***************************************** 10:17PM 2/8/96 * The Siege of Theran-Tiras, Part 1 * ***************************************** Prologue ========= The gleam of steel in the morning sunlight can be seen from the walls of the distant city as your small band of orcs prepare to lay siege to the city of Theran-Tiras. Your orders from Doomhammer are simple, to envade the city and slay each and every human within. The small city of Theran-Tiras has been a thorn in the side of your leader for the duration of the war. Theran-Tiras is the main food supplier for the Alliance and has also become the hub of the trading route that is providing your enemies much needed income. Theran-Tiras splintered off originally from a trading colony loyal to the Nation of Kul-Tiras. Years later, Theran-Tiras was found to be a excellent source of food and lumber to the humans of Azeroth in the First War against your orcish breathen. Now that Kul-Tiras directly affects the politics of the Alliance, Theran-Tiras has had the support, as well as the gold, to prosper. The King of Theran-Tiras is Joranan Tesan III. He has ruled over Theran-Tiras for years with a fair and just hand. His fair ruling has caused the people of the city to work tirelessly at the farms and mills. Tesan resides at the palace of Tiaman in the center of the city and is guarded by the Seven Slayers. The Seven Slayers are an elite caste of knights sworn to protect the king and uphold the laws of the realm. The Seven Slayers are led by a man known only as The Interposing Hand. All that your band knows about this man is that he is not human. Rumors among the lower clans suggest that that The Interposing Hand was a Death Knight who broke the binding spell and reclaimed his soul, then joined the Alliance with a thirst for orcish blood. You now know the incredible strength of your enemy. The warhorn sounds, a testimate to the massive slaughter which will ensue in moments. You look into the eyes of your troops one last time, they welcome the slaughter, welcome their death, welcome to Warcraft. Help ====== To use this Warcraft 2 map, unzip it to your Warcraft 2 directory, run theran1.pud from the custom game menu and let the slaughter begin!! Specs ======= CREATOR: Arcanar FILE SIZE: 76k (zipped) DATE FINISHED (VER1.0): 10:42PM 2/8/96 NUMBER OF PLAYERS: 1 or 2 NUMBER OF OPPONENTS: Find out for yourself!! Muhuhahahaha!!!!!! DIFFICULTY: HARD TO MODERATE MAP SIZE: MEDIUM TERRAIN: FOREST RESOURCES: HIGH (YOU'LL NEED EM!) STARTING RACE: ORCS NPC'S: NONE STARTING COLOR: BLACK CRITTERS: NONE (STUPID SHEEP.) Information ============= "The Siege of Theran-Tiras" is part 1 of the "Campaign for Theran-Tiras" which will be a 4 part series. Part 2, "The Magic of Theran-Tiras" will include 6 to 8 player network play as well as a much bigger map. Part 2 will be out by May or as fast as I can make the scenario so that the coumputer isn't stupid and gets stuck in trees, critters and other stuff. Check out some other cool maps like Xwar.pud (GREAT 4 player network game!) and 4army.pud (with computer controlled allies who do something!). I also have made some really funny theme scenarios too numerous to list here! IMPORTANT!! ============== You may pass this scenario along to anyone you wish, provided this UNALTERED readme file is included. I will appreciate any ideas or comments you have about this or any of my other scenarios and if you wish, I can contact you about future maps. You can contact me at CanisLupis@worldnet.att.net Thank you. THIS IS THE END, NOW GO PLAY!!!