Photo Frame Properties

A Photo Frame is a Shape that has been assigned the Properties of a Photo Frame. These properties can be taken away, in which case the frame becomes simply a geometric shape in the background of the Layout.

You can modify the properties of a Photo Frame by right-clicking on any frame  in your Layout and selecting Photo Frame Properties from the right-click menu.  FotoFinish will display the Photo Frame Properties dialog.

The Photo Frame Properties dialog

Checking This Shape is a Photo Frame makes a shape into a Photo Frame. Unchecking it turns a Frame into a simple geometric shape that does not interact with your photos. 

Checking Always Scale the Photo to Completely Fill the Frame tells the FotoFinish Designer to stretch or shrink your photo whenever you stretch or shrink your frame.  If you uncheck this option, your photo will remain unchanged and the frame will expand or contract, cropping the part of the photo outside the frame.

Show Photo [X] in this Frame allows you to set the index number for this frame. If you set the index to 1, the first photo in your album will be placed in this Frame when you print your album using this layout from FotoFinish.  If you set the index to 2, your second photo would appear in this frame, and so on.  When more than one Frame is present, each frame is assigned a number called the index. 

The index number is only important if you want to save your Layout as a FotoFinish Template that you can use when printing directly from FotoFinish. For more details see Using a Designer Layout as a FotoFinish Template.

The Show a Title for this Frame and Show a Description for this Frame check boxes are only important if you are saving this layout as a FotoFinish Template and want to use it when publishing right from FotoFinish.  These checkboxes allow you to add image title or description tags to your photo frames.  These image names and image decriptions only appear when publishing from FotoFinish using this layout.  For more details see Using a Designer Layout as a FotoFinish Template.