EZINI 1.3 Information. (EZINI Copyright © 1994, Rick Green, all rights reserved) -What is EZINI? EZINI is a windows application that makes editing windows INI files easy; you just click on the filename, section and entry, then type in the new value. Each entry is explained so you know what you're changing. -What do I need to run EZINI? You need Microsoft Windows 3.1 and a hard disk. -How do I install EZINI? Run the INSTALL.EXE program from windows. INSTALL will create a directory on your C: drive, C:\EZINI, then copy the EZINI files to that directory. INSTALL will then create a program group and items in program manager. -Why should I use EZINI? EZINI makes is easier and faster to edit your initialization files. It also explains each file, section and entry, so you know what you're changing when you make a change. EZINI won't allow you to type a string where a boolean (on/off) value is supposed to go. It won't let you type 500 where the number is supposed to range from 1 to 49. -Is it hard to use? No. There is full on-line help available from the application, just click on the HELP button. -How do I use EZINI? These are the steps you take to use EZINI: 1. Load EZINI. 2. Select the INI filename from the FILE list box. 3. Select the Section fron the SECTION list box. 4. Select the Entry from the ENTRY list box. 5. Type the new value in the VALUE edit box, press CHANGE VALUE, and the entry has been changed. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - EZINI IS SHAREWARE!!!!!!! -What is SHAREWARE? Shareware is software that is freely distributed to people so they can try it before they buy it. When you receive a copy of a shareware program, you are given a specified period of time, in which you may decide if you like the program and find it useful. If you do like the program, or continue to use the program past the specified period of time, you MUST send a registration fee to the author of the program. When you register EZINI, you will receive an updated version of the program on disk and printed documentation. EZINI registration is US$10.95 or CAN$14.95. You may try this program for 30 days, at the end of which you MUST register it or discontinue using it. You are free to pass this program, in its original, unmodified form, to anyone you wish. If you find this program useful, or use it past the 30 day limit, please send a check or money order for the above amount to: Rick Green 513 Riverdale Ave. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1S 1S3 *Please specify 3 1/2" or 5 1/4" floppy disk format. You can use the included file ORDER.FRM to order EZINI. If you have any questions, or comments regarding EZINI, please write to the above address. Just as a reminder, you may try EZINI for 30 days, after which you MUST remit the above amount to register the program, or discontinue using the program. PLEASE SUPPORT THE SHAREWARE CONCEPT. - - - -CONDITIONS AND LICENSE INFO - - - - Conditions under which this software may be copied and distributed: Individual user may freely copy this software and share it with friends and family. Nonprofit groups (including user groups and BBS's) may distribute copies of this software. A fee of no more than $6 may be charged to cover disk copying costs. Disk distributors may charge no more that $10 per disk for copies of this software. Anyone distributing copies of this software, whether for profit or as a nonprofit organization, must conform to the following: The files included with this software may not be modified or adapted in any way. All of the files provided must be distributed together. Individual files or groups of files may not be sold separately. Additional files may be added and this software may be combined on a disk with other programs. This software may not be represented as anything other that shareware and the shareware concept must be explained in any ad or catalog that includes this software and on any packaging used to display the disk. You must immediately stop selling/distributing copies of this disk upon notification from the author. --WARRANTY-- THE PROGRAM IS SUPPLIED "AS IS". NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND EXPRESS OR IMPLIED ARE MADE AS TO IT OR ANY MEDIUM IT MAY BE ON. WE WILL PROVIDE NO REMEDY FROM FOR INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES ARRISING FROM IT, INCLUDING SUCH FROM NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY, OR BREACH OF WARRANTY OR CONTRACT, EVEN AFTER NOTICE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.