1. If you haven’t already done so, you must install the driver software that came with your digital camera. If you have lost the original software, you may be able to downloaded the drivers from the camera manufacturer's Website.
2. Connect your camera to your computer. If you need help with this, see your camera’s manual.
3. From the FotoFinish File menu, select Get
Images from Camera or select the Camera Capture Tool from the toolbar.
4. Select Download Directly from Camera or Transfer Photos from Removable Media. If your camera came with a TWAIN driver you should choose Download Directly from Camera. If your camera appears on your system as a storage device (as many Sony cameras do) select the Removable Media option. If you are using a memory or flash card reader, select Removable Media. If you’re having trouble, see Troubleshooting a Camera Connection or consult your camera’s manual.
Select a Photo Source
5. FotoFinish will display the name of the device that it thinks is currently selected for image transfer. If your camera does not appear here, click Select New Device to see a list of other devices.
If your camera is not selected here, click on Select New Device
6. Now tell FotoFinish where you'd like to place your transferred photos. To add photos to an existing album select Save to and choose an album name from a drop- down list. This list contains albums located in your My Albums area. To save your photos in a new folder on your hard drive, choose Save to New Album. You will be able to specify its name and location in the next step. For details on the Prefix and Format controls available in this dialog, see Getting Images from a Digital Camera in the Chapter on Capturing Images.
Specify a location and format for your transferred images
If you opted to place your images in a new album, FotoFinish will prompt you for the name and location. FotoFinish automatically picks a default location, but you can change it by clicking on the Change Location button.
Specify the location of a new album
7. At the Confirmation dialog, check to make sure your camera is connected to your computer and turned on, then click Get Photos. The new Album will be added to the My Albums section of your FotoFinish Image Explorer.
For more details, including troubleshooting tips, see Getting Images from a Digital Camera in the chapter on Capturing Images.