TAG : mouse object (.COB), created with primitives, translated from POV-Ray. Suggested directory : /pub/mirrors/truespace/objects Author and uploader : Myles Strous, myles@giaec.cc.monash.edu.au Description : A fair while back while using the Persistence of Vision Raytracer, I created a mouse object. By using trueSpace's primitives and the Object Property Panel I was able without enormous effort to translate that POV-Ray script into trueSpace (1.04). Due to it's reliance on primitives, the object shows its' heritage. I've made a start on moving the axes into place to make this object animation-ready, but it will need more work to be fully animation-ready. The textures are only simple colours and the default surface using trueSpace's paint tools - if you're going to use this object, the textures would be a good area to work on. This object is available freely to the trueSpace user community for any usage, including commercial use. Myles.