Issue 168 (May) of Acorn User, on sale now
- BBS -- the software, the sysops and the future
- Norfilms Media Computing
- We review some books that might help new PC users (just this once)
Cover disc
- Neurotron Software's "Optical" character recognition software
- plus *INFO programs, all the regulars
Regular columns
- Hotline - Hot news and answer from Acorn
- Comms - Nexus BBS; URL of the month; Tower Electronics connections;
ARMature BBS/Online; WWW Resources
- PD Pages - ARM's & Dangerous interview; AU PD Scheme; Where_UK? (is it
geographical or philosophical?); Hiper-text; Event Shell update; megaboard;
New PD Competition; VZap.
- Game Show - Gameon 2; Pogs; Global Effect
- Networks - DataPower networked (DP Server); Mac FTPing; Tip of the Month; Managing a network
- The Regan Files - interviewing Richenda Wood of Livewire PR
Hands on
Our regular technical columns:
- Run the RISC - More on Mike Cook's whizzy LED thingy
- Hotline - The latest system module list from Acorn
- C for yourself - how to put up a menu
- Hints and tips
- Faxing
- AnDi Oddules
- SCSI resistor packs
- Risc PC User Port
- Upgrading A3000's
- Heavyweight maths
- Boot Apps for pre-RISC OS 3.5
- Hneftafl game
- More music
- PaddleWar game (!)
- Ultimate sliding blocks
- An old puzzle revisited
- Waterfall
- Quick graphical demos