Issue 159 (September) of Acorn User
Regular columns
- News: Details of the new machines, and Acorn's Education Agents scheme.
- Graphics: details of Top Model and the Digital Darkroom.
- Comms: the Acorn WWW site.
- DTP: A makeover performed on a magazine.
- Public domain: Demo round-up.
- Business: news on ArcShare.
- Education: Sherston's listening stories.
- Portables: Canon's new portable printers.
- Letters: Peter Wild hits back, and readers muse about the StrongARM chip.
- Game show: two pages of cheats, hints and tips.
- The Moxon Interview: Pat Cleaver from Minerva Software.
Cover disc
- A demo version of Sherston Software's Plantwise.
- The excellent hard disc backup utility ClicBack.
- Lorem Ipsum generator.
- Plus all the regular features.
Hands on
Our regular technical columns:
- Run the RISC: Mike Cookës hardware series - upgrading your printer port.
- Questions and answers: The hints and tips column.
- Absolute beginners: Our section for novices does some jargon-busting.
- C for yourself: Our C tutorial covers linked lists.
- Acorn customer hotline: Dave Walker from Acorn gives exclusive advice to all.
- *INFO: The usual four pages of programming anarchy, as the Daves Acton and Lawrence present
offerings from our readers and themselves. This month - yet another lotter
predictor, naming your machine, moulding text and the usual graphics goodies.
The Education section
- Quill Marketing's range of iron-on transfers examined, with an exculsive
offer for Acorn User readers.
- How Junior Pinpoint can be used in the classroom.
- Compiling a family record on your Archimedes.
We review:
- The updated Sibelius 7.
- Textease - a cheap, easy to use DTP package.
- ClearView 2 - a budget hypertext generator.
- Movie FS - including a special offer to Acorn User readers.
- CineWorks - Oregan's excellent Replay editing package.
- The MicroTek scanner from Iota Software.
- Simon the Sorcerer on CD-ROM
- Codename Kryten - the A7000 and Risc PC 700 are here; we take a look.
- I wrote that... - Clive Gringras talks about writing Elite.
- A thousand and one tools - Steve Turnbull reveals all about Taos.
- Good-looking logos - how to turn large bitmap images into font characters to reduce file sizes.
- Online in the Acorn World - a preview of Acorn's plans for the Acorn World show, including an artist's impression of the Cyber Café.
- Details of the Detritus competition.