Title: Jinxter
Links: None
Supplier: Magnetic Scrolls
Players: 1
Type: Adventure
Needs: OS 2: ? OS 3: Yes RPC: Yes SA: No
Title: K.V.
Tries to imitate the classic Chuckie Egg and fails dismally.
The lack of variety is so real it just isn't true. Very badly designed, and
a complete lack of anything approaching playability. Avoid.
Links: None
Supplier: High Risc Software Developments
Players: 1
Type: Single screen Platform
Needs: OS 2: No OS 3: Yes RPC: ? SA: ?
Title: Kaptain Konflict
Links: None
Supplier: Unknown
Players: 1
Type: Commando
Needs: OS 2: Yes OS 3: ? RPC: ? SA: No
Title: Karma: The Flight Trainer (£25)
Karma is one of the most eagerly awaited Acorn games - and has
been for many, many years! May yet see the light of delay, although don't
hold your breath. This was a rather dry introduction to the flight model.
I think you really need to love physics and astronomy to enjoy this to the full!
Some problems reported with StrongARM use.
Links: None
Supplier: Periscope Software
Players: 1
Type: Elite
Needs: OS 2: ? OS 3: Yes RPC: Yes SA: ?
Title: Kerbang!
Pretty terrible Tetris-related game - catch/avoid bombs as they fall down
the screen. Boring.
Links: None
Supplier: Eterna
Players: 1
Type: Tetris
Needs: OS 2: Yes OS 3: ? RPC: ? SA: ?
Title: Killer Bugs
Links: None
Supplier: CIS
Players: 1
Type: Arcade
Needs: OS 2: ? OS 3: ? RPC: Game On SA: ?
Title: Krisalis Collection (£30)
Mad Professor Mariarti, Pipemania, Terramex and Revelation.
Revelation won't work with StrongARM - see individual entries for other titles.
Links: None
Supplier: Krisalis
Players: 1
Type: Compilation
Needs: OS 2: ? OS 3: ? RPC: ? SA: ?
Title: Last Cybermoch, The (£10)
Simple one-way scrolling horizontal platform game. Aimed at young
games players and won't hold the interest of older players. Some very
dodgy collision detection! Generation Design offer a free 14-day trial of their games
before purchase.
Links: None
Supplier: Generation Design
Players: 1
Type: Platform
Needs: 1MB OS 2: Yes OS 3: Yes RPC: Yes SA: ?
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