Issue 185 (September 1997) of Acorn User
- News - Acorn heralds the return of AcornSoft
- Free Ads - Our free service to help you buy and sell Acorn goodies
- Letters - Air your views on the pages of Acorn User
- The Regan Files - Gavin and Gareth Simpson of Simtec
- Graphics - Professional colour printing
- Comms - The Viewdata revival
- Public Domain - Era demo, Pass me Drivin'
- Business - Creating professional tables
- Portables - More information on the Artisan
- Comparative review of Web Design Software - See product details
- Get Connected - The first part of our series looking at the Acorn Netstation
- All boxed up - A review of Tablemate Designer from Dalriada
- Score well with Music Studio 32 - Making music with logotron
- Bigger and Better - Enhance your graphics with ViVID7000
- Keeping in the Picture - How to improve your photography skills
- Unravelling the Threads - Need help with your embroidery designs?
- Acorn virtuality part six - The final part in our series on arcade game creation.
![Cover Disc](/file/20943/AUCD3.iso/acornuser/www/issueimgs/cover.gif)
- *INFO - Graphical wonderment
- MarsquakeII - Free arcade game
- Sherston Upgrades
![Hands On](/file/20943/AUCD3.iso/acornuser/www/issueimgs/hands.gif)
Our regular technical columns:
- *INFO - Prepare for attack!
- C for yourself - Introducing the font manager
- Rambles through Acorn Wood - More hints and tips from Mike Cook
- Mind blowin - Mike sets to on a new project
- Editorial - What's hot in the education world ?