Issue 186 (October 1997) of Acorn User
- News - Acorn nets the world's biggest company
- Free Ads - Our free service to help you buy and sell Acorn goodies
- Letters - Air your views on the pages of Acorn User
- The Regan Files - Edward Detyna of the Electronic Font Foundry
- Graphics - Cutting edge clip art
- Comms - Spam and Anti-spam; the Junk email menace
- Public Domain - Revelation'97 report
- PC - Problems with installing the PC card
- Music and Audio - XG sound editor and MIDI interfaces from Q-tec
- Rocking and reeling - MidiWorks, the MIDI sequencer studio
- Checking out the NetStation - We take a more in-depth look at Acorn's Internet navigator
- The art of conversation - iXRC IRC client from QuadWorks
- Psion's famous five - The newest Psion palmtop
- Making sense out of statistics - Using stats to your advantage
- Success Stories - A new series meeting key companies in the Acorn market
- Acorn World 97 - All the latest news and information
- Blowing away the cobwebs - Our new series on creating and maintaining a website
- *INFO - Graphical wonderment
- Apple IIe Emulator
- Studio32
Our regular technical columns:
- *INFO - Prepare for attack!
- C for yourself - Introducing the font manager
- Rambles through Acorn Wood - More hints and tips from Mike Cook
- How do you make a cross assembler - Producing the files to feed the blower from last month's project
- Editorial - What's hot in the education world ?
- Write on! - All about handwriting and more