining them all individually, it is possible to use: enumerate start = 1 { MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY } giving: MONDAY = 1, TUESDAY = 2, WEDNESDAY = 3, THURSDAY = 4, FRIDAY = 5 The start value is optional. If omitted, it is 0. Also, it is possible to change the current value at any point (therefore also affecting all following values). enumerate { A, B, C = 5, D, E } gives: A = 0, B = 1, C = 5, D = 6, E = 7. Finally, it is possible to alter the step value of the enumeration using the "step" keyword followed by "+x", "-x", "*x", or "/x", where x is a constant integer value. To count by twos: enumerate step *2 { A = 1, B, C, D } gives: A = 1, B = 2, C = 4, D = 8. NOTE: Enumeration of global variables is also possible, using the "global" specifier, as in: enumerate globals { , ,... } Otherwise the specifier "constants" is implied as the default. ----------------------------------------------------------------- IV.c. PRINTING TEXT ----------------------------------------------------------------- Text can be printed using two different methods. The first is the basic PRINT command, the simplest form of which is print "" where consists of a series of alphanumeric characters and punctuation. The backslash control character ("\") is handled specially. It modifies how the character following it in a string is treated. \" inserts quotation marks \\ insert a literal backslash character \_ insert a forced space, overriding left-justification for the rest of the string \n insert a newline As usual, a single "\" at the end of a line signals that the line continues with the following line. Examples: print "\"Hello!\"" "Hello!" print "Print a...\n...newline" Print a... ...newline print "One\\two\\three" One\two\three print " Left-justified" print "\_ Not left-justified" Left-justified Not left-justified print "This is a \ single line." This is a single line. (Although print "This is a single line." will produce the same result, since the line break occurs within quotation marks.) NOTE: These control-character combinations are valid for printing only; they are not treated as literals, as in, for example, expressions involving dictionary entries. After each of the above print commands, a newline is printed. To avoid this, append a semicolon (";") to the end of the print statement. print "This is a "; print "single line." This is a single line. Print statements may also contain data types, or a combination of data types and strings. The command print "The "; object.name; " is closed." will print the word located at the dictionary address specified by object.name, so that if object.name points to the word "box", the resulting output would be: The box is closed. To capitalize the first letter of the specified word, use the CAPITAL modifier. print "The "; capital object.name; " is closed." The Box is closed. To print the data type as a value instead of referencing the dictionary, use the NUMBER modifier. For example, if the variable time_left holds the value 5, print "There are "; number time_left; " seconds remaining." There are 5 seconds remaining. If NUMBER were not used, the engine would try to find a word at the dictionary address 5, and the result will likely be garbage. NOTE: Mainly for debugging purposes, the modifier HEX prints the data type as a hexadecimal number instead of a decimal one. If the variable val equals 127, print number val; " is "; hex val; " in hexadecimal." 127 is 7F in hexadecimal. The second way to print text is from the text bank, from which sections are loaded from disk only when they are needed by the program. This method is provided so that lengthy blocks of text--such as description and narration--do not take up valuable space in memory. The command consists simply of a quoted string without any preceding statement. "This string would be written to disk." This string would be written to disk. or "So would this one "; "and this one." So would this one and this one. Notice that a semicolon at the end of the statement still overrides the newline. The in-string control-character combinations are still usable with these print statements, but since each command is a single line, data types and other modifiers may not be compounded. Because of that, "\"Hello,\" he said." will write "Hello," he said. to the .HEX file text bank, but "There are "; number time_left; " seconds remaining." is illegal. The color of text may be changed using the COLOR command (also usable with the U.K. spelling "colour"). The format is color [, [, ]] where the background color is not necessary. If no background color is specified, the current one is assumed). The input color is also not necessary--this refers to the color of player input. The standard color set with corresponding values and constant labels is: COLOR CONSTANT VALUE LABEL Black 0 BLACK Blue 1 BLUE Green 2 GREEN Cyan 3 CYAN Red 4 RED Magenta 5 MAGENTA Brown 6 BROWN White 7 WHITE Dark gray 8 DARK_GRAY Light blue 9 LIGHT_BLUE Light green 10 LIGHT_GREEN Light cyan 11 LIGHT_CYAN Light red 12 LIGHT_RED Light magenta 13 LIGHT_MAGENTA Yellow 14 YELLOW Bright white 15 BRIGHT_WHITE Default foreground 16 DEF_FOREGROUND Default background 17 DEF_BACKGROUND (The labels are defined in HUGOLIB.H; when using the library, it is never necessary to refer to a color by its numerical value.) It is expected that, regardless of the system, any color will print visibly on any other color. However, it is suggested for practicality that white (and less frequently bright while) be used for most text-printing. Magenta printing on a cyan background is accomplished by color MAGENTA, CYAN or color 5, 3 ! if not using HUGOLIB.H A current line can be filled--with blank spaces in the current color--to a specified column (essentially a tab stop) using the PRINT TO structure as follows: print "Time:"; to 40; "Date:" where the value following TO does not exceed the maximum line length in the engine global linelength. The resulting output will be something like: Time: Date: Text can be specifically located using the LOCATE command via locate , where locate 1, 1 places text output at the top left corner of the screen. Once again, must not exceed the linelength global. The must not exceed the pagelength. ----------------------------------------------------------------- IV.d. MORE CONTROL CHARACTERS ----------------------------------------------------------------- As listed above, the following are valid control characters that may be embedded in printed strings: \" quotation marks \\ a literal backslash character \_ a forced space, overriding left-justification for the rest of the string \n a newline The next set of control characters control the appearance of printed text by turning on and off boldface, italic, proportional, and underlined printing. Not all computers and operating systems are able to provide all types of printed output; however, the engine can be relied upon to properly process any formatting--i.e. proportionally printed text will still look fine even on a system that has only a fixed-width font, such as MS-DOS (although, of course, it won't be proportionally spaced). \B boldface on \b boldface off \I italics on \i italics off \P proportional printing on \p proportional printing off \U underlining on \u underlining off (Print style can also be changed using the Font routine in HUGOLIB.H. Font-change constants can be combined as in: Font(BOLD_ON | ITALICS_ON | PROP_OFF) where the valid constants are BOLD_ON, BOLD_OFF, ITALICS_ON, ITALICS_OFF, UNDERLINE_ON, UNDERLINE_OFF, PROP_ON, and PROP_OFF.) Special characters can also be printed via control characters. Note that these characters are contained in the extended ASCII character set; if a particular system is incapable of displaying it, it will display the normal-ASCII equivalent. (The following examples, appearing in parentheses, may not display properly on all computers and printers.) \` accent grave followed by a, e, i, o, or u e.g. "\`a" will print an 'a' with an accent grave () \' accent acute followed by a, e, i, o, u, or E e.g. "\'E" will print an 'E' with an accent acute () \~... tilde where '...' is an n or N e.g. "\~n" will print an 'n' with a tilde () \^... circumflex where '...' is a, e, i, o, or u e.g. "\^i" will print an 'i' with a circumflex () \: umlaut followed by a, e, i, o, u, y, O, U e.g. "\:u" will print a 'u' with an umlaut () \, cedilla followed by c or C e.g. "\,c" will print a 'c' with a cedilla () \< or \> Spanish quotation marks ( ) \! upside-down exclamation point () \? upside-down question mark () \ae ae ligature () \AE AE ligature () \c cents symbol () \L British pound () \Y Japanese Yen () \- em dash () \#xxx any ASCII character where xxx represents the three- digit ASCII number of the character to be printed e.g. "\#065" will print an 'A' (ASCII 65) NOTE: Because non- or extended-ASCII character values may not be the same on every system, it is recommended to always use control-character combinations to print these characters instead of typing them directly from the keyboard (on systems where this is possible). ----------------------------------------------------------------- EXAMPLE: MIXING TEXT STYLES ----------------------------------------------------------------- ! Sample routine to print various typefaces and colors: #include "hugolib.h" routine PrintingSample { print "Text may be printed in \Bboldface\b, \Iitalics\i, \Uunderlined\u, or \Pproportional\p typefaces." color RED ! or color 4 print "\nGet ready. "; color YELLOW ! color 14 print "Get set. "; color GREEN ! color 2 print "Go!" } The output will be: Text may be printed in boldface, italics, underlined, or proportional typefaces. Get ready. Get set. Go! with "boldface", "italics", "underlined", and "proportional" printed in their respective typefaces. "Get ready", "Get set", and "Go!" will all appear on the same line in three different colors. Note that not all computers will be able to print all typefaces. The basic MS-DOS port, for example, uses color changes instead of actual typeface changes, and does not support proportional printing. ----------------------------------------------------------------- IV.e. OPERATORS AND ASSIGNMENTS ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hugo allows use of all standard math operators: + addition - subtraction * multiplication / integer division Comparisions are also valid as operators, returning Boolean true or false (1 or 0) so that 2 + (x = 1) 5 - (x > 1) evaluate respectively to 3 and 5 if x is 1, and 2 and 4 if x is 2 or greater. Valid relational operators