Relentless: Twinsen`s Adv. (Northern) *** WALKTHRU FOR NORTHERN HEMISPHERE OF RELENTLESS *** 1. At the top of the ski lift, go between any 2 same colored flags. 2. At the bottom, head East to the edge, and then North till you come to the exit to the Rabbibunny Village. 3. Speak with all 3 Rabbibunnies before leaving. 4. Jump off the ledge. 5. Slay the marching guard. 6. Go Southeast, and speak with the Sailor at the dock. 7. Head slowly North and kill the Red Grobo from a distance by throwing magic ball 8. Take his key. 9. Go into the building. 10. Speak with Green Grobo. 11. Wait on the South side of that subway car till he opens the gate for you. 12. Walk to the car. 13. Don't follow the Green Grobo! 14. After the ride, go to your right when the clone robot passes. 15. Using discreet mode, watch the walking guard wearing white. 16. Run past him between the red alarm button and kill him (before he reaches the alarm. 17. Walk to the stairs, watch the Rabbibunny clone and kill him by lobbing the magic ball. 18. Go up the stairs and head to the left side. 19. Use magic ball to kill scientist & all 4 mutant parts. 20. Go left in discreet mode, position yourself just behind the 2 barrels, then lob your magic ball to kill guard ahead in white. 21. Keep trying until this works, or just move a little bit to the left. 22. After killing the guard, throw magic ball in the pit to kill both bouncing clones. 23. Walk back, straight through the empty mutant room and to the left being careful not to fall off walkway, 24. then right to the control room. 25. Kill the guard in white at the control room. 26. Move all three levers up. 27. Exit and make your way back to the subway car. 28. Fight the clones again. 29. At the subway car, go left, kill the clone robot, then proceed forward and stop to the left of the bottom of the stairs. 30. Throw your magic ball to kill the mutant crab. 31. Ignore the Red and Green Grobos and go forward and to the left. 32. Take the green cart back to the Rabbibunny Village. 33. Speak with all 3 Rabbibunnies again. 34. When one of them opens the Carrot Door, follow him. 35. Head through the Carrot Door. 36. Go left, and kill the guard to take the key. 37. Head through the locked gate and kill all 3 guards. 38. Climb to the top of the bunker. 39. Note the guard. 40. Go across the bridge along the right side, being careful not to fall off and use blue card to open gate. 41. Run towards the top-right corner of screen, and kill marching guard there and take the key. 42. Use a clover for maximum health. 43. Watch Red Grobo marching below right, and walk to bottom-right of screen. 44. Jump down and open gate when Red Grobo is at other end, then climb back up quickly. 45. Lob the magic ball in discreet mode at Red Grobo as he marches by and turns around. 46. After killing Red Grobo, jump down, walk to end of dock, then turn left. 47. At Clear Water Lake, select & use magic flute there. 48. Take the airboat to Tippett. 49. Speak to clone and Green Grobo. 50. Head to the barrel, up the stairs, and purchase a meca-penquin and more gas. 51. Go across bridge and talk to Funky Guy. 52. Purchase all his information. 53. Head West till you come to the fisherman. 54. Speak with fisherman. 55. Take the center walkway on way back. 56. Go into the locked gate, walk slowly forward staying on the right. 57. Throw the ball at the 2 elephants, killing 1 elephant. 58. Walk into cafe. 59. Speak with the entertainer on stage. 60. Speak with bartender. 61. Take the airboat to Hamalayi so you can return to White Leaf Desert and exchange your magic flute for 62. the desert guy's guitar. 63. At Hamalayi, walk left, and go through the Carrot Door. 64. Go to the hole that puts you back at the Military Base. 65. Speak with Rabbibunny first if you need an extra clover. 66. Drop down the hole, staying on the ledge, walk to the left, kill the guard, then walk left to the end of the ledge. 67. Drop down on the left side of the fence. 68. Run left past the machine guns and go to the bottom left of the screen again. 69. Continue left in the next screen too until you reach your yellow catamaran. 70. Take yellow catamaran to White Leaf Desert to trade for the guitar. 71. Be wary of the guard who comes out shooting from the outhouse. 72. Exchange your magic flute with the man-in-the-desert's guitar. 73. Take yellow catamaran to Principal Island to get architect's plans in the fort. 74. Once on Principal Island, purchase a meca-penquin if you don't have one. 75. Attack the fort from the front left side. 76. Run up to the green guard in the trench on the left side and quickly kill him with the magic ball. 77. Jump into the trench, walk right and climb out when you see the ladder. 78. Walk and go up the stairway without shooting at anything else. 79. Go left and use the Red Card to open the gate. 80. Run past the open gate, then stop facing both Red Grobos, release the meca-penquin, then walk backwards 81. behind the safety of the gate pillar. 82. The meca-penquin should kill both Red Grobos. 83. Use the Blue Card on the next gate. 84. Standing at the entrance to that gate, toss the magic ball to kill the yellow Rabbibunny clone, and the White Grobo which appears after. 85. Take the key and enter FunFrock's fort carefully. 86. Toss the magic ball twice immediately at the guard in white before he trips the alarm. 87. Head left, then down to the right side of screen first. 88. Kill the second guy in white and take his key, then walk back over to the left side of screen. 89. Kill the yellow Rabbibunny clone, walk down, open the door to FunFrock's office. 90. Stand and lob the magic ball at the Green Grobo. 91. Speak with the Sailor in the jail cell. 92. Use his key on the safe. 93. Read the note in the safe carefully. 94. Head back up the stairs and go down the stairs on the other side, and open the jail cell. 95. Speak with the Rabbibunny,. 96. Go back to the Green Cart. 97. Take your yellow catamaran to Citadel Island. 98. Speak with that Rabbibunny running around just outside your home, after catching him. 99. Follow him to his house. 100. Speak with him inside and carefully note what he says. 101. Take his ID Pass. 102. Head to the Tavern and defeat the Red Grobo outside and a Green Grobo inside. 103. Then use his key on the locked tavern cellar door. 104. Go all the way back to Tippett Island in the Northern Hemisphere. 105. On the way, get 3 clovers on the iceberg when landing at Hamalayi. 106. On Tippett Island, purchase a meca-penquin if you don't have one and also life & magic. 107. Go to the cafe. 108. Get past the 2 elephant thieves. 109. Give the guitar to the entertainer on stage. 110. Speak with the bartender. 111. In the basement, kill the green blob, then walk to very edge of stairs near the right corner. 112. After the crab pinches you, it will pause, run onto it's back. 113. Ride around on the crab's back several times for timing purposes, and, as it nears the right stairway on the other side, jump off onto the stairway in athletic mode. 114. Kill the mantis in the next screen. 115. Climb the ladder, drop down the hole to find the key. 116. Climb the ladder again and go through gate. 117. In athletic mode, run past the snakes, down the stairway, to the ladder. 118. Climb the ladder, find the flying dragon, and speak with the dragon. 119. Head to Fortress Island and speak with both Rabbibunnies there. 120. Head to Brundle Island and use the Architect's ID to get in. 121. Destroy the Teleportation Center. 122. Head to Brundle Isle and give the Architect's ID Card to the guard. 123. Enter through the gate, head towards the left side of the building and speak with the Rabbibunny found there. 124. Climb the ladder on the building and walk forward to the painted wall. 125. Blow Gawley's Horn and a hole will appear. 126. Go into the Teleportation Center. 127. Kill the Red Grobo on the right using the meca-penquin released on the stairs and get his key. 128. Creep up to the guard in white and lob the magic ball to kill him before he sets off the alarm. 129. Go to the top right of the screen. 130. Use the digital keypad on the door. 131. Get another meca-penquin for use on the yellow Rabbibunny clone in the tape-deck room. 132. Head to the room having the tape decks. 133. Released the meca-penquin near the second tape-deck. 134. The yellow Rabbibunny tends to find it and goes crazy giving you a chance to lob magic balls at him. 135. Kill the Rabbibunny Clone. 136. Go down the hallway, go to the left, use the Action key in Normal mode on the first barrel to get the key to 137. the locked door. Select and use a clover for maximum 138. health and magic. 139. After entering the locked door, run straight down the hallway up to the Rabbibunny Clone, quickly select and use the sword, select Aggressive mode, then attack the clone pressing the Alt key. 140. Then kill the scientist who is pressing the button to call more clones. 141. Attack whatever other clones appear there. 142. Use the sword, destroy the red switches for every clone machine along the left side. 143. Head down the stairway, kill the scientist, then destroy the main Teleportation console. 144. Leave the Teleportation Center by jumping out through the broken wall at the bottom right of the screen nearest the FunFrock statue. 145. Head to the left behind the statue and drop down. 146. Take the dragon to Fortress Island. 147. Meet with the Rabbibunnies there. 148. After you kill the guards and tank, one will now dig a hole for you to enter the fortress. 149. Open the locked gate, then look for and follow the Rabbibunny who digs a hole. 150. Enter the hole and observe the pattern of the volcano stuff. 151. Run straight ahead, jump up to the next level, then select and use your sword. 152. Jump to the next level, select Aggressive mode, and use the Alt key to battle the monster. 153. Choose Athletic mode, jump to the top-left corner and take the mushroom & key. 154. Go down to the top-right corner of screen, read the sign, then turn the wheel water valve in Normal mode, Action key. 155. Climb the ladder to the left of the sign. 156. Should the pool not be drained, go back and turn the wheel some more and repeat as necessary. 157. Drop down into drained pool, select and use a clover for maximum health. 158. Select and use sword, select Aggressive mode. 159. Walk towards right of pool. 160. Kill both flying Grobos. 161. Climb the ladder at right corner of the pool. 162. Walk right, kill the guard, get the key and release Girlfriend Clone. 163. Listen to the sequence. 164. Escape from prison as before. 165. Once through locked gate, select & use sword, select Aggressive mode, and kill the Girlfriend Clone. 166. Use the key on door to right. 167. Take the inventory from the locker. 168. Go through the corridor exit at top of the screen. 169. Ignore the sewer grating. 170. Once inside clone room, do not disturb the clones. 171. Go to the rear left corner of the room. 172. Blow Gawley's Horn in front of the Seal of Sendel. 173. Enter the wall, read the Stone, then select and use Clear Water on Stone. 174. After the sequence, walk towards the top of screen around all the wreckage. 175. Leave through the top of the screen, and run around the tractor towards the construction worker. 176. Kill the construction worker and get and use the key on the gate. 177. Run straight up the middle following them truck tracks, through all construction scenes till end of island. Don't stop to kill anything. 178. At end of the island, go to left, speak with Green Grobo, get and use his key on the nearby tractor. 179. After the animation sequence, run right, jump up to next level, run left, kill the worker with jackhammer. Run a bit past the pile of bricks and jump up to next level. 180. When the yellow tractor leaves, run up to the 2 wooden blocks, jump to top block if possible up to next level. 181. Go to the right corner, wait for the tractor, run around it to very end of road to the far right, drop down to escape the tractor. 182. Kill the worker to get the key. 183. Drop all the way down to the lower level. 184. Walk left along the bottom, then kill worker at the locked gate. 185. Head through the gate, select and use sword and select Aggressive mode. 186. Go slowly towards stone mountain. 187. Kill the worker that will suddenly appear behind you. 188. Select Discreet mode and lob magic balls at the other 2 workers. 189. To the left of the small pile of rocks, is a ladder on the stone mountain. Climb up to the top. 190. Select and use the sword and select Aggressive mode. 191. Fight Dr. FunFrock. 192. Jump up to where your real girlfriend is waiting. 193. Blow Gawley's Horn on Seal and then drop down. 194. After falling, immediately select and use a green clover for maximum health & magic. 195. Select your sword, and Aggressive mode and be ready to battle the Doc.