IconMini version 1.2 Copyright 1994 (c) P Jakins ------------------- Installing IconMini ----------------------- 1. Create a subdirectory for the IconMini files. Example: Using File Manager, select Create Directory in the File menu and enter "C:\WINDOWS\ICONMINI". 2. Copy the IconMini files as follows: Example: Using File Manager, either select Copy in the File menu or drag ICONMINI.EXE and ICONMINI.HLP to the new subdirectory (C:\WINDOWS\ICONMINI). Using the same method copy THREED.VBX and APIGUIDE.DLL to the C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM subdirectory. The distribution files are listed at the end of this text. (*NOTE* VBRUN300.DLL is also required in the C:\WINDOWS subdirectory. This can be obtained from all good Bulletin Board Services) 3. Create a Program Manager icon in the Startup group to run ICONMINI.EXE. Example: Open the Startup group window in Program Manager. Choose New from the File menu, select the Program Item option, then fill in the Description as "IconMini", and the Command Line as "C:\WINDOWS\ICONMINI\ICONMINI.EXE". 4. Either start it now by double-clicking on the new icon, or it will start automatically the next time windows is loaded. ------------------- Uninstalling IconMini ---------------------- 1. Make sure that IconMini is Unloaded from the configuration screen. (The configuration screen is accessed by clicking on the IconMini Bar next to the minimized icons). 2. Remove the IconMini icon from the Startup group. Example: Click on the IconMini icon in the Startup group and then press DEL. 3. Delete the IconMini subdirectory and files. Example: Using File Manager, click on the C:\WINDOWS\ICONMINI subdirectory and press DEL. WARNING: Be sure to delete ONLY IconMini files. The distribution files are listed at the end of this text. IconMini is now completely removed from the system. -------------- IconMini Distribution Files ------------------- ICONMINI.EXE Main executable file APIGUIDE.DLL Windows API call definitions THREED.VBX Visual Basic Three-D controls README.TXT Overview of IconMini INSTALL.TXT This file ORDER.TXT Information on how to register LICENSE.TXT License Agreement / Warranty Disclaimer VENDOR.TXT Information for shareware distributors FILE_ID.DIZ Description of IconMini for bulletin boards