Alain Prost Racing in Monster Trucks...

Monster Truck

Monster Truck Madness

Monster Truck racing is pure fun! You drive huge trucks in twisty roads and need to understand how to setup your gearbox and suspension, because the terrain changes so much, that if you don't have a well balanced car, you will spend your time eating dust... or smoke.

Monstruous jumps, acidents and high speeds for the best! APR is looking for Monster Truck drivers! Apply for a "job"!

At the moment, only Artur Marques tried this not gentle machines and he performed very well in some tracks. Check the table.


Monster Drag Racing Driver Controller Best Time Replay
B.C. Place Artur Marques Keyboard / NO HELPS 00:03.88 not avaiable
Indiana State Fairgrounds - - - -
RCA Dome - - - -
Tacoma Dome Artur Marques Keyboard / NO HELPS 00:08.45 not avaiable
Transworld Dome Artur Marques Keyboard / NO HELPS 00:08.86 not avaiable


Monster Circuits Driver Controller Best Lap Time Replay
Crazier 8
Artur Marques
Nuno Marques
Keyboard / NO HELPS
Keyboard / NO HELPS
not avaiable
not avaiable
Crazy 8 Artur Marques Keyboard / NO HELPS 00:46.26 not avaiable
Canyon Adventure Artur Marques Keyboard / NO HELPS 01:17.24 not avaiable
Mud Pies Artur Marques Keyboard / NO HELPS 01:34.09 not avaiable
Round & Round Artur Marques Keyboard / NO HELPS 01:36.67 not avaiable
Sierra Logging Run Artur Marques Keyboard / NO HELPS 02:23.78 not avaiable
Winding Way Artur Marques Keyboard / NO HELPS 01:33.96 not avaiable


Monster Rallies Driver Controller Best Rally Time Replay
Arizona Artur Marques Keyboard / NO HELPS 05:30.32 not avaiable
Highlands Artur Marques Keyboard / NO HELPS 03:25.86 not avaiable
Snowy Canion Artur Marques Keyboard / NO HELPS - not avaiable
Yucatan Adventure Artur Marques Keyboard / NO HELPS 05:32.04 not avaiable


Monster Tournaments Driver Controller Best Score Replay
Doug's Tournament Artur Marques Keyboard / NO HELPS 3475 not avaiable
Monster Truck Triathlon Artur Marques Keyboard / NO HELPS 1793 not avaiable
Whirlwind Circuit Madness - - - -