are = equal to ~= not equal to < less than > greater than <= less than or equal to >= greater than or equal to Logical operators (AND, OR, and NOT) are also allowed. (x and y) or (a and b) (j + 5) and not ObjectisLight(k) AND returns true if both values are non-zero. OR returns true if either is non-zero. NOT returns true only if the following value is zero. 1 and 1 = 1 1 and 0 = 0 5 and 3 = 1 0 and 9 = 0 0 and 169 and 1 = 0 1 and 12 and 1233 = 1 1 or 1 = 1 35 or 0 = 1 0 or 0 = 0 not 0 = 1 not 1 = 0 not 8 = 0 1 and 7 or (14 and not 0) = 1 (0 or not 1) and 3 = 0 Additionally, bitwise operators are provided: 1 & 1 = 1 (Bitwise and) 1 | 0 = 1 (Bitwise or) ~0 = -1 (Bitwise not/inverse) (A detailed explanation of bitwise operations is a little beyond the scope of this manual; programmers may occasionally use the "|" operator to combine bitmask-type parameters for certain library functions, but only advanced users should have to worry about employing bitwise operators to any great extent in practical programming.) Any Hugo data type can appear in an expression, including routines, attribute tests, properties, constants, and variables. Standard mathematical rules for order of significance in evaluating an expression apply, so that parenthetical sub-expressions are evaluated first, followed by multiplication and division, followed by addition and subtraction. Some sample combinations are: 10 + object.size ! numerical constant and property object is openable + 1 ! attribute test and constant FindLight(location) + a ! routine return val. and variable 1 and object is light ! const., logical test, and attrib. Expressions can be evaluated and assigned to either a variable or a property. = . [#] = In certain cases, the compiler may allow a statement where the left- hand side of the assignment is non-modifiable. I.e. Function() = or .# = may be compiled, but such statements will force a run-time error from the Hugo Engine. ----------------------------------------------------------------- IV.f. EFFICIENT OPERATORS ----------------------------------------------------------------- Something like number_of_items = number_of_items + 1 if number_of_items > 10 { print "Too many items!" } can be coded more simply as if ++number_of_items > 10 { print "Too many items!" } The "++" operator increases the following variable by one before returning the value of the variable. Similarly, "--" can precede a variable to decrease the value by one before returning it. Since these operators act before the value is returned, they are called "pre-increment" and "pre-decrement". If "++" or "--" comes AFTER a variable, the value of the variable is returned and then the value is increased or decreased, respectively. In these usages, the operators are called "post-increment" and "post-decrement". For example, while ++i < 5 ! pre-increment { print number i; " "; } will output: 1 2 3 4 But while i++ < 5 ! post-increment { print number i; " "; } will output: 1 2 3 4 5 Since in the second example, the variable is increased before getting the value, while in the second example, it is increased after checking it. It is also possible to use the operators "+=", "-=", "*=", and "/=". These can also be used to modify a variable at the same time its value is being checked. All of these, however, operate before the value in question is returned. x = 5 y = 10 print "x = "; number x*=y; ", y = "; number y Result: x = 50, y = 10 When the compiler is processing any of the above lines, the efficient operator takes precedence over a normal (i.e., single- character) operator. For example, x = y + ++z is actually compiled as x = y++ + z since the "++" is compiled first. To properly code this line with a pre-increment on the z variable instead of a post-increment on y: x = y + (++z) ----------------------------------------------------------------- IV.g. ARRAYS AND STRINGS ----------------------------------------------------------------- Prior to this point, little has been said about arrays. Arrays are sets of values that share a common name, and where the elements are referenced by number. Arrays are defined by array [] where must be a numerical constant. An array definition reserves a block of memory of 16- bit words, so that, for example, array test_array[10] initializes 10 16-bit words (or 20 8-bit bytes) for the array. Keep in mind that determines the size of the array, NOT the maximum element number. Elements begin counting at 0, so that test_array, with 10 elements, has members numbered from 0 to 9. Trying to access test_array[10] or higher would return a meaningless value. (Trying to assign it by mistake would likely overwrite something important, like the next-defined array.) To prevent such out-of-bounds array reading/writing, an array's length may be read via: array[] where no element number is specified. Using the above example, print test_array[] would result in "10". Array elements can be assigned more than one at a time, as in = , , ... where and can be expressions or single values. Elements need not be all of the same type, either, so that test_array[0] = (10 + 5) * x, "Hello!", FindLight(location) is perfectly legal (although perhaps not perfectly useful). More common is a usage like names[0] = "Ned", "Sue", "Bob", "Maria" or test_array[2] = 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 The array can then be accessed by print names[0]; " and "; names[3] Ned and Maria or b = test_array[3] + test_array[5] which would set the variable b to 4 + 2, or 6. Because array space is statically allocated by the compiler, all arrays must be declared at the global level. Local arrays are illegal, as are entire arrays passed as arguments. However, single elements of arrays are valid arguments. Significantly, it is possible to pass an array address as an argument, and the routine can then access the elements of the array using the ARRAY modifier. For example, if items is an array containing: items[0] = "apples" items[1] = "oranges" items[2] = "socks" The following: routine Test(v) { print array v[2] } can be called using Test(items) to produce the output "socks", even though v is an argument (i.e. local variable), and not an array. The line "print array v[2]" tells the engine to treat v as an array address, not as a discrete value. Array strings are also possible, and Hugo provides a way to store a dictionary entry in an array as a series of ASCII characters using the STRING command: string(, , ) (The provision is required because the engine has no way of checking for array boundaries.) For example, string(a, word[1], 10) will store up to 10 characters from word[1] into a. NOTE: It is expected in the preceding example that a would have at least 11 elements, since STRING expects to store a terminating 0 or null character after the string itself. For example, x = string(a, word[1], 10) will store up to 10 characters of word[1] in the array a, and return the length of the stored string to the variable x. (The token PARSE$ may be used in place of the dictionary entry address; see the section below on "Junction Routines: ParseError" for a description.) The library defines the functions StringCopy, StringEqual, StringLength, and StringPrint, which are extremely useful when dealing with string arrays. StringCopy copies one string array to another array. StringCopy(, [, ]) For example, StringCopy(a, b) copies the contents of b to a, while StringCopy(a, b, 5) copies only 5 characters of b to a. x = StringEqual(, ) x = StringCompare(, ) StringEqual returns true only if the two specified string arrays are identical. StringCompare returns 1 if is lexically greater than , -1 if is lexically less than , and 0 if the two strings are identical. StringLength returns the length of a string array, as in: len = StringLength(a) and StringPrint prints a string array (or part of it). StringPrint([, , ) For example, if a contains "presto", StringPrint(a) will print "presto", but StringPrint(a, 1, 4) will print "res". (The parameter in the first example defaults to 0, not 1--the first numbered element in an array is 0.) An interesting side-effect of being able to pass array addresses as arguments is that it is possible to "cheat" the address, so that, for example, StringCopy(a, b+2) will copy b to a, beginning with the third letter of b (since the first letter of b is b[0]). It should also be kept in mind that string arrays and dictionary entries are two entirely separate animals, and that comparing them directly is using StringCompare is not possible. That is, while a dictionary entry is a simple value representing an address, a string array is a series of values each representing a character in the string. The library provides the following to overcome this: StringDictCompare(, ) which returns the same values (1, -1, 0) as StringCompare, depending on whether the string array is lexically greater than, less than, or equal to the dictionary entry. (There is a complement to the STRING command, the DICT function, that dynamically creates a new dictionary entry at runtime. Its syntax is: x = dict(, ) x = dict(parse$, ) where the contents of or parse$ are written into the dictionary, to a maximum of characters, and the address of the new word is returned. However, since this requires extending the actual length of the game file, it is necessary to provide for this during compilation. Inserting $MAXDICTEXTEND= at the start of the source file will write a buffer of empty bytes at the end of the dictionary. (MAXDICTEXTEND is, by default, 0.) Dynamic dictionary extension is used primarily in situations where the player may be able to, for example, name an object, then refer to that object by the new name. In this case, the new words will have to exist in the dictionary, and must be written using DICT. However, a guideline for programmers is that there should be a limit to how many new words the player can cause to be created, so that the total length of the new entries never exceeds , keeping in mind that the length of an entry is the number of characters plus one (the byte representing the actual length). That is, the word "test" requires 5 bytes.) ----------------------------------------------------------------- EXAMPLE: MANAGING STRINGS ----------------------------------------------------------------- #include "hugolib.h" array s1[32] array s2[10] array s3[10] routine StringTests { local a, len a = "This is a sample string." len = string(s1, a, 31) string(s2, "Apple", 9) string(s3, "Tomato", 9) print "a = \""; a; "\"" print "(Dictionary address: "; number a; ")" print "s1 contains \""; StringPrint(s1); "\"" print "(Array address: "; number s1; print ", length = "; number len; ")" print "s2 is \""; StringPrint(s2); print "\", s3 is \""; StringPrint(s3); "\"" "\nStringCompare(s1, s2) = "; print number StringCompare(s1, s2) "StringCompare(s1, s3) = "; print number StringCompare(s1, s3) } The output will be: a = "This is a sample string." (Dictionary address = 887) s1 contains "This is a sample string." (Array address = 1625, length = 24) s2 is "Apple", s3 is "Tomato" StringCompare(s1, s2) = 1 StringCompare(s1, s3) = -1 As is evident above, a dictionary entry does not need to be a single word; any piece of text which must be treated as a value gets entered into the dictionary table. The argument 31 in the first call to the STRING function allows up to 31 characters from a to be copied to s1, but since the length of a is only 24 characters, only 25 values (including the terminating 0) get copied, and the string length of s1 is returned in len. Since "A(pple)" is lexically less than "T(his...)", comparing the two returns -1. As "To(mato)" is lexically greater than "Th(is...)", StringCompare returns 1. ----------------------------------------------------------------- IV.h. CONDITIONAL EXPRESSIONS AND PROGRAM FLOW ----------------------------------------------------------------- Program flow can be controlled using a variety of constructions, each of which is built around an expression that evaluates to false (zero) or non-false (non-zero). The most basic of these is the IF statement. if {...conditional code block...} NOTE: The enclosing braces are not necessary if the code block is a single line. Note also that the conditional block may begin (and even end) on the same line as the IF statement provided that braces are used. if ...single line... if {...conditional code block...} If braces are not used for a single line, the compiler automatically inserts them, although special care must be taken when constructing a block of code nesting several single-line conditionals. While if if ...conditional code block... may be properly interpreted, if for (......) if ...conditional code block... will not be. The compiler will misunderstand the end of the FOR loop construction because the enclosing conditional code block expects to end with the FOR expression. In turn the FOR expression does not properly differentiate the end of the conditional loop. The result would likely be a stack overflow error in the engine because the engine will continually nest the execution of recursive FOR loops until it runs out of stack space. The proper way to structure that same section of code would be: if { for (......) { if ...conditional code block... } } NOTE: The best advice is to rely on braces to clarify code structure whenever using such complex constructions. This applies particularly to mixing IF, FOR, WHILE, and DO-WHILE expressions, especially when recursive function calls are involved. While the results may appear as intended, the method to produce them is incorrect, and any long-running such construction is almost guaranteed to crash the stack. More elaborate uses of IF involve the use of ELSEIF and ELSE. if ...first conditional code block... elseif ...second conditional code block... elseif ...third conditional code block... ... else ...default code block... In this case, the engine evaluates each expression until it finds one that is true, and then executes it. Control then passes to the next non-if/elseif/else statement following the conditional construction. If no true expression is found, the default code block is executed. If, for example, evaluates to a non-false value, then none of the following expressions are tested. Of course, all three (IF, ELSEIF, and ELSE) need not be used every time, and simple IF-ELSEIF and IF-ELSE combinations are perfectly valid. In certain cases, the IF statement may not lend itself perfectly to clarity, and the SELECT-CASE construction may be more appropriate. The general form is: select case [, , ...] ...first conditional code block... case [, , ...] ...second conditional code block... ... case else ..default code block... In this case, the engine quickly performs an evaluation that is essentially if = [or = ...] There is no limit on the number of values (separated by commas) that can appear on a line following CASE. The same rules for bracing multiple-line code blocks apply as with IF (as well as for every other type of conditional block). NOTE: Cases do not "fall through" to the following case. Think of cases following the first as being ELSEIF statements rather than IF statements; once a true case has been found, subsequent cases are ignored. (This is, in fact, the way the compiler codes them, and indeed how they will appear using runtime tracing.) Basic loops may be coded using WHILE and DO-WHILE. while ...conditional code block... do ...conditional code block... while Each of these executes the conditional code block as long as holds true. It is assumed that the code block somehow alters expression so that at some point it will become false; otherwise the loop will execute endlessly. while x <= 10 x = x + 1 do {x = x + 1 print "x is "; number x} while x <= 10 The only difference between the two is that if is false at the outset, the WHILE code block will never run. The DO-WHILE code block will run at least once even if is false at the outset. The most complex loop construction uses the FOR statement. for (; ; ) ...conditional code block... For example: for (i=1; i<=15; i=i+1) print "i is "; number i First, the engine executes the assignment setting i = 1. Then, it executes the print statement. Next, it checks to see if the expression holds true (if i is less than or equal to 15). If it does, it executes the print statement and the modifying assignment that increments i. It continues the loop until the expression tests false. Not all elements of the FOR construction are necessary. For example, the assignment may be omitted, as in for (; i<=15; i=i+1) and the engine will simply use the existing value of i. With for (i=1;;i=i+1) The loop will execute endlessly, unless some other means of exit is provided. The modifying expression does not have to be an expression. It may be a routine that modifies a global variable, for example, which is then tested by the FOR loop. (A second form of the FOR loop is: for in ...conditional code block... which loops through all the children of (if any), setting the variable to the object number of each child in sequence, so that for i in suitcase print i.name will print the names of each object in the suitcase object.) The easiest way to picture the first form of a Hugo FOR loop is that for (; ; ) ...conditional code block... translates to the equivalent of [while] { ...conditional code block... } which in turn translates the equivalent of : [if] { ...conditional code block... jump } (On the other hand, that isn't a particularly easy way to picture anything, and, in its awkwardness, perhaps justifies the existence of non-threatening WHILE, DO-WHILE, and FOR loops). The benefit in knowing how a Hugo loop breaks down into a slip knot of IFs and JUMPs is that it is easier to monitor program flow using the Hudo Debugger (see Appendix E). As is now obvious by the above (possibly confusing) illustration, Hugo supports JUMP commands and labels. A label is simply a user- specified token preceded by a colon (":") at the beginning of a line. The label name must be a unique token in the program. Use caution with JUMP, particularly when looping back to the same conditional statment over and over again. Each time an IF, SELECT- CASE, WHILE, DO-WHILE, or FOR statement executes, Hugo pushes data onto the stack; recklessly doing this over and over again will topple the stack and crash the engine. In general, it may be best to try if at all possible to avoid using JUMP whenever possible. It is also important to recognize--particularly with SELECT and WHILE or DO-WHILE statements--that the expression is tested each time the loop executes, or, in the case of a SELECT statement, for each corresponding case. The significance of this is seen in the following example select test.prop_routine case 1 {...} case 2 {...} case 3 {...} where prop_routine returns a value from 1 to 3. The property routine will be executed 3 separate times, once for each CASE statement. If prop_routine has some other effect, such as modifying a global variable or printing output, then this will also occur 3 times. If such an effect would be undesirable, try local test_val ! set up a local variable test_val = test.prop_routine ! and assign it select test_val case 1 {...} ... so that test.prop_routine is called only once. A similar case would be where select random(3) case 1: {...} case 2: {...} case 3: {...} would result in something akin to: if random(3) = 1: {...} elseif random(3) = 2: {...} elseif random(3) = 3: {...} In other words, a different random value would be evaluated each time. A better choice would be: local b b = random(3) select b case 1: {...} ... One final keyword is important in program flow, and that is BREAK. At any point during a loop, it may be necessary to exit immediately (and probably prematurely). BREAK passes control to the statement immediately following the current loop. In the example do { while { ... if break ... } ... } while the BREAK causes the immediately running WHILE loop to terminate, even if is true. However, the external DO- WHILE loop continues to run. It has been previously stated that lines ending in "and" or "or" are continued onto the next line in the case of long conditional expressions. A second useful provision is the ability to use a comma to separate options within a conditional expression. As a result, if word[1] = "one", "two", "three" while object is open, not locked if a ~= 1, 2, 3 are translated into if word[1] = "one" or word[1] = "two" or word[1] = "three" while object is open and object is not locked if suitcase not in livingroom, garage if a ~= 1 and a ~= 1 and a ~= 3 respectively. Note that with an "=" or "in" comparison, a comma results in an "or" comparison. With "~=" or an attribute comparison, the result is an "and" comparison. ----------------------------------------------------------------- V. ROUTINES AND EVENTS ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- V.a. ROUTINES ----------------------------------------------------------------- Routines are blocks of code that may be called at any point in a program. A routine may or may not return a value, and it may or may not require a list of parameters (or arguments). (A number of routines have occurred in previous examples, but here is the formal explication.) A routine is defined as routine [(, , ...)] { ... } once again ensuring the the opening brace ("{") comes on a new line following the "routine" specifier. (NOTE: To substitute a new routine for an existing one with the same name (such as in a library file), define the new one using REPLACE instead of ROUTINE. replace [(, , ...)] For example, routine TestRoutine(obj) { print "The "; obj.name; " has a size of "; print obj.size; "." return obj.size } takes a single value as an argument, assigns it to a local variable obj, executes a simple printing sequence, and returns the property value: obj.size. The RETURN keyword exits the current routine, and returns a value if specified. Both return and return are valid. If no expression is given, the routine returns 0. If no RETURN statement at all is encountered, the routine continues until the closing brace ("}"), then returns 0. TestRoutine can be called several ways: TestRoutine(suitcase) will (assuming the suitcase object as been defined as previously illustrated) print "The big green suitcase has a size of 25." The return value will be ignored. On the other hand, x = TestRoutine(suitcase) will print the same output, but will assign the return value of TestRoutine to the variable x. Now, unlike C and similar languages, Hugo does not require that routines follow a strict prototype. Therefore, both TestRoutine and TestRoutine(suitcase, 5) are valid calls for the above routine. In the first case, the argument obj defaults to 0, since no value is passed. The parentheses are not necessary if no arguments are passed. In the second case, the value 5 is passed to TestRoutine, but ignored. Arguments are always passed by value, not by reference or address. A local variable in one routine can never be altered by another routine. What this means is that, for example, in the following routines: routine TestRoutine { local a a = 5 Double(a) print number a } routine Double(a) { a = a * 2 } Calling TestRoutine would print "5" and not "10" because the local variable a in Double is only a copy of the variable passed to it as an argument. These two routines would, on the other hand, print "10": routine TestRoutine { local a a = 5 a = Double(a) print number a } routine Double(a) { return a * 2 } The local a in TestRoutine is reassigned with the return value from Double. An interesting side-effect of a null (0) return value can be seen using the PRINT command. Consider the The routine in HUGOLIB.H, which prints an object's definite article (i.e. "the", if appropriate), followed by the object's name property. print "You open "; The(object); "." might result in You open the suitcase. Note that the above PRINT command itself really only prints "You open " and "." It is the The routine that prints the suitcase Since The returns 0 (the null string, or ""), the PRINT command is actually displaying "You open ", "", and "." where the null string ("") is preceded on the output line by The's printing of "the " and the object name. ---------------------------------------------------------------- V.b. PROPERTY ROUTINES ---------------------------------------------------------------- Property routines are slightly more complex than those described so far, but follow the same basic rules. Normally, a property routine runs when the program attempts to get the value of a property that contains a routine. That is, instead of size 10 an object may contain the property size { return x + 5 } Trying to read object.size in either case will return an integer value. Here's another example. Normally, if is the current room, then .n_to would contain the object number of the room to the north. The library checks .n_to to see if a value exists for it; if none does, the move is invalid. Consider this: n_to office and n_to {"The office door is locked."} or n_to { "The office door is locked. "; return false } In the first case, an attempt on the part of the player to move north would result in parent(player) being changed to the office object. In the second case, a custom invalid-move message would be displayed. In the third case, the custom invalid-move message would be displayed, but then the library would continue as if it had not found a n_to property for , and it would print the standard invalid-move message (without a newline, thanks to the semicolon): "The office door is locked. You can't go that way." NOTE: While normal routines return false (or 0) by default, property routines return true (or 1) by default. (For those wondering why the true return value in the second case doesn't prompt a move to object number 1, the library DoGo routine assumes that there will never be a room object numbered one.) Property routines may be run directly using the RUN command: run . If does not have , or if . is not a routine, nothing happens. Otherwise, the property routine executes. Property routines do not take arguments. Remember that at any point in a program, an existing property may be changed using . = A property routine may be changed using . = { ... } where the new routine must be enclosed in braces. It is entirely possible to change what was once a property routine into a simple value, or vice-versa, providing that space for the routine (and the required number of elements) was allowed for in the original object definition. Even if a property routine is to be assigned later in the program, the property itself must still be defined at the outset. A simple 0 or {return false} will suffice. There is, however, one drawback to this re-assignment of property values to routines and vice-versa. A property routine is given a "length" of one 16-bit word, which is the property address. When assigning a value or set of values to a property routine, the engine behaves as if the property was originally defined for this object with only one word of data, since it has no way of knowing the original length of the property data. For example, if the original property specification in the object definition was: found_in bedroom, livingroom, garage and at some point the following was executed: found_in = {return basement} then the following would not subsequently work: found_in #3 = attic because the engine now believes .found_in to have only one 16-bit word of data attached to it. Finally, keep in mind that whenever calling a property routine, the global variable self is normally set to the object number. To avoid this, such as when "borrowing" a property from another object from within a different object, reference the property via .. using ".." instead of the normal property operator. ----------------------------------------------------------------- EXAMPLE: "BORROWING" PROPERTY ROUTINES ----------------------------------------------------------------- Consider a situation where a class provides a particular property routine. Normally, that routine is inherited by all objects defined using that class. But there may arise a situation where one of those objects must have a variation or expansion on the original routine. class food { bites_left 5 eating { self.bites_left = self.bites_left - 1 if self.bites_left = 0 remove self ! all gone } } food health_food { eating { actor.health = actor.health + 1 run food..eating } } (Assuming that bites_left, eating, and health are defined as properties, with eating being called whenever a food object is eaten.) In this case, it would be inconvenient to have to retype the entire food.eating routine for the health_food object just because the latter must also increase actor.health. Using ".." calls food.eating with self set to health_food, not the food class, so that food.eating affects health_food. ----------------------------------------------------------------- V.c. BEFORE AND AFTER ROUTINES ----------------------------------------------------------------- The Hugo Compiler predefines two special properties: before and after. They are unique in that not only are they always routines, but they are much more complex (and versatile) than a standard property routine. Complex properties like before and after are defined with property $complex as in: property before $complex property after $complex Here is the syntax for the before property: before { [, ,...] { ... } [, ,...] { ... } ... } (The after property is the same, substituting "after" for "before".) The specifier is a value against which the specified object is matched. Most commonly, it is "object", "xobject", "location", "actor", "parent(object)", etc. The is the name of a verb routine to which the usage in question applies. If .before is checked, with the global verbroutine set to one of the specified verbroutines in the before property, and in that instance is "object", then the following block of code is executed. If no match is found, .before returns false. Here is a clearer example using the suitcase object we have been developing: before { object DoEat { "You can't eat the suitcase!" } } after { object DoGet { "With a vigorous effort, you pick up the suitcase." } xobject DoPutIn { "You put "; The(object) " into the suitcase." } } Each of these examples will return true, thereby overriding the engine's default operation (see the section on "The Game Loop"). In order to fool the engine into continuing normally, as if no before or after property has been found, return false from the property routine. after { object DoGet {"Fine. "; return false} } will result in: >get suitcase Fine. Taken. Since the after routine returns false, and the library's default response for a successful call to DoGet is "Taken." It is important to remember that, unlike other property routines, before and after routines are additive; i.e. a before (or after) routine defined in an inherited class or object is not overwritten by a new property routine in the new object. Instead, the definition for the routine is--in essence--added onto. An additive property is defined using the $ADDITIVE qualifier, as in: property $additive All previously inherited before/after subroutines are carried over. However, the processing of a before/after property begins with the present object, progressing backward through the object's ancestry until a usage/verb-routine match is found; once a match is made, no further preceding class inheritances are processed (unless the property routine in question returns false). NOTE: To force a before or after property routine to apply to ANY verbroutine, do not specify a verbroutine. (This has changed from Hugo v2.1 and earlier, where it was necessary to specify the Parse routine in place of a verbroutine.) For example, before { xobject { ... } } The specified routine will be run whenever the object in question is the xobject of ANY valid input. If this non-specific block occurs before any block(s) specifying verbroutines, then the following blocks, if matched, will run as well so long as the block does not return true. If the non-specific block comes after any other blocks, then it will run only if no other object/verbroutine combination is matched. A drawback of this non-specification is that all verbroutines are matched--both verbs and xverbs. This can be particularly undesirable in the case of location before/after properties, where a non-specific response will be triggered even for "save", "restore", etc. To get around this, the library provides a function AnyVerb, which takes an object as its argument and returns that object number if the current verbroutine is not within the group of xverbs; otherwise it returns false. Therefore, it can be used via: before { AnyVerb(location) { ... } } instead of before { location { ... } } The former will execute the conditional block of code whenever the location global matches the current object and the current verbroutine is not an xverb. The latter (without using AnyVerb), will run for verbs and xverbs. (The reason for this, simply put, is that the location global always equals the location global(!). But AnyVerb(location) will only equal the location global if the verbroutine is not an xverb.) ----------------------------------------------------------------- EXAMPLE: BUILDING A COMPLEX OBJECT ----------------------------------------------------------------- At this point, enough material has been covered to develop a comprehensive example of a functional object that will serve as a summary of concepts introduced so far, as well as providing instances of a number of common properties from HUGOLIB.H. object woodcabinet "wooden cabinet" { in emptyroom article "a" nouns "cabinet", "shelf", "shelves", "furniture", \ "doors", "door" adjectives "wooden", "wood", "fine", "mahogany" short_desc "A wooden cabinet sits along one wall." when_open "An open wooden cabinet sits along one wall." long_desc { "The cabinet is made of fine mahogany wood, hand-crafted by a master cabinetmaker. In front are two doors (presently "; if self is open print "open"; else: print "closed"; print ")." } contains_desc "Behind the open doors of the cabinet you can see"; ! note the semicolon--no line feed key_object cabinetkey ! a cabinetkey object must ! also be created holding 0 ! starts off empty capacity 100 before { object DoLookUnder {"Nothing there but dust."} object DoGet {"The cabinet is far too heavy to lift!"} } after { object DoLock {"With a twist of the key, you lock the cabinet up tight."} } is container, openable, not open, lockable, static } And for a challenge: how could the cabinet be converted into, say, a secret passage into another room? ANSWER: Add a door_to property, such as: door_to secondroom ! a new room object The cabinet can now be entered via: "go cabinet", "get into cabinet", "enter cabinet", etc. ----------------------------------------------------------------- V.d. INIT AND MAIN ----------------------------------------------------------------- At least two routines are typically part of every Hugo problem: INIT and MAIN. (The latter is required. The compiler will issue an error if no Main routine exists.) INIT, if it exists, is called once at the start of the program (as well as during a RESTART command). The routine should configure all variables, objects, and arrays needed to begin the game. MAIN is called every turn. It should take care of general game management such as moving ahead the counter, as well as running events and scripts. ----------------------------------------------------------------- V.e. EVENTS ----------------------------------------------------------------- Events are useful for bringing a game to life, so that little quirks, behaviors, and occurrences can be provided for with little difficulty. Events are also routines, but their special characteristic is that they may be attached to a particular object, and they are run as a group by the RUNEVENTS command. Events are defined as event { ... } for global events, and event [in] { ... } for events attached to a particular object. (The "in" is optional, but may be useful for legibility.) If an event is attached to an object, it is run only when that object has the same grandparent as the player object (where grandparent refers to the last object before 0, the nothing object). NOTE: If the event is not a global event, the self global is set to the number of the object to which the event is attached. ----------------------------------------------------------------- EXAMPLE: BUILDING A CLOCK EVENT ----------------------------------------------------------------- Suppose that there is a clock object in a room. Here is a possible routine: event clock { local minutes, hours hours = counter / 60 minutes = counter - (hours * 60) if minutes = 0 { print "The clock chimes "; select hour case 1: print "one"; case 2: print "two"; case 3: print "three"; . . . case 12: print "twelve"; print " o'clock." } } Whenever the player and the clock are in the same room (when a RUNEVENTS command is given), the event will run. Now, suppose the clock should be audible throughout the entire house--i.e. at any point in the game map. Simply changing the event definition to event ! no object is given { ... } will make the event a global one. ----------------------------------------------------------------- VI. FUSES, DAEMONS, AND SCRIPTS ----------------------------------------------------------------- While all of the above mentioned elements of Hugo are programmed into the internal code of the engine, the means of running fuses, daemons, and scripts are written entirely in Hugo itself and contained in the library (HUGOLIB.H). ----------------------------------------------------------------- VI.a. FUSES AND DAEMONS ----------------------------------------------------------------- A daemon is the traditional name for a recurring activity. Hugo handles daemons as special events attached to objects that may be activated or deactivated (i.e. moved in and out of the scope of RUNEVENTS). Since the daemon class is defined in the library, define a daemon itself using daemon {} The body of the daemon definition is empty. It is only needed to attach the daemon event to, so the daemon definition must be followed by event { ... } Activate it by Activate() which moves the specified daemon object into scope of the player. This way, whenever a RUNEVENTS command is given (as it should be in the Main routine), the event attached to will run. Deactivate the daemon using Deactivate() which removes the daemon object from scope. It can be seen here that a daemon is actually a special type of object which is moved in and out of the scope of RUNEVENTS, and that it is the event attached to the daemon that actually contains the code. A fuse is the traditional name for a timer--i.e. any event set to happen after a certain period of time. The fuse itself is a slightly more complex version of a daemon object, containing two additional properties as well as in_scope: timer - the number of turns before the fuse event runs tick - a routine that decrements timer and returns the number of turns remaining (i.e. the value of timer) Similarly to a daemon, define a fuse in two steps fuse {} event { ... if not self.tick { ... } } and turn it on or off by Activate(, ) or Deactivate() where is the initial value of the timer property. Note that it is up to the event itself to run the timer and check for its expiration. The line if not self.tick runs the tick property--which decrements the timer--and executes the following conditional block if self.timer is 0. ----------------------------------------------------------------- EXAMPLE: A SIMPLE DAEMON AND SIMPLER FUSE ----------------------------------------------------------------- The most basic daemon would be something like a sleep counter, which measures how far a player can go beginning from a certain rested state. Assume that the player's amount of rest is kept in a property called rest, which decreases by 2 each turn. daemon gettired {} event gettired { player.rest = player.rest - 2 if player.rest < 0 player.rest = 0 select player.rest case 20 "You're getting quite tired." case 10 "You're getting \Ivery\i tired." case 0 "You fall asleep!" } Start and stop the daemon with Activate(gettired) and Deactivate(gettired). Now, as for a fuse, why not construct the most obvious example: that of a ticking bomb? (Assume that there exists another physical bomb object; tickingbomb is only the countdown fuse.) fuse tickingbomb {} event tickingbomb { if not self.tick { if Contains(location, bomb) "You vanish in a nifty KABOOM!" else "You hear a distant KABOOM!" remove bomb } } Start it (with a countdown of 25 turns) and stop it with Activate(tickingbomb, 25) and Deactivate(tickingbomb). ----------------------------------------------------------------- VI.b. SCRIPTS ----------------------------------------------------------------- Scripts are considerably more complex than fuses and daemons. The purpose of a script (also called a character script) is to allow an object--usually a character--to follow a sequence of actions turn- by-turn, independent of the player. Up to 16 scripts may be running at once. It is up the the programmer not to overflow this limit. A script is represented by two arrays: SCRIPTDATA and SETSCRIPT. The latter was named for programming clarity than for what it actually contains. Here's why: To define a script, use the following notation: setscript[Script(, )] = &CharRoutine, obj, &CharRoutine, obj, ... (remembering that a hanging comma at the end of a line of code is a signal to the compiler that the line continues onto the next unbroken.) Notice that SETSCRIPT is actually an array, taking its starting element from the return value of the SCRIPT routine, which has and as its arguments. SCRIPT returns a pointer within the large SETSCRIPT array where the steps of a script for may reside. A single script may have up to 32 steps. A step in a script consists of a routine and an object--both are required, even if the routine does not require an object. (Use the nothing object (0); see the CharWait routine in HUGOLIB.H for reference.) The custom in HUGOLIB.H is that character script routines use the prefix "Char" although this is not required. Currently, routines provided include: CharMove (requiring a direction object) CharWait (using the nothing object) CharGet (requiring a takeable object) CharDrop (requiring an object held by the character) as well as the special routine LoopScript (using the nothing object) which indicates that a script will continually execute. (It is the responsibility of the programmer to ensure that the ending position of the character or object is suitable to loop back to the beginning if LoopScript is used. That is, if the script consists of a complex series of directions, the character should always return to the same starting point.) The sequence of routines and objects for each script is stored in the SETSCRIPT array. Scripts are run using the RunScripts routine, similar to RUNEVENTS, the only difference being that RUNEVENTS is an engine command while RunScripts is contained entirely in HUGOLIB.H. The line RunScripts will run all active object/character scripts, one turn at a time, freeing the space used by each once it has run its course. Here is a sample script for a character named "Ned": setscript[Script(ned, 4)] = &CharMove, s_obj, &CharGet, cannonball, &CharMove, n_obj, &CharDrop, cannonball Ned will go south, retrieve the cannonball object, and bring it north again. (The character script routines provided in the library are relatively basic; for example, CharGet assumes that the specified object will be there when the character comes to get it.) Other script-management routines in HUGOLIB.H include: CancelScript(obj) to immediately halt execution of the script for PauseScript(obj) to temporarily pause execution of the script for ResumeScript(obj) to resume execution of a paused script SkipScript(obj) skips the script for during the next call to RunScripts only The RunScripts routine also checks for before and after properties. It continues with the default action--i.e. the character action routine specified in the script--if it finds a false value. To override a default character action routine, include a before property for the character object using the following form: before { actor CharRoutine { ... } } where CharRoutine is CharWait, CharMove, CharGet, CharDrop, etc. ----------------------------------------------------------------- VI.c. A NOTE ABOUT THE event_flag GLOBAL: ----------------------------------------------------------------- The library routines--particularly the DoWait... verb routines--expect the event_flag global variable to be set to a non- false value if something happens (i.e. in an event or script) so that the player may be notified and given the opportunity to quit waiting. For instance, the character script routines in HUGOLIB.H set event_flag whenever a character does something in the same location as the player. If HUGOLIB.H is to be used, the convention of setting event_flag after every significant event should be adhered to. ----------------------------------------------------------------- VII. GRAMMAR AND PARSING ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- VII.a. GRAMMAR DEFINITION ----------------------------------------------------------------- Every valid player command must specified. More precisely, each usage of a particular verb must be detailed in full by the source code. Grammar definitions must ALWAYS come at the start of a program, preceding any objects or executable code. That is, if several additional grammar files are to be included, or new grammar is to be explicitly defined in the source code, it must be done before any files containing executable code are included, or any routines, objects, etc. are defined. The syntax used is: [x]verb "" [, "", "",...] * * ... Now, what does that mean? Here are some examples from the library grammar file GRAMMAR.G: verb "get" * DoVague * "up"/"out"/"off" DoExit * "outof"/"offof"/"off" object DoExit * "in"/"on" object DoEnter * multinotheld "from"/"off" parent DoGet * multinotheld "offof"/"outof" parent DoGet * multinotheld DoGet verb "take" * DoVague * "off" multiheld DoTakeOff * multiheld "off" DoTakeOff * multinotheld DoGet * multinotheld "from"/"off" parent DoGet * multinotheld "offof"/"outof" parent DoGet xverb "save" * DoSave * "game" DoSave verb "read", "peruse" * DoVague * readable DoRead verb "unlock" * DoVague * lockable DoUnLock * lockable "with" held DoUnLock Each VERB or XVERB header begins a new verb definition. An XVERB is a special signifier that indicates that the engine should not call the MAIN routine after successful completion of the action. XVERB is typically used with non-action, housekeeping-type verbs such as saving, restoring, quitting, and restarting. Next in the header comes one or more verb words. Each of the specified words will share the following verb grammar EXACTLY. This is why "get" and "take" in the above examples are defined separately, instead of as verb "get", "take" In this way, the commands get up and take off hat are allowable, while take up and get off hat won't make any sense. Each line beginning with an asterisk ("*") is a separate valid usage of the verb being defined. (Every player input line must begin with a verb. Exceptions, where a command is directed to an object as in Ned, get the ball will be dealt with later.) Up to two objects and any number of dictionary words may make up a syntax line. The objects must be separated by at least one dictionary word. Valid object specifications are: object any visible object (the direct object) xobject the indirect object any visible object that is parent an xobject that is the parent of the object held any object possessed by the player object notheld an object explicitly not held anything any object, held or not, visible or not multi multiple visible objects multiheld multiple held objects multinotheld multiple notheld objects number a positive integer number word any dictionary word string a quoted string (RoutineName) a routine name, in parentheses (objectname) a single object name, in parentheses (If a number is specified in the grammar syntax, it will be passed to the verbroutine in the object global. If a string is specified, it will be passed in the engine's parse$ variable, which can then be turned into a string array using the STRING function.) Dictionary words that may be used interchangeably are separated by a slash ("/"). Two or more dictionary words in sequence must be specified separately. That is, in the input line: take hat out of suitcase the syntax line * object "out" "of" container will be matched, while * object "out of" container would never be recognized, since the engine will automatically parse "out" and "of" as two separate words; the parser will never find a match for "out of". Regarding object specification within the syntax line: Once the direct object has been found, the remaining object in the input line will be stored as the xobject. That is, in the example immediately above, a valid object in the input line with the attribute container will be treated as the indirect object by the verb routine. NOTE: An important point to remember when mixing dictionary words and objects within a syntax line is that, unless directed differently, the parser may confuse a word-object combination with an invalid object name. Consider the following: verb "pick" * object DoGet * "up" object DoGet This definition will result in something like >pick up box You haven't seen any "up box", nor are you likely to in the near future even if such a thing exists. (assuming that "up" has been defined elsewhere as part of a different object name, as in OBJLIB.H), because the processor processes the syntax * object and determines that an invalid object name is being used; it never gets to * "up" object The proper verb definition would be ordered like verb "pick" * "up" object DoGet * object DoGet so that both "pick " and "pick up " are valid player commands. To define a new grammar condition that will take precedence over an existing one--such as in GRAMMAR.G--simply define the new condition first (i.e. before including GRAMMAR.G). A single object may be specified as the only valid object for a particular syntax: verb "rub" * (magic_lamp) DoRubMagicLamp will produce a "You can't do that with..." error for any object other than the magic_lamp object. Using a routine name to specify an object is slightly tricky: the engine calls the given routine with the object specified in the input line as its argument; if the routine returns true, the object is valid--if not, a parsing error is expected to have been printed by the routine. ----------------------------------------------------------------- VII.b. THE PARSER ----------------------------------------------------------------- Immediately after an input line is received, the engine calls the parser, and the first step taken is to identify any invalid words, i.e. words that are not in the dictionary table. NOTE: One non-dictionary word or phrase is allowed in an input line, providing it is enclosed in quotation marks (""). If the command is successfully parsed and matched, this string is passed to parse$. More than one non-dictionary word or phrase (even if the additional phrases are enclosed in quotes) are not allowed. The next step is to break the line down into individual words. Words are separated by spaces and basic punctuation (including "!" and "?") which are removed. All characters in an input line are converted to lower case. The next step is to process the three types of special words which may be defined in the source code. REMOVALS are the simplest. These are simply words that are to be automatically removed from any input line, and are basically limited to words such as "a" and "the" which would, generally speaking, only make grammar matching more complicated and difficult. The syntax for defining a removal is: removal ""[, "", "word<3>",...] as in removal "a", "an", "the" SYNONYMS are slightly more complex. These are words that will never be found in the parsed input line; they are replaced by the specified word for which they are a synonym. synonym "" for "" as in synonym "myself" for "me" The above example will replace every occurrence of "myself" in the input line with "me". Usage of synonyms will likely not be extensive, since of course it is possible to, particularly in the case of object nouns and adjectives specify synonymous words which are still treated as distinct. COMPOUNDS are the final type of special word, specified as: compound "", "" as in compound "out", "of" so that the input line get hat out of suitcase would be parsed to get hat outof suitcase Depending on the design of grammar tables for certain syntaxes, the use of compounds may make grammar definition more straightforward, so that by using the above compound, verb "get" * multinotheld "outof"/"offof"/"from" parent is possible, and likely more desirable to verb "get" * multinotheld "out"/"off" "of" parent * multinotheld "from" parent When the parser has finished processing the input line, the result is a specially defined (by the Hugo Engine) array called word, where the number of valid elements is held in the global variable words. Therefore, in get the hat from the table the parser--using the removals defined in HUGOLIB.H--will produce the following results: word[1] = "get" word[2] = "hat" word[3] = "from" word[4] = "table" words = 4 NOTE: Multiple-command input lines are also allowed, provided that the individual commands are separated by a period ("."). get hat. go n. go e. would become word[1] = "get" word[2] = "hat" word[3] = "" word[4] = "go" word[5] = "n" word[6] = "" word[7] = "go" word[8] = "e" word[9] = "" words = 9 (See the Parse routine in HUGOLIB.H for an example of how get hat then go n is translated into: word[1] = "get" word[2] = "hat" word[3] = "" word[4] = "go" word[5] = "n") A maximum of thirty-two words is allowed. The period is in each case converted to the null dictionary entry ("", address = 0), which is a signal to the engine that processing of the current command should end here. NOTE: The parsing and grammar routines also recognize several system words, each in the format "~word". These are: ~and referring to: multiple specific objects ~all " " multiple objects in general ~any " " any one of a list of objects ~except " " an excluded object ~oops to correct an error in the previous input line To allow an input line to access any of these system words, a synonym must be defined, such as synonym "and" for "~and" The library defines several such synonyms. ----------------------------------------------------------------- VIII. JUNCTION ROUTINES ----------------------------------------------------------------- Because, simply put, the engine is unaware of such things as attributes, properties, and objects in anything but a technical sense, there are provided a number of routines to facilitate communication between the engine and the program proper. Along with these, there are certain global variables and properties that are pre-defined by the compiler and accessed by the engine. These are: GLOBALS: object the direct object of a verb xobject the indirect object self self-referential object words total number of words player the player object location location of the player verbroutine the verb routine address endflag if not false (0), call EndGame prompt for input line PROPERTIES: name basic object name before pre-verb routines after post-verb routines noun noun(s) for referring to object adjective adjective(s) for referring to object article "a", "an", "the", "some", etc. (As well as the aliases nouns and adjectives for noun and adjective, respectively) Junction routines are not required. The engine has built-in default routines, although these will likely not be satisfactory for most programmers. Therefore, HUGOLIB.H contains each of the following routines which fully implement all the features of the library. If a different routine is desired in place of a provided one, the routine should be substituted with REPLACE. ----------------------------------------------------------------- VIII.a. PARSE ----------------------------------------------------------------- The Parse routine, if one exists, is called by the engine parser. Here, the program itself may modify the input line before grammar matching is attempted. What happens is: 1. The input line is split into words (by the engine). 2. The Parse routine, if it exists, is called. 3. Control returns to the engine for grammar matching. For example, the Parse routine in HUGOLIB.H takes care of such things as pronouns ("he", "she", "it", "them") and repeating the last legal command (with "again" or simply "g"). Returning true from the Parse routine calls the engine parser again; returning false continues normally. This is useful in case the Parse routine has changed the input line substantially, requiring a reconfiguration of the already split words. NOTE: Since the library's Parse routine is rather extensive, a provision is made for a PreParse routine--which in the library is defined as being empty--which may more easily be REPLACED for additional parsing. ----------------------------------------------------------------- VIII.b. PARSEERROR ----------------------------------------------------------------- The ParseError routine is called whenever a command is invalid. ParseError is called in the form ParseError(, ) where is the object number (if any) of the object involved in the error. NOTE: The engine also sets up a special variable called PARSE$, usable only in a print statement (or in conjunction with STRING), which represents the illegal component of an input line, whether it is the verb itself, an object name, a partial object name, or any other word combination. For example: print "The illegal word was: "; parse$; "." The default responses provided by the engine parse error routine are: ERROR NUMBER RESPONSE 0 "What?" 1 "You can't use the word ." 2 "Better start with a verb." 3 "You can't multiple objects." 4 "Can't do that." 5 "You haven't seen any , nor are you likely to in the near future even if such a thing exists." 6 "That doesn't make any sense." 7 "You can't use multiple objects like that." 8 "Which do you mean,...?" 9 "Nothing to ." 10 "You haven't seen anything like that." 11 "You don't see that." 12 "You can't do that with the ." 13 "You'll have to be a little more specific." 14 "You don't see that there." 15 "You don't have that." 16 "You'll have to make a mistake first." 17 "You can only correct one word at a time." The ParseError routine in HUGOLIB.H provides several customized responses that take into account such things as, for example, whether or not an object is a character or not, and if so, if it is male or female, etc. If the ParseError routine does not provide a response for a particular , it should return false. Returning false is a signal that the engine should continue with the default message. NOTE: If custom error messages are desired for user parsing routines, REPLACE the routine CustomError with a new routine (called with the same parameters as ParseError), providing that is greater than or equal to 100. ----------------------------------------------------------------- VIII.c. ENDGAME ----------------------------------------------------------------- The EndGame routine is called immediately whenever the global variable endflag is non-zero, regardless of whether or not the current function has not yet been terminated. HUGOLIB.H's EndGame routine behaves according to the value to which endflag is set: endflag RESULT 1 Player wins 2 Player's demise (3 Other ending--not provided for by default PrintEndGame routine) Returning false from Endgame terminates the game completely; returning non-false restarts. NOTE: To modify only the message displayed at the end of the game (defaults: "*** YOU'VE WON THE GAME! ***" and "*** YOU ARE DEAD ***"), REPLACE the PrintEndGame routine. ----------------------------------------------------------------- VIII.d. FINDOBJECT ----------------------------------------------------------------- The FindObject routine takes into account all the relevant properties, attributes, and object hierarchy to determine whether or not a particular object is available. For example, the child of a parent object may be available if the parent is a platform, but unavailable if the parent is a container (and closed)--although internally, the object hierarchy is the same. FindObject is called via: FindObject(, ) where is the object in question, and is the object where its availability is being tested. (Usually is a room, unless a different parent has been specified in the input line.) FindObject returns true (1) if the object is available, false (0) if unavailable. It returns 2 if the object is visible but not physically accessible. The FindObject routine in HUGOLIB.H considers not only the location of in the object tree, but also tests the attributes of the parent to see if it is open or closed. As well, it checks the found_in property, in case has been assigned multiple locations instead of an explicit parent, and then scans the in_scope property of the object (if one exists). Finally, the default behavior of FindObject requires that a player have encountered an object for it to be valid in an action, i.e. it must have the known attribute set. To override this, REPLACE the routine ObjectisKnown with a routine that returns an unconditional true value. There is one special case in which the engine expects the FindObject routine to be especially helpful: that is if the routine is called with equal to 0. This occurs whenever the engine needs to determine if an object is available AT ALL--regardless of any rules normally governing object availability--such as when an "anything" grammar token is encountered, or the engine needs to disambiguate two or more seemingly identical objects. ----------------------------------------------------------------- VIII.e. SPEAKTO ----------------------------------------------------------------- The SpeakTo routine is called whenever an input line begins with a valid object name instead of a verb. This is so the player may direct commands to (usually) characters in the game. For example: Professor Plum, drop the lead pipe It is up to the SpeakTo routine to properly interpret the instruction. SpeakTo is called via: SpeakTo() where in the above example would be the Professor Plum object. The globals object, xobject, and verbroutine are all set up as normal. For the above example, then, these would be object leadpipe xobject nothing verbroutine &DoDrop when SpeakTo is called. HUGOLIB.H's SpeakTo routine provides basic interpretation of questions, so that Professor Plum, what about the lead pipe? may be directed to the proper verb routine, as if the player had typed: ask Professor Plum about the lead pipe Imperative commands are, such as Colonel Mustard, stand up are first directed to the order_response property of the character object in question. It is subsequently up to .order_response to analyze verbroutine (as well as object and xobject, if applicable) to see if the request is a valid one. If no response is provided, order_response should return false. order_response { if verbroutine = &DoGet "I would, but my back is too sore." else return false } ----------------------------------------------------------------- XI. THE GAME LOOP ----------------------------------------------------------------- This the paradigm that the Hugo Engine follows during program execution: (INIT: The Init routine is called only when the program is first run, or when a RESTART command is issued.) MAIN: At the start of the game loop, the engine calls the Main routine. The routine should--as in the provided sample programs--take care of advancing the turn counter, executing the RUNEVENTS command, and calling such library routines as RunScripts and PrintStatusLine. INPUT: Keyboard input is received. PARSING: The input line is checked for validity, synonyms and other special words are checked, and the user Parse routine (if any) is called. GRAMMAR MATCHING: The engine attempts to match the input line with a valid verb and syntax in the grammar table. If no match is found, the engine loops back to INPUT. Otherwise, a successful grammar match results in at least the verbroutine global being set, as well as potentially object and xobject. BEFORE ROUTINES: If any objects were specified in the input line, their before properties are checked in the following order, for each object: player.before location.before xobject.before (if applicable) object.before (if applicable) If any of these property routines returns true, the engine skips the verb routine. VERB ROUTINE: If no before property routine returns true, the verb routine is run. If an action is successfully completed, the verb routine should return true. Returning false negates any remaining commands in the input line. The engine does not run any after property routines for object or xobject; that is up to the verb routine. It does run both player.after and location.after if the verbroutine returns true. When finished, the engine loops back to MAIN:, calling the Main routine only if the last verb matched was not an XVERB. Setting the global endflag at any point to a non-zero value will terminate the game loop and run the EndGame junction routine. NOTE: Undo information recalled by UNDO is saved each turn only during the Main routine (including any commands or functions called within, such as events, fuses and daemons, or character scripts) and verb routines (unless the verb was an xverb). It is therefore recommended that no other routines change any signficant game data, because it will not be recoverable with UNDO. ----------------------------------------------------------------- X. ADVANCED FEATURES ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- X.a. READING AND WRITING FILES ----------------------------------------------------------------- There may be times when it will be useful to store data in a file for later recovery. The most basic way of doing this involves x = save and x = restore where the SAVE and RESTORE functions return a true value to x if successful, or a false value if for some reason they fail. In either case, the entire set of game data--including object locations, variable values, arrays, attributes, etc.--is saved or restored, respectively. Other times, it may be desirable to save only certain values. For example, a particular game may allow a player to create certain player characteristics that can be restored in the same game or in different games. (This tends toward the idea behind many role-playing games.) To accomplish this, use the WRITEFILE and READFILE operations. The structure writefile { ... } will, at the start of the writefile block, open for writing and position the filename to the start of the (empty) file. (If the file exists, it will be cleared.) At the conclusion of the block, the file will be closed again. Within a writefile block, write individual values using writeval [, , ...] where one or more values can be specified. To read the file, use the structure readfile { ... } which will contain the assignment x = readval for each value to be read, where x can be any storage type such as a variable, property, etc. For example, local count, test count = 10 writefile "testfile" { writeval count, "telephone", 10 test = FILE_CHECK writeval test } if test ~= FILE_CHECK ! an error has occurred { print "An error has occurred." } will write the variable count, the dictionary entry "telephone", and the value 10 to "testfile". Then, local a, b, c, test readfile "testfile" { a = readval b = readval c = readval test = readval } if test ~= FILE_CHECK ! an error has occurred { print "Error reading file." } If the readfile block executes successfully, a will be equal to the former value count, b will be "telephone", and c will be 10. The constant FILE_CHECK, defined in HUGOLIB.H, is useful because writefile and readfile provide no explicit error return to indicate failure. FILE_CHECK is a unique two-byte sequence that can be used to test for success. In the writefile block, if the block is exited prematurely due to an error, test will never be set to FILE_CHECK. The IF statement following the block tests for this. In the readfile block, test will only be set to FILE_CHECK if the sequence of readval functions finds the expected number of values in "testfile". If there are too many or too few values in "testfile", or if an error forces an early exit from the readfile block, test will equal a value other than FILE_CHECK. ----------------------------------------------------------------- APPENDIX A: SUMMARY OF KEYWORDS AND COMMANDS ----------------------------------------------------------------- AND DESCRIPTION: Logical and. SYNTAX: x = and RESULT: x will be true if and are both non-zero, false if one or both is zero. ANYTHING DESCRIPTION: Object specifier in grammar syntax line, indicating that any nameable object in the object tree is valid. ARRAY DESCRIPTION: When used as a data type modifier, specifies that the following value is to be treated as an array address. EXAMPLE: = array [5] The variable will be treated as an array address. BREAK DESCRIPTION: Terminates the immediate enclosing loop. EXAMPLE: while { while { if break ... } ... } The break statement, if encountered, will terminate the innermost loop. CALL DESCRIPTION: Calls a routine indirectly, i.e. when the routine address has been stored in a variable, object property, etc. SYNTAX: call [(, ,...)] where is a valid data type holding the routine address. RETURN VALUE: When used as a function, returns the value returned by the specified routine. CAPITAL DESCRIPTION: Print statement modifier, indicating that the next word should be printed with the first letter capitalized. SYNTAX: print capital
is any dictionary word, such as, for example, an object.name property. CASE DESCRIPTION: Specifies a conditional case in a SELECT structure. SYNTAX: select case [, ,...] ... case [, ,...] ... where is value such as a variable, routine return value, object property, array element, etc., and each is a single value for comparison (not an expression). CHILD SYNTAX: x = child() RETURN VALUE: The object number of the immediate child object of , or 0 if has no children. CHILDREN SYNTAX: x = children() RETURN VALUE: The number of objects possessed by . CLS DESCRIPTION: Clears the screen (i.e. the text window) and repositions the output coordinates at the bottom left of the text window. SYNTAX: cls COLOR (or COLOUR) DESCRIPTION: Sets the display colors for text output. SYNTAX: color [, ] where is optional PARAMETERS: Standard color values for and are: 0 Black 1 Blue 2 Green 3 Cyan 4 Red 5 Magenta 6 Brown 7 White 8 Dark gray 9 Light blue 10 Light green 11 Light cyan 12 Light red 13 Light magenta 14 Light yellow 15 Bright white DICT DESCRIPTION: Dynamically creates a new dictionary entry at runtime. SYNTAX: x = dict(, ) x = dict(parse$, ) where or parse$ holds the string to be written into the dictionary, and represents the maximum number of characters to be written. Returns the new dictionary address. (NOTE: Space should be reserved for any dictionary entries to be created at runtime using the $MAXDICTEXTEND setting during compilation.) DO DESCRIPTION: Marks the starting point of a DO-WHILE loop. SYNTAX: do { ... } while The loop will continue to run as long as holds true. ELDER SYNTAX: x = elder() RETURN VALUE: The object number of the object preceding on the same branch in the object tree. The reverse of SIBLING. ELDEST Same as CHILD. ELSE DESCRIPTION: In an IF-ELSEIF-ELSE conditional block, indicates the default operation if no previous condition has been met. SYNTAX: if ... else ... ELSEIF DESCRIPTION: In an IF-ELSEIF-ELSE conditional block, indicates a condition that will be checked only if no preceding condition has been met. SYNTAX: if ... elseif ... elseif ... FALSE DESCRIPTION: A predefined constant value: 0. FOR DESCRIPTION: Loop construction. SYNTAX: for (; ; ) { ... } for in { ... } For the first form, where is the initial assignment expression (e.g. a = 1), is the test expression (e.g. a < 10), and is the modifying expression (e.g. a = a + 1). The loop will execute as long as holds true. The second form loops through all the children of (if any), setting to each child object in sequence. GRAPHICS Turns on graphics mode; not supported in Hugo v2.x. HELD DESCRIPTION: Object specifier in grammar syntax line, indicating that any single object possessed by the player object is valid. HEX DESCRIPTION: Print statement modifier signifying that the following value is not a dictionary address, but should be printed as a hexadecimal number. SYNTAX: print hex where, for example, is equal to 26, will print "1A". IF DESCRIPTION: A conditional expression. SYNTAX: if ... where is an expression or value, will run the following statement block only if is true. IN DESCRIPTION: When used in an object definition, places the object in the object tree as a possession of the specified parent. When used in an expression, returns true if the object is in the specified parent. SYNTAX: in or [not] in INPUT DESCRIPTION: Receive input from keyboard, storing the dictionary addresses of the individual words in the word array. Unrecognized words are given a value of 0. SYNTAX: input IS DESCRIPTION: Attribute assignment/testing. SYNTAX: is [not] USAGE: When used as an assignment on its own, will set (or clear, if NOT is used) the specified attribute for the given object. May also be used in an expression. RETURN VALUE: When used in an expression, returns true if has the specified attribute set (or cleared, if NOT is used). Otherwise, it returns false. JUMP DESCRIPTION: Jumps to a specified label. SYNTAX: jump