_L_ _ ___ ___ __ _L_ _ _________ And now, yet another | \ | _| | _/ /\ | \/ |___ __ / game from... | | |_ | |/ /\ \ |\ /|__|Y / /_ |_\_|_ _|/\___/==\_\|_\/_|_ _|/__ _| Y \/ Y Y . : . · C.A.N.E. (Cargo And Nothing Else) DeMO 1.01 Programming, GFX, leveldesign & idéa by Mopz Muzac by Maze Map-GFX by Mio & Mopz No Manual by Gosweede in this version Copyright© 1997 NC.Gamez I hope you'll have understanding for my (probably) lousy english! ...::: About :::... This is a mix of the gravity- and puzzle-series; it's CANE! You controll a little spacecraft, with wich you are ment to pick up cargo and dudes, and take'em to the teleporters. There are loads of stuff - other than the car- go - to pick up or be afraid of; you'll see! The game was created using Blitz Basic 2.1 from Acid Software, Personal Paint 4.0 from Cloanto, and Pro.Tracker 3.61 from... ehr?.. have to check that one out \: And we thank them with all parts of our pumpin' hearts! We are, by the way, NOT responsable for the damages that this program could (but most probably wouldn't) cause your system! ...::: Shareware :::... No, this game is NOT shareware! It used to be, but there was no response, so I decided to not finish it! WHAT EVER YOU DO, DO NOT SEND ME MONEY!.. or wait a minute... I changed my mind; send me alot of money! But I can not send you a full version! It does not exist! ...::: A short version of the story-sort-of-thing :::... A long long time ago - in the 21 century - man started using other planets for some notsowellplaned purposes. Mars, for example, became a great nuke- garbagecan. Pluto, on the other hand, was a place were you could put nasty "wobbas" in huge, icy fortresses. Anyway... now - in more civilised times - some ships has been send out to clear the shit of the planets, and you have been assigned to the cargo pick- upteam - C.A.N.E.. That's about it! ...::: Controll :::... A quick explenation of the joy: Up -> increase speed in current direction Left/Right -> rotate ship Down -> totaly drop any cargo carried Fire -> use a pickedup item (shown in a little box) Picking cargo up... Your ship must have its "nose" pointing up, then fly just above the cargo and it will be grabbed with a robotarm. The cargo will then follow you, but if the range between your ship and the cargo gets to high, or if fly to fast, it'll be dropped. Dropping a dude could lead you to some splatt-prob- lems..! Take the cargo to the teleporter (where you started), and it will be teleported to your mothership. !!!IMPORTANT!!! The amount of cargos that has to be picked up is displayd on the score- line, but that is not the whole truth... Dudes are treated just as cargos, but ALL of the dudes MUST be picked up. So if you are to pick up five cargos and there are three dudes and three cargos on level, you must leave (or use - if possible) one of the cargos; NOT one of the dudes! This is very im- portant to keep in mind! Using items... Some items - such as antigravity, diving, fuel et.c - will be activated at the very moment you pick'em up. Other stuff - bombs et.c - you'll have to use your firebutton to activate. B.t.w., bombs can only destroy UNNATURAL ma- terial; you can't blow mountains of, only shit build by man. ...::: A helping hand :::... Avoid touching sticky/boogy things, such as the roofs under water, nets et.c Don't pick things up the very moment you see'em. Rather wait until they come handy. Magnets and other boogies can be blown off (but you needn't in this demo!). The nuclear-cargo is explosive, and will make a great piece of hole if you drop it. Unlike the bomb, it will explode even if it lands on material of nature. You must only pick as many cargos up that is mentioned on the scoreline. / _L_ _L___ ::.:/\ ./\ ./__\ __ __(__ ) : :/_ \/ _\/ () | |_) \ / / ::/ \ / \____| ___// /_ marjoh@algonet.se .:\_/:\/.\ _______/ (___ ) .:^MiV^::.Y.:::..:!NcG!.::Y.