ICONMINI version 1.2 Copyright 1994 (c) P Jakins HOW TO REGISTER Registration ($15) includes: o A license to use IconMini after the 30 day evaluation o A disk with the latest version o Notification and discount on future major upgrades o Unlimited free support via postal mail ----------------------- PAYMENT OPTIONS ---------------------- Payment can be made by international postal money order, Australian bank cheque or cash. Payment by cheque must be from an Australian Bank in Australian dollars. Site licenses: a site license for IconMini entitles an organization to receive one copy of the distribution package and duplicate the distribution disk for the specified number of computers. _________________________________________________________________ ICONMINI REGISTRATION FORM / INVOICE Remit to: Paul Jakins 12 Rochele Court Woodvale, 6026 Western Australia Single Copy ____ copies at $15 each = ______ Site License 5 to 19 computers: ____ computers at $12 each = ______ 20 to 49 computers: ____ computers at $10 each = ______ 50+ computers: ____ computers at $8 each = ______ Shipping & handling: $5 Australia, $8 overseas ______ Total payment ______ A 3.5" disk is sent unless a 5.25" disk is requested. Name: ______________________ Date:___________ Company: _______________________________________ Address: _______________________________________ _______________________________________ City, State, Zip: _______________________________________ Country: _______________________________________ Day Phone: ______________ Eve: _________________ Email Address: _______________________________________ How did you hear about IconMini? ___________________ Comments: