Renegade: Battle For Jacob`s Star 1. Fire quickly when you see an enemy launch a missile. 2. Not all enemy missiles can be dodged; Some have to be shot. 3. To resurrect your pilot, go to your game data file (.plr extension) and change the line that reads "state dead" to "state alive", using a text editor. 4. When you are being chased by a ship, head towards it at maximum speed and just as you pass it, press the "/" key. Then get behind it and fire. 5. It is important to examine each ship's speed and weapon type. 6. The ship with the best mix of firepower and speed is the Avenger. 7. Send out wingmen (press shft+w) when your ship has detected enemy craft. 8. Overspeeding will burn out your engine. 9. Read the "readme.txt" file for useful tips. 10. If game play is proving too difficult to complete, set the Game Configuration to: -TOG shields: low -Weapons range: low -power: low -Renegade legion factor: high -Turning ability: low -Turn off invulnerability, no collisions and infinite missiles.