A proposed new game from Dave Sharpe is Tellomere, a strategy game set in a fantasy world, featuring pint-sized characters wandering around and attacking each other, capturing monsters and gaining weapons and spells. It sounds pretty much like a standard battle strategy game - precisely like Crystal Warriors on the Sega Game Gear, or the fight sequences in the Shining Force series on the Megadrive, in fact.
As the game progresses you gain both money and extra characters, with new classes becoming available as you get further into the game, although the complexity of the enemy grows with you.
The game is being written in BASIC and assembly language, using Andy Southgate's sprite plotting libraries, and the author is keen to find graphics artists to help him ensure the game looks as good as possible when finished. Playable on any RISC OS machine that can display a mode 28 screen, the game will require at least 2Mb of RAM.
What's done so far is looking promising, and release is hoped for sometime within the next few months.
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