Sharing Your Images on the Web

With any purchase of FotoFinish you get your own free, personal Web space on FotoFinish Net. This free service allows you to easily share your photos with friends and family.

Share your photos on FotoFinish Net

To publish an image or an album to your Web space, click on the Publish to Web Tool on the toolbar or in the Printing Wizard.

You’ll be prompted to select either an image or an album from the drop-down list. If you are publishing an album, you can click on individual images in the preview pane to select or deselect them.

Selecting the images you want to publish

The next screen allows you to select a layout for your published images. To upload the actual images in your album (this is most typical), simply click the radio button next to Actual Size.

Using a Page Layout, on the other hand, allows you to place multiple images into one large image (for example, you can upload a sheet of thumbnails). The Design Layouts provide a way to upload images in special-occasion borders and frames.  

Select a layout

If you opt to use a layout, you will be asked to choose a size for the image in the next screen. You can choose from 640 x 480, 800 x 600, and 1024 x 768 (all measurements are in pixels).

You can also name your Web album here. Type in a name or choose from the drop down list of recently used albums. If you don’t type a name, the name of your Web album will be the same as your album’s name in FotoFinish.

Specify the size of your images and the name of your album

The first time you upload images to FotoFinish Net, you will be asked to create a login password.

FotoFinish Net Login

Enter your email address and password, and FotoFinish will create a Web publishing account for you. You can always change your login information later by clicking on the Change FotoFinish Net Login button when you are preparing to upload images.

For more details on how to manage your on-line albums, and how to invite friends to view them, see Viewing Your Photos on FotoFinish Net and Inviting Friends to View Your Photos in the chapter on Publishing Images